Help make a difference for kids
returning to the classroom this fall by
leaving a special lunchbox note today.
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Help make a difference for kids returning to the class room this Fall by leaving a special lunchbox note today.

Lunchbox notes for email

We all know how scary those first few weeks back to school can be for kids. To help ease them out of summer and back to the classroom, take the time to share a special note of encouragement, inspiration or even a joke. Let kids know supporters across the country are there for them during uncertain times.

Do you need some inspiration? Read how one cafeteria worker in Virginia Beach got inspiration to write special notes on the fruit she packed for kids in her community. Or watch the heartfelt video above for messages from our partners on the ground who are feeding kids every day.

Write your own note today!

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Lunchbox Notes

We’re collecting notes of encouragement, inspiration and even jokes from communities all across the country.
Read some of the notes already submitted below.

You got this, buddy! Have an amazing school year. We're right here with you!

A new school year can be scary, but it's also an opportunity to do your best every day. We know you can do it!

What did one plate say to the other plate? Lunch is on me! Hope this made you smile today.

I hope every lunch break is as fun as Pizza Friday this year!

Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field!

Thank you to all of you amazing folks that have done so much and have given so much to feed our students that they might do their best. You are real heroes!

Shine BRIGHT, you are a beacon of light!!

You Rock! You're wonderful, brave, kind and loving

Hey there, superstar! I hope your day is as awesome as you are. Remember to keep smiling and do your best. Enjoy your lunch! 😊"

Today is your day! Shine bright, smile big, and learn all you can. You will do amazing things! Do not forget how special you are everyday!

Hello! I hope your day is GREAT! You are a shining star!

It's a new year and a fresh new start. You've got this! Have a great school year! *waves*

Hope you are having a nice day! Keep making good choices and spreading kindness. :)

I am very proud of you! This school year is going to be amazing!

I know it seems scary today and probably for a little bit of time but you totally got this! Be kind, do your homework and know that you are amazing!

Believe In yourself ❤️ Have a great day you matter!

You are amazing!

Hey Buddy, I hope today is great! Now go do your work but have fun. Keep smiling!

You are strong, brave, and fun! I hope you're having a good day. I know you got this. Don't let anything get you down.

Have an amazing school year. Stay encouraged and do your best!

Remember to smile always, your special, beautiful and unique. God bless you🩷

You are kind, you are love, you are smart, be happy! 😊

Have a Blessed & Beautiful Day❤️

If you Think you can, then you CAN!

The world is a better place with you in it. Have a great year.

I was just like you when I was your age, so I know if we met, I would love you. You are smart, you are funny, you are interesting and people love you.

Your strong Your brave And your definitely loved .. reach for the stars I know you could and can

Have a fabulous day

A great day begins with a smile! Have a great day and smile big ! :)

Have an amazing school year! You are bright, strong, and wonderful! You got this!

I hope you have a wonderful year at school!! I am proud of the child you are becoming

You are going to have the best year! Believe in yourself and YOU are special just the way you are.

You're Smart You're Brave You're Loved I hope this school year is full of excitement, kindness, and fun for you.

Hi! We hope you have a great year friend! We are so proud of you!!

Hi!!! I hope you are having such a bright beautiful day! I need you to know how incredible you are. You are smart, charming and funny with a brain as good as Einstein. Keep reaching for what you want. Just know I will always believe in you.

Hey there sweetie. You are going to do great. Hope you have the best year ever. 😊🩷

Your Awesome! Keep Reaching For The Stars

You are amazing and today's going to be a great day! Make sure to share your smile with someone else after reading this note :)

Keep on smiling! You are loved! Have a great school year :)

Have a great school year I know you will do amazing I am so proud of you You should be really proud of yourself too

Have a fantastic day! :)

Have great day, learn much. You've got this.

You got this school year!!! So proud of you!

You're doing a great job! Keep working hard. I'm proud of you.

I hope you have the best day ever!!❤️🥰

You are amazing and I hope you smile real big today :)

Congratulations you've made it... and together you can go ever further... smile big & bright your a winner !!!

Always do you best. You matter to me!

Always remember to love yourself. I love you too❤️

Have a blessed day and school year ! You were born with God given purpose and are precious, strong, brave and special . Don't let anyone tell you any different! God Bless You Always

This year is going to be amazing! Keep your chin up and do the best you can. You've got this!

Have a great day. You deserve it. Remember how fantastic you are. Keep up the hard work.

I hope you have a great day and that you make lots of friends

Your uniqueness is your super power. Celebrate the amazing person you are, and share your greatness to the world!

Hey you! Remember you matter. You are smart. You have great ideas. You are loved. Eat an extra cookie for me.

