Host a Bake Sale for
No Kid Hungry and Bake
a Difference Today!
1 in 7 kids in America Live with Hunger. Every $10 you raise can feed a child up to 100 meals. Every cookie and cupcake can make a difference.
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Host a Bake Sale for No Kid Hungry and Bake a Difference Today!
Now is a great time to sign up and host a Bake Sale for No Kid Hungry. Join us in this fun and rewarding event, and help raise money to feed hungry children in the U.S. 1 in 7 kids in America Live with Hunger. Every $10 you raise can feed a child up to 100 meals. Every cookie and cupcake can make a difference.

Earn Exclusive Incentives
- ● Raise $250 — Measuring Spoons and Measuring Cup
- ● Raise $500 — Tea Towel and Silicone Whisk
- ● Raise $1,000 — Become a Bake Sale Rock Star and we will send you a 10-piece set of Ayesha Curry bakeware.

Pina & Layla
Pina and Layla started planning their first bake sale with just 2 weeks to prepare and a goal to raise $100. The bake sale quickly turned into a community event that raised $1,800! For their second bake sale, with close to 20 baskets full of donated raffle items, dozens of baked goods to sell and an overwhelming amount of help and support, Pina and Layla raised $3,400!
Pina and Layla hope that hearing their story will encourage others to start that little bake sale and see how awesome it feels to help No Kid Hungry bake a difference.