Tell Congress: Protect Federal Anti-Hunger Programs
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2017 Email to Target Template - No Progress Bar | |
Email Your Congressman and Stand Up to the White House | |
2017 Email to Target Template | |
Email Your Congressman and Stand Up to the White House | |
2017 Budget Action | |
Email Your Congressman and Stand Up to the White House | |
Tell DHS: Don't make parents choose between food and their families | |
Tell Secretary Nielsen: Oppose the Public Charge Rule | |
Tell DHS: Don't make parents choose between food and families | |
Tell Secretary Nielsen: Oppose the Public Charge Rule | |
Take Action on Child Nutrition Reauthorization | |
Tell your lawmaker: Reauthorize CNR | |
The White House has finalized a rule to restrict legal immigration based on use or potential use of public benefits like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). | |
Tell the Mayor: Restore Funding for Breakfast in the Classroom | |
Urge Mayor de Blasio to restore funding for school breakfast! | |
PA Teacher - Breakfast | |
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, especially for children. Nearly 13 million children in this country facing hunger and we need to start somewhere-- let's start by making breakfast after the bell a reality. | |
TELL CONGRESS: Support Kids. Protect SNAP | |
Email Congress Today | |
Celebrating Summer EBT: Thank Your Governor | |
As your state plans and prepares to implement Summer EBT for the first time ever, please consider extending your excitement and gratitude to your Governor for making this important investment towards ending summer hunger. | |
Call Your Rep - May Recess 2017 | |
Call your rep and tell them to protect SNAP | |
TELL CONGRESS: Cutting Programs Hurts Kids 2025 | |
Right now, Congress is considering massive cuts to critical anti-hunger and poverty programs like SNAP, WIC and school and summer meals as part of its budget plans. | |
2017 Email to Target Thank You Template | |
Email Your Congressman and Stand Up to the White House | |
Tell Your Lawmaker to Protect SNAP-ED | |
Email Your Congressman and Stand Up to the White House | |
TELL CONGRESS: Don't Shut Down the Government | |
Email Congress Today | |
TELL CONGRESS: Protect Kids from Hunger | |
New data shows 1 in 5 kids in the U.S. are living with hunger. That's over 13 million children - a huge jump from a year ago. Urge your legislators to support families and kids by protecting the policies and programs we know work | |
TELL CONGRESS: Expand the Child Tax Credit | |
A bipartisan group of Congressional leaders have introduced a bill that would expand the Child Tax Credit, a highly effective and proven tool to lift kids out of poverty. This is an important step in the right direction but we need your help. | |
TELL CONGRESS: Support Kids. Strengthen SNAP. | |
Nearly 22 million kids across the country rely on the free and reduced-price meals they receive at school. As schools close in response to the coronavirus, hungry kids are losing the food they depend on. | |
Nearly 22 million kids across the country rely on the free and reduced-price meals they receive at school. As schools close in response to the coronavirus, hungry kids are losing the food they depend on. | |
TELL USDA: Feed Kids. Extend Child Nutrition Waivers | |
Tell the USDA to extend all nationwide child nutrition waivers through the entire 2020-2021 school year. | |
Tell Candidates Not to Forget About Kids | |
Children don't vote, and they don't contribute to political campaigns. But their voices and interests matter, just as much as any adult. | |
Tell Congress to Extend Critical Meal Flexibilities for Kids | |
To make sure kids continue to get the food they need, Congress must authorize USDA to grant nationwide nutrition waivers as needed through the 2022-2023 school year. Contact Congress TODAY and urge them to do this quickly. | |
URGENT: Take action for hungry kids | |
Right now, Congress is making critical decisions about policies that help feed kids. We have a small but important window of opportunity to make sure these policies make it into this year's reconciliation bill, which is being drafted right now. | |
Sign the Petition: Extend Child Nutrition Waivers | |
Email Congress Today | |
Leif Z Sanbox - Internal Use Only | |
Right now, Congress is making critical decisions about policies that help feed kids. We have a small but important window of opportunity to make sure these policies make it into this year's reconciliation bill, which is being drafted right now. | |
Tell Congress: Kids do not need to be hungry | |
Kids do not need to be hungry. In fact, we have made unprecedented progress to end childhood hunger over the past decade. There are solutions right in front of us. | |
Federal Action Alert Template | |
New data shows 1 in 5 kids in the U.S. are living with hunger. That's over 13 million children - a huge jump from a year ago. Urge your legislators to support families and kids by protecting the policies and programs we know work | |
Encourage Your Governor to End Summer Hunger | |
As states and communities begin implementing traditional summer meals as well as new programs like rural non-congregate meals and Summer EBT, more nutritious meals will be available to millions of kids this summer. | |
General advocacy message to use on policy and action center pages for the summer of 2017. | |
Encourage Your Governor to End Summer Hunger | |