You are loved You are beautiful You are smart

You are smart, kind, and amazing.

Remember this....I can and I will! Use a growth mindset and think positive thoughts!

Have a wonderful day! I'm proud of you! :)

Have a good day! You are strong, you are important, you are smart! Hugs from a friend!

You are smart and wonderful.

Have a great day at school and we love you!

Love you

Have a great first day. You got this. We are so proud of you.

🥰 smile and have a good day. If you see someone without a smile today, give them one of yours :)

You are brave, strong, smart, and capable. I hope you have a day as bright and wonderful as you!

What do you call cheese that is not yours??... NACHO CHEESE! Haha!! Hope you have a wonderful school year. You're smart. You're brave. You can do hard things. You can try new things. Find joy and spread kindness 🙌

Remember this. You are a great kiddo! You are worth a zillion dollars! ❤️❤️❤️

You are special and worthy. Make it a geat day!

You rock! You are going to have a great day. Shine your smile on everyone.

Hey kiddo! Have a great first day! Go in confident and head held high make tons of friends

You are absolutely amazing! Stay focused, positive, and keep smiling no matter what. It's going to be a great year for you! You've got this!😊

Dear child you are special.You are loved and never give up .Have a good day.

Keep this in your heart: No matter what, there is someone in this world who believes in you. You are loved, you are loveable, and you are worthy and enough, just as you are.

Hello Friend You are very special. Keep a smile in your face. This year is going to be a great school year!


You're going to have an amazing school year. Never be afraid to ask for help. Be kind to yourself!

Have a great day! Have fun!

Hope your days is going well. have a good summer. I will be thinking about you sweetheart. Take care.

Have a fabulous day and keeping smiling.

Hey there little friend ! Just a quick note to wish you a good day ! I hope you're doing well...Keep working hard and be a kind kid !! Many smiles for you today and EVERYDAY !!!

Your doing great! Your so helpful, smart, and strong. Have a wonderful day!!

You are stronger than you think and smarter than you know. Keep showing up and your hard work will pay off! Cheering you on! You've got this!

You are loved!!

Always remember that you are smart and you have the ability to change the world stay positive and know you are loved

remember to always keep your head up your a great kid! hope you have a lovely day (:

Just remember that you are the ONLY you in the whole world! Be the best one you can be!

Smile and have a beautiful day! You are loved♡ Also always remember to stay in school that's where you'll always have friends!

Why couldn't the skeleton go to school. "His heart wasn't in it". Smile... it's gonna be a great day!

Your positive effort is what is important. YAY YOU!

Keep smiling! Keep laughing! You make people happy!

You are stronger than you think!

You are a beautiful human being and don't let anyone tell you otherwise

Eat lunch with a friend and I know you will do great in school.

You are Loved!

Hey, cool kid Your awesome and you got this

You are amazing everyday. Stay positive in everything you do. Enjoy your day. Sending love and hugs

Enjoy your new school year. Make lots of friends and learn lots of fun new information. It's going to be a great year.


You are kind. You are loved You are smart! ❤️💕❤️

I hope my note reaches some kid and put a smile on your face today ☺️

You are brave. You are kind. You are amazing. Don't ever forget how special you are! I hope you have the best school year!

Hey kid! Wanted to remind you how special and loved you are. Hope you're having a wonderful school year and continue being true to yourself! It's a wonderful world out there

Hope you are having a wonderful day! Smile someone is thinking about you!

I hope you have a Good Day. You're SO Awesome! You can do Anything!! Big Hugs to You! ❤️

Don't ever let anyone tell you that you're too much, because you are exactly the right amount!

Shine bright like a diamond! Smile and be kind Love is all around you

Always remember just how amazing and smart you are. Keep up the great work, but most importantly...keep being you!

Hope you are having a Fabulous day. Wearing a huge smile Enjoy the wonder of the day

Why did the hot dog wear a sweater?- Because it was a chili dog.

You got this !!! You're an amazing person! You are AWESOME!!!!❤️

Hi there:) I hope you have an awesome day at school. You deserve to have good days! Enjoy learning....making friends. ..and being YOU!

I hope you can find one good thing every day in your first week of school. I'm rooting for you!

You are amazing! You are smart and kind and cared about!

Have a great day and do great things!

Hey dude! You are absolutely killing it! You look good, you're smart as heck, and you rock this school. Way to go!

I hope u have a great day today filled with love and fun!!❤️

The world is a better place with you in it. You are unique, special and unstoppable. Always believe in yourself and try your best! Don't listen to the negativity of others, you matter and are loved!

