Intercept Poverty COVID-19 Campaign
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*UPDATE: wow, we reached our goal in 3 days again! The donors have spoken, we are making a difference to feed ones who are in need. We are increasing the goal again!*
Join Student Athletes from all over the country as they raise funds for the less fortunate.
Mission: To make sure low-income families can afford to keep students home
from school by providing financial assistance for food during this Coronavirus
Problem: Many families are lacking resources to prepare and protect against
COVID-19, many of these people face a higher risk of contracting and spreading
the virus.
• Majority of low income jobs don't offer paid sick days
• According to 2019 Federal reserve study 40% of Americans could not come up with $400 to cover an emergency
• Low income people are way more likely to be uninsured or underinsured for medical care
• Shutting down schools has unintended effects on low income families
• Many low income children rely on free and reduced school breakfast and lunches for their daily nutrition
• Parents can't always afford child care especially when there school age kid is supposed to be in school
• As many schools transition to online learning there are millions of households that lack access to high speed internet
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