No Kid Hungry

Host a Bake Sale for
No Kid Hungry and Bake
a Difference Today!

1 in 6 children in the United States could face hunger this year because of the coronavirus. Every $10 you raise can feed a child up to 100 meals. Every cookie and cupcake can make a difference.

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No Kid Hungry

Host a Bake Sale for No Kid Hungry and Bake a Difference Today!

Because of the coronavirus, 1 in 6 kids could face hunger today. It’s likely that you’re already doing something at home that can help – baking! Sourdough starters anyone?

Now is a great time to sign up and host a Bake Sale for No Kid Hungry. Join us in this fun and rewarding event, and help raise money to feed hungry children in the U.S. There are safe ways to host a bake sale right now, whether you plan an in-person event or go virtual. And we’re here to help. Every $10 you raise can feed a child up to 100 meals. Every cookie and cupcake can make a difference. 

2020 bake sale incentives

Earn Exclusive Rewards

  • Raise $250 — Measuring Spoons & Measuring Cup
  • Raise $500 — Tea Towel & Silicone Whisk
  • Raise $1,000 — Bake Sale Rock Star recognition


Daanya Saraff


I chose to help No Kid Hungry because I thought how unfair it must be for the children who stay hungry day and night, and then thought how even a $1 donation can feed at least ten kids, I instantly decided to do this. I was amazed by No Kid Hungry and their selfless efforts of being very generous to help feed those hungry kids, and I want to help make the world a better place. I chose to help by baking because baking is one of my passions/hobbies, this way I am having more than just fun, I fell content that through this, I am making someone smile. So, I hosted a bake sale in DC on 28th September 2019, and a food stall at my Tae Kwon Do school on 18th October 2019, to raise funds. If a young girl like me can work on changing the world one kid at a time, imagine what all of us together can achieve.