I hope you have the best year ever! You are smart, loved, and more deserving and important than you realize!

I hope you have a fantastic school year:) You deserve the best and I'm so proud of you for making it this far! Keep it up and remember that you are not alone.

Hello, Always believe in yourself! Never be afraid to try something new. Have a great day!

Hey bud you're amazing and good luck in school this year hope you have a great school year

Hope you have a great school year!!🫶❤️

You are stronger than you will ever know.

Never let anyone bring you down. When things seem their worst just remember God will always love you and he is always with you ❤️

I hope you're having a super-duper day! Stay safe and have fun!

Hope you're having a terrific day! You're doing a great job! Keep smiling, it's the best thing you can give away!

I hope you have an amazing day! Share a smile with someone in your class today.

Hi buddy! You got this! Keep smiling and remember to always be yourself!

Good morning, little one. Wishing you a wonderful day and school year. You can do well in school, I know you can. Keep your chin up. Hope you enjoy some nice friends too, at least a few

HEY! Know why the chicken crossed the road? It saw a kind, cute kid on the other side = YOU!

Hey there I pray you're having a Wonderful Day! I no one told you today I want you to know that YOU are Special. Unique. And Loved!! God loves you. And I want you to know how important you are. Enjoy your lunch. And the rest of your Day!!

You are a winner! Make today the best one yet!

You are special, you are sweet, you are smart! You are doing a GREAT job!! Have a WONDERFUL day! 💜

You can do hard things. Never give up, you can always try again tomorrow. 🫶🏼✨

Sending all my love and prayers over you Today May you find comfort and peace and favor all over you! You are so special and so loved!! Never Give Up!!💛

Make it a great day! You can do this. You are a great kiddo! ❤️❤️❤️

You're a rockstar! You're amazing, kind, smart and so much more. Never change for anyone and if you do change, be the change you wish to see in this world. You can do anything that you put your mind to. You just have to believe in yourself. You've got this! Have a great day and a wonderful school year.

Do your best every day. Always remember to smile and be kind. Have a great year!

Just a little note to remind you that you are awesome just as you are! Be kind, enjoy your lunch, and have a great day at school!

You are amazing and strong. You are a good friend to others and your smile lights up the room! Believe in yourself and others will as well!

Hey pal, I have a joke for you! Why do Ducks have feathers? Because it helps them cover their "booty quacks" get it? Haha!

No matter what, as long as you are doing the best you can, you're doing amazing. I'm so proud of you!

Hey there, I hope you have the best school year everrr. I know you are going to be such a positive light in your classroom. You got this : )

Have the best day ever!! I know you can do anything you put your mind to!

Smile! Yes, right now, smile! You'll feel better :)

Make a new friend you never know what kind of adventure you may have.

Happy lunch! You are an amazing, smart, caring, kind, human. You will do great things this year and every year. I'm proud of you.

Hi! I hope you are having a good day so far and I hope you enjoy your lunch! Always remember you are strong and smart and amazing !!

Hey kiddo. I hope you're having a great day! We are all so proud of you. Remember you don't have to be perfect you just have to be kind and do YOUR best. Be kind to yourself. The world is yours.

What is a snakes favorite subject in school ? Hisssstory... You are stronger than you know and I'm proud of you

My name is Kathryn. You are really a great kid, but so is everyone, mostly. School can be hard-Don't worry! Once you grow up, you will realize how much smarter you are than you realize now. You are really smart! Hang in there!! Hugs!

Hello, super special you! Wishing you a delicious lunch and a great day at school. You rock!!

Hello and welcome to the new school year! I know you are going to have a fantastic year and do great things. Remeber to always stay positive and treat everyone with kindness! I am so proud of you and everything you set out to do! Wishing the best of luck, happiness and friendships this school year! Learn as much as you can and never be embarrassed to ask for help or to ask a question. I'm rooting for you!! 💛

Hi! Smile and have an amazing day! You are a star that shines brightly!! ✨️

Hi! I hope your day is going well and you have a great school year! A riddle for you: Why does the teacher wear sunglasses in school?😎 Because her students are so bright! Just like YOU!

Hi, remember to smile in the mirror at the most beautiful person in the! Then smile at everyone you meet. You are loved very much♥️

You are so special and unique. you have a purpose in life remember how amazing you are ! Love you

I hope your day is as awesome as you are!

Hold your head up, smile, say hello, if you see someone sitting alone sit with them, no on should sit alone at the lunch table. Have a great first day! YOU GOT THIS 😊

Jesus loves you, and we love you, too! We're praying for a fun school year full of joy for you! Love, L & Z

Show love and kindness to others and to yourself. Some days may be bad but we can always find the good if we just look for it. Always believe in yourself. You've got this ❤️

Hello beautiful. You are enough just as you are. Love yourself first and be grateful always. XXOO

You matter! You are loved! Keep your head up and always be you!