As states and communities begin implementing traditional summer meals as well as new programs like rural non-congregate meals and Summer EBT, more nutritious meals will be available to millions of kids this summer. | |
No child should go hungry in a nation with plenty of food. | |
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, especially for children. Nearly 13 million children in this country facing hunger and we need to start somewhere-- let's start by making breakfast after the bell a reality. | |
No child should go hungry in a nation with plenty of food. | |
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, especially for children. Nearly 13 million children in this country facing hunger and we need to start somewhere-- let's start by making breakfast after the bell a reality. | |
Celebrating Summer EBT: Thank Your Governor | |
As your state plans and prepares to implement Summer EBT for the first time ever, please consider extending your excitement and gratitude to your Governor for making this important investment towards ending summer hunger. | |
Celebrating Summer EBT: Thank Your Governor | |
As your state plans and prepares to implement Summer EBT for the first time ever, please consider extending your excitement and gratitude to your Governor for making this important investment towards ending summer hunger. | |
Celebrating Summer EBT: Thank Your Governor | |
As your state plans and prepares to implement Summer EBT for the first time ever, please consider extending your excitement and gratitude to your Governor for making this important investment towards ending summer hunger. | |
Celebrating Summer EBT: Thank Your Governor | |
As your state plans and prepares to implement Summer EBT for the first time ever, please consider extending your excitement and gratitude to your Governor for making this important investment towards ending summer hunger. | |
TELL CONGRESS:Protect Kids. Vote NO on the House Farm Bill | |
This bill would be detrimental to kids nationwide and we need your help. Write to your Representative in Congress today and urge them to vote NO on a Farm Bill that undermines SNAP and hurts kids. | |
Celebrating Summer EBT: Thank Your Governor | |
As your state plans and prepares to implement Summer EBT for the first time ever, please consider extending your excitement and gratitude to your Governor for making this important investment towards ending summer hunger. | |
URGENT: Tell Mayor Adams to restore $60M to school meals NOW | |
As the largest school district in the nation providing approximately 850,000 meals per day, this funding reduction will have a devastating impact on meal operations and on kids. | |
Celebrating Summer EBT: Thank Your Governor | |
As your state plans and prepares to implement Summer EBT for the first time ever, please consider extending your excitement and gratitude to your Governor for making this important investment towards ending summer hunger. | |
Celebrating Summer EBT: Thank Your Governor | |
As your state plans and prepares to implement Summer EBT for the first time ever, please consider extending your excitement and gratitude to your Governor for making this important investment towards ending summer hunger. | |
TELL CONGRESS: Cutting Programs Hurts Kids | |
Right now, Congress is considering massive cuts to critical anti-hunger and poverty programs like SNAP, WIC and school and summer meals as part of its budget plans. | |
TELL CONGRESS: Cutting SNAP Hurts Kids | |
SNAP, or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, is one of the most powerful tools we have to end childhood hunger. | |
Tell Congress not to cut off kids | |
Advo to protect funding for food stamps (now called SNAP -- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), which lifted 1.7 million children out of poverty. | |
Governor Kemp and the Georgia state legislature have the opportunity to fund and implement Summer EBT, a federal grocery benefit that provides $120 per eligible child over the summer. | |
The Summer EBT program, which provides $120 per eligible child for eligible families to purchase groceries over the summer months, has proven to be a crucial resource for many Tennessee households, helping more than 650,000 kids statewide last year. | |
Email Your Congressman | |
Tell Your Lawmaker to Protect SNAP-Ed | |
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is one of our nation's most powerful tools for ending childhood hunger. But eating healthy food and stretching limited SNAP dollars isn't always easy. | |
Tell your Governor: Kids are Powered by Breakfast | |
Tell your Governor: Kids are Powered by Breakfast | |
Tell your Lawmakers to protect the programs that feed hungry kids | |
Email Congress Today | |
Celebrating Summer EBT: Thank Your Governor | |
As your state plans and prepares to implement Summer EBT for the first time ever, please consider extending your excitement and gratitude to your Governor for making this important investment towards ending summer hunger. | |
Celebrating Summer EBT: Thank Your Governor | |
As states and communities begin implementing traditional summer meals as well as new programs like rural non-congregate meals and Summer EBT, more nutritious meals will be available to millions of kids this year. | |
WELCOME BACK CONGRESS: Protect Kids from Hunger | |
With elected leaders - both new and returning - back in Washington, now is the time to take action to ensure children and families are top of mind this legislative session. |