You are smart you are kind You make a difference in this world Have a great day

Hello BeautifuL BLESSing! Prepare to enjoy a great school year + know you are AWESOME. LOVE YOU.

I hope you have the most amazing day! Remember to always be kind to others.

I hope you have an amazing time at school! Be kind and always do your best! You don't know me but I believe in you kiddo!!!

Hi! You're beautiful, amazing and smart. You are going to show this school year, what u can do!

You are going to do great things this year! Never give up! Dream big and always follow your heart and you will never go wrong!

Wow! A new school year; that's so cool. It's a fresh start to learn, to try new things and to make new friends. Stay confident, be happy and ask for help if you need it. You got this!! 🙂

I'm wishing you a happy and successful day! Be kind and caring! See if you can make someone smile today!

Bright Shiny Day Too U Have the Greatest Day

Have a great day. Hope you enjoy your lunch.

Hello! I am so happy for your new school year! A new fresh start. It is a little scary but also exciting. I hope you have an amazing school year. Push yourself to meet someone new and try something different. Have fun, you can do this. I am rooting for you. You can do it.

You are a ROCK STAR! I hope you have a fantastic day! Always BE YOURSELF!

Hey kiddo! I hope you're having an amazing day! I think you're awesome! Keep it up!

Your first day of school can be frightening. But remember you have your friends, and a teacher who wants to teach you many great things.

If I were to place a note in a student lunchbox? Let me say, "you are a wonderful human being. Eat well. Respect your teachers and do your personal best. And you will have a terrific future."

I hope you are having an awesome day at school!! Always remember how wonderful you are!! ❤️


I hope you have a great day! You are AWESOME!!♥️

You are amazing! You are loved! Keep your head up and do your best! You've got this!

You are amazing and you can do anything!

I'm so proud of you. I hope you are having a great day. You have so many wonderful gifts and talents. Enjoy your lunch.

You are kind You are smart You are important!

The Bestest Day Sunshine May it be all you want It To Be

You are amazing! You are smart! You are loved! Keep up the hard work!🌞

I'm so proud of you! You are amazing!

Happy Back To School Week. You are loved. You are important. You are special. Have a great year!!!

You are awesome and I believe in you! Remember to be kind to everyone, including yourself ❤️

You've got this! Be you and be awesome!

Would love to join with the note sending

You Got This. Be Awesome!

You Rock So Rock This Day!

Don't Be Afraid To Shine!

You can't see me and I can't see you but I'm sending a smile from me to you. I hope you love your teacher and classmates too and remember there's only one very special you!

You are kind You are smart You can do hard things You are loved You are enough

You are a bright light in the world! Don't let anyone tell you any different. Have a wonderful day!

Have A Good Day 🌞

Never ever let your upbringing, family dynamics, or even being poor stop you from following our dreams and aspirations. Do good in school, study hard, and follow your dreams. You can be what you want to be in life. Keep your head up and remember nobody is better than anyone else.

Sending a great, big hug and wishing you a GREAT day of school! You are AMAZING!!!

Out of all the people in the whole world, you are uniquely, wonderfully YOU! Be proud of your awesomeness and remember how special YOU are!

Be kind always and remember to feed yourself, so you can feed your brain!

Hi! ♡ I hope you have a day as awesome as you are!

I hope you have a beautiful day! Remember everything you do matters! you matter! and you are a great blessing to this world!

You are a Superstar! You can do anything! Have a great day!!!!!

Have a great day, I'm proud of you! Keep smiling, and have fun!

You've got this. It's going to be your best year yet! I believe in you... Believe in YOURSELF

I hope you smile a LOT today!!! And I hope you have your favorite dessert!!!😊❤🍦🍦

Welcome back to school! I know it can be hard getting back into the routine, but you can do it! Be your best! 💕😀

Have a great day today! Hope lunch is the best part of the day :)

You can do this. You are a great kid. You're smart and kind. And if you be yourself, you will find other great kids make great friends. You're going to learn a lot of new things. And the coolest thing of other things you learn is you get to keep them forever. I hope you have a wonderful day.

YOU are wonderfully made!!! With love from Jesus ♥️

You are smart and courageous! Hope you have a great day today! You are special!

You are braver than you will ever know.

I hope you are having a great day! I have always loved reading. Reading helped me see the world through someone else's eyes. I wish for you to find a book at school that makes you feel connected and compassionate. My youngest daughter doesn't like reading so much so she chooses to read graphic novels, which have some amazing images. Enjoy your lunch and have a great school year! Sincerely, Rachel

You are great! You are important! You are loved! You got this! Deep breath ! Keep going!

🤗 Think positive! Do the best you can everyday! Smile!

Hi, I hope you are having a good day at school. Here is a little joke for you. Where do sheep like to go on vacation? To the "baaahamas." I am glad you are here.

Have an awesome school year! Embrace change--it can be fun!

You're doing great! I'm so proud of you! Enjoy your lunch and have a fantastic rest of your day!!

A brand new year, a brand new start. You are going to do great.

You've got this!! You can do it!

SMILE! You got this! Be positive, embrace the day & do your best! Never give up!

You are very special just the way you are! Be yourself because YOU are great!!! 😀

You are the sweetest kid ever!

You make people smile

The world is so much better with you in it. Have a great day at school!

Hi! Hope you are having a wonderful day today! Did you know that you are very special because you are YOU!! If you see someone who needs a smile, pass yours along! Have a great day!

Hi! You are such a cool kid and I'm so happy you're here! You can make today a great day. Thank you for being who you are!

Hey, kiddo! YOU are going to do some amazing things this year just by being the best YOU! You are the greatest!

Hope you have an amazing year! You got this :) Just for fun here's a little joke for you! What animal can jump higher than a house?... ... all animals since houses can't jump! :D

You are loved and appreciated. Do your best!

Keep trying your best! You're making progress even when it doesn't feel like it!

I just wanted to wish you a beautiful day! Most of all, have FUN!!

Have a great day! I believe in you and I know you will love school this year, make lots of friends, and learn all kinds of new things.

Wishing you a great year I'm sure you'll succeed with flying colots

Hi! Sometimes school and kids are hard. But you are going to crush this year!! I hope it's a beautiful day at school and you are eating well. Please know how good, and smart, and important you are. Michaelene

It takes zero dollars to be kind so love your class mate as you would your family and also be there for your classmate's!

Have a great day today! Shine bright. You are so loved.

The best thing about you is that nobody is like you! Uniqueness is a superpower.

Hope you have an amazing year! It's always a little different each year, but I know you can do it! You are awesome. Always keep your chin up, do your best, and be nice to your friends! Hugs!

You are a strong WONDERFUL person. Keep your head high and keep on being your fabulous self! XOXO

Have a great day!! You can do this!

You are beautiful INSIDE. You are Important to the world. Look for one blessing everyday and keep it in your heart.

You are a ROCKSTAR! Have a great day!

Work hard and be kind. You are going to do amazing things! Enjoy your lunch, knowing that someone is sending happy thoughts your way.

This world is a better place because you're in it! Have a great lunch! xo

No one else is you. That's your super power! Have a great lunch! xo

You are loved more than you will ever know. Hope you have a FANTASTIC day!

Today will be your very best day! Smile you are learning something new today!

You're amazing! Have a great day!

You are awesome, never forget ❤️!!!!

You are wonderful! Be yourself, and don't feel pressured to change for anyone. Let your light shine!

You are an Amazing, bright, and kind person! You are going to do great this school year! This school year really needs your perspective, your thoughts, and your hard work!

I hope you are having fun while learning lots of new things! I know that sometimes school is hard, but you can do this!

Have a wonderful day Ask questions. You're doing great ! SMILE. you've got this.

Hope you have a really great day and that at least one thing happens to make you smile today!

I hope your day is going well! Enjoy your lunch, and don't forget to try to stick your elbow in your ear. ;)-

You're doing a great job!! Keep up the great work and I know you will do wonderful things. You are loved.

Happy New School Year! Cheers to seeing old friends, making new ones, and enjoying being a kid. Have a great year, be kind, and always look for the positive. 😎

Hello there, Friend! Be the best You that you can be! Have a great day today...look in the mirror and smile back at the wonderful person you see :)

The best part of you is your smile. Share it with the world! I'm so very thankful for you being you. Have the best day!

Hi friend! I hope you have a yummy lunch and an awesome day. Gwen

Hi! Welcome to a new year of school and learning! I hope you enjoy school and always try to imagine how wonderful, big and full you life is going to be! I hope you enjoy school and always remember you are important and you matter 💗

You've got what it takes to succeed in school this year! Be kind and have fun!

I know you will have a great year!

You are enough, just as you are. What other people think or say doesn't matter. You are so precious.

You are amazing just as you are!

There's no one else like you! You are special and I like you just the way you are. 💜

I know school can be hard but I know you can do it because I did. Have a great day😁

Always remember that you are special and loved! Have a wonderful school year and be proud of yourself!

Repeat after me: I AM STRONG! I AM SMART! I AM FUNNY! I AM BEAUTIFUL! I CAN DO ANYTHING!" Love you bunches!

You are such an amazing kid! Funny, kind and worth it. Thank you for being you and keep pushing forward every day!

I'm proud of you! Starting a new school year is exciting! I know you'll do a wonderful job! Love your smile! 😊

Have the absolute best day! Remember how smart, kind and funny you are! You are amazing!

You are worthy. You are smart. You are capable. Go do great things.

Do something nice for someone today. Hold the door for them, let them step onto the bus first, give them a smile. Be a good friend, make a good friend. It will make your heart smile too. ❤️

Everything's gonna be okay. You can do this, you're awesome! I love you and I'm so proud of you for trying your best!

It's a new year! Full of new things to try, new things to learn, new friends to make. Stay kind, stay curious and stay awesome!! Every single day is a new start. Sending so many good vibes!

Hey sugar! I hope you have an amazing school year! Don't ever forget how loved you are. You are smart, you are kind, & you are important! Jesus loves you!

Don't be afraid to be the first to smile at someone. Most of the time you get a smile back! It's a great way to make a new friend!

Hey Champ! Hoping you have a great day. Try to take everything one challenge and one day at a time and try to do what will make your future self very proud. Rooting for you! -Meghan

Hey kiddo, I hope you're having a great day. If you listen and try, you're doing it right. I'm proud of you!

Hi Kiddo! I wanted to let you know that I am proud of you! Be kind to others, be a friend to others and be nice to everyone! Keep up the great work! Be proud of who you are!

You're enough, you make everyone around you smile. Be yourself shine bright.

You are amazing and can do anything you want and set your mind to. You are also so important, loved, and a great value to this world. Whatever you do, do not forget these things. Have a wonderful school year! -Becca

Hey there, superstar! Welcome back to school. Get ready for an amazing adventure. Embrace new friendships, ask questions, and always wear your incredible smile. You're destined for greatness!

Why do ducks have tailfeathers? To cover their buttquacks! Haha! I hope I made you laugh. Have a great school year!!

You are so special! There is only one of YOU in the whole world. Go out there and shine today!

Hi kiddo! I hope you know how special you are! The world is a better place because YOU'RE in it! Keep being YOU! :)

Hope your lunch tastes delicious and gives you lots of energy to learn and grow.

You are smart, kind, and a great friend. Have an awesome year!

You can do anything. Just keep your body strong and eat your vegetables.

If there is something you want to try this year - go for it. Someone out there is rooting for you!

Every day is great because you are a part of every day!

If you ever feel nervous, pretend you're excited! You've got this!

I hope you have the best day today! Remember, you are full of love and light! You are so special! You are loved! You make people smile. Keep being amazing. I love you, kiddo!

You are an amazing kid, no matter what you look like, no matter what you wear, no matter who your parents are, no matter WHAT!! Don't ever let anybody tell you you're NOT. And don't let bullies get to you, either. They are just insecure about themselves! Have an excellent day!

I am so proud of you! I hope you have a fantastic school year. ❤️❤️❤️

Thia school year will be filled with love and happy memories. Don't let the sad times get you down. Always remember.. You are kind, your are smart, you are important!

Be brave, be true, be special, be you!

Hope you have a great day

Have a blessed day 🙏

Hey there :) I hope you are having a good day. You are really special

What do you call cheese that's not yours? NACHO CHEESE :) Have a great day at school! You are special!

You are one in a million! I hope your day today feels as special as you are. Know that people are rooting for you even from far away, and that we believe in this buddy : )

Hey cutie!! 🥰 Have the best day ever! You are amazing and I love you! ❤️

Do you like science class? I do! I hope we get to make a volcano this year! I hope you have a great school year! I hope your teacher is really nice! Make awesome grades! Enjoy learning, it's so much fun! Your friend, Mikalyn (3rd grade)

You are brave. You can do hard things. Keep smiling, have fun with classmates and do your best! 🎈😊

Remember every day is a BRAND NEW DAY. So if you had a bad day yesterday, today can still be GREAT!

Hi, I hope you have a great day today :) you're doing awesome!! -e

I know the first few days of school can be scary. New people, new teachers, new schedules. But you can do this! Don't forget: everyone else feels the same way you do!

What is a monkeys favorite dessert? Chocolate-chimp cookies! Have a great rest of your day. You are special :-)

I want to let you know that you are absolutely amazing and have a bright future! Please do your best each day at school and have fun this year! I hope that each day you are happy and smiling big! Be kind to everyone because the world needs a kid like you to help spread love and happiness! I am very proud of you and know that you will grow up and do big things! Lots of love and hugs, Amie Taylor

Hey kiddo, I hope you have a great day! I believe in you!

Stand up for yourself: you're the only one who ever will.

I'm praying you have a successful school year, make new friends and encourage others.

Hope you are having a good school year. No matter what you have got this, you are loved,you are worthy, and you are going to be okay. I hope you make some good friends, good grades, and good memories. ❤️

Keep letting your light shine bright! You are loved, valued, and appreciated! YOU MATTER!!

You are going to do great things. Don't ever let yourself forget that. Keep your head up and follow your heart.

You are going to change the world one day. Continue to be great to make sure it's for the better ☺️

You are smart, kind, special, important, and loved. Remind yourself every day!

What a wonderful idea...

Make Today Amazing!!

Never forget how amazing you are!

Hi buddy :) I hope your doing great! Have a happy day!!! Xoxo, Briss 🤗

YOU are a Star so shine Big and Bright !!!😊💫

You are awesome and loved! You will do great this year in school! I hope you have a great day today! From a friend in Ohio

You are GREAT!!! Have a SUPER AWESOME DAY!!!!

Aliyah, Have a good day at school today! Share your beautiful smile with everyone today!

Hey you! You are smart, you are strong, and you are so very important!! The world needs more kids like you ✨✨☝🏼

I made this joke up all by myself and I haven't told it to ANYONE except you! You can even tell people it's your own joke! You know about the cow who jumped over the moon? Do you know her favorite thing to do? "Star-grazing!" Haha I hope your day is great!

What do you call a rabbit with fleas? Bugs Bunny. Study well and be kind to others!

Love is everything in this world,so I want you to know,you are loved.. please be good to yourself.💜💜💜

You are amazing just the way you are! Be yourself, have fun, and have a great day!

You've got this little buddy! You will be very successful this school year! Have fun!

Hello! I pray you know that you are important and valuable, and that today goes well for you! Bless you! From A kindergarten teacher ♡Miss Shari

You are worthy, you are valued, you are brave and you most definitely matter. School is scary but I hope you make good friends fast and accomplish a lot this year because YOU are smart don't forget how smart you are.

You are a superstar!

I hope your day is filled with meeting new friends. I know you will do great in school.

Hi!! I hope you are having a good day and eating a good lunch. I'm in Oregon!

You are smart, wonderful and have a great smile. You can do anything!

You will do great . Always remember if it gets tough kiddo to pick up a book it can take you places you want to go

You are amazing! Have a wonderful day. Hugs!

You're special! Hope your day is fabulous and you remember how much happiness you bring to people, even if they forget to always tell you.

Believe in yourself and you can do anything!!!

I hope you have a wonderful school year in meeting new friends and your teachers.

I hope you have a wonderful school year in meeting new friends and your teachers. You got this!

Hi! I hope you are having an amazing day!! Remember you are awesome & kind. Keep shining!! Xoxoxox

Have a great school year! New things can be scary, and that's ok. It's ok to be scared or nervous. But always're not alone. You're loved, and you've got this! Take it one day at a time. I believe in you!! :)

You are AMAZING! Make today matter!

I am so super proud of you! Continue to do the best you can every single day! Remember to always be kind! And remember, you can do hard things! You got this

You've got this and I hope you have an amazing year. I'm so proud of all you've accomplished and what you strive to achieve. Have a great day!!

What did one plate say to the other plate? Lunch is on me! Hope this made you smile today

Here's to a delicious lunch, an incredible day and a spectacular school year. You've got this. ❤️

Stay Positive! Enjoy the day!

Why did the Banana go to the hospital? Because he was peeling! ;-)

You are doing great!!! You are the best!!! You are brave and strong!!!.❤️❤️❤️

You are smart, you are strong, you are special.

You are awesome! You are loved! Keep striving to do your best. Don't ever let anyone tear you down. Keep your head up!

Have a great school year!!! You can do it. Believe in yourself and your go far!!!

I wanted to be A billionaire and give half my money away upfront the rest when dead. Jesus barged in, didn't knock, barged in like his evil father who forces love or else, he abused me and tortured me. The worst part is he denies me the love of a man now, so I'm gonna let it all burn, I just wanted to be loved by a man NOW and travel with him you can have more than one relationship. So I'm no longer feeding the poor. But here is you a NOTE instead of food as to why, JESUS denied me love now that I wanted, so no one gets fed. He won't change all over dating it's silly but so is god killing animals, enjoy the note. Jesus does not care for anyone he held up progress over my dating life-he's rather control me then let you eat. Remember that, I wanted to help you but I can't now. His fault!

You are awesome-have a great day kiddo!

I hope your day is as AMAZING as you are! ❤️

You are amazing!!! Have the best day ever!!

You're gonna have the best school year yet! Have fun, play games and make new friends!!! What ever you do don't be in a rush to grow up!!

Learn a new joke and make someone laugh. Nothing feels better than laughing!

I know school can be scary, but you'll do great! Have an amazing year, my friend!

You've got this! Have a great day!!!❤️

Be your own sunshine and find fun in everything!!!

What did one pencil say to the other pencil? You look sharp! Have a great lunch!

As magic school bus says make messes and make mistakes! Just do your best, I am proud of you.


There is nothing you can't accomplish if you believe in yourself the way I believe in you

YOU are enough! Do what you love, and give your all for that you're ENOUGH!

I hope you have a wonderful school year and learn lots of new things. You are smart, kind, and capable of doing amazing things!

You are an amazing kid and I hope you have an amazing day! 💜

Go make it a great day! What's a cows favorite thing to do on a Friday night? Watch a moooo-vie 😂

Why did the student eat his homework? The teacher told him it was a piece of cake. I hope this school year is the best one yet!

Smile! Be kind! Have a great day 😊

Hi Do you realize what an incredible kid you are? I know that sometimes days can be tough, but so are you. When you have a difficult day, just take a minute and take deep breath, and then go on. Remember, if something is important to you, don't give up. You've got this! Enjoy your day❣️

Your hair looks awesome today!!

You are doing amazing! Have a wonderful day!

Big ol' hug to you! You are the best! Have a great day!

You are amazing! Just keep being you and everything will be OK

I hope you had a great summer! Have a great first day and don't forget, you are wonderfully and beautifully made. You're gonna rock this!!! :)

Remember every day, you are so smart, so capable, so kind! Always share your smile with someone that doesn't have one.

You know what? You're a rockstar just because you're YOU! Keep it up! 🎸🌟

You. Are. Loved.

Good luck this year. Always be yourself and never let anybody make u feel like ur not important. Have a great year!!!

You're talented! Keep going and become the greatest of all time!

Hello! I hope you have the best year ever! Skys the limit! Do your best and love yourself!

Hope you have an awesome school year. And remember, always be kind.

Be silly, be honest, be kind.

Dear sweet child, I just want to say hello & that I hope you're having a great lunch!! I also hope you're having a good day at school and learning as much as you can. 😁 Fill your brain up with as much knowledge as you can....I promise it will be worth it. I hope you know you are loved and you are thought about. Have a great day!! Erin

Go beyond you wildest dream. You are so much braver than you know. Always remember that you are loved just as you are.

I hope you're having a really great day at school today. I'm cheering for you everyday!!

Go get at it baddy! You rule this school!

I hope you're having a great day at school! Remember- you are so smart, kind and important. I hope this is the best school year ever!

Hello little one. I hope you have a wonderful lunch and an awesome day!!

Today is a great day! I hope you have something nice happen for you today. You deserve it.

Have a wonderful day at school! You've got this!

You got this! Just breathe and your day will be great!

You're going to do GREAT things! Keep your head up :)

Today is your big day!! You're such a big kid now!! Now you get to make big kid choices. Just make sure you always make the best ones. Always treat others with kindness. The world can be mean, so its up to you to be the good in it. I hope you have a wonderful day and a super special year!!

Happy New School Year! Read a lot of books! Have fun at recess! You can do it!

I am interested on writing lunch box notes. :)

You are so special and important! I promise you! Find what brings you joy and do that every day:)

I hope you have a wonderful day and school year!! Be strong, be proud and be YOU! You are very loved.

Hey You! I hope your day is going great! What's for lunch? My favorite was always peanut butter and grape jelly. Enjoy your lunch and I hope the rest of your day is as smooth as a fresh jar of Skippy. Love, Aunt Jenn

Hope you have an amazing day!! Lots of people love you!🧡🧡🧡

I hope you have a super fun day! I just know that you are special and the school is lucky you are there. Bunches of love!

Hi There, Wishing you a wonderful day and a tasty lunch! Keep up the hard work in class. Best, Eve

Hi friend, I hope you know how brave you are today. Whether it's your favorite day or not, you matter and you're going to GREAT things!

What do you call a fish with no eyes? Fsh!

Did you know you make the world a better place?you were born because the world needed YOU here. I'm so glad you were born!

What did the banana say to the school nurse...."I peel fine"....

Enjoy your school year!! You are amazing!

You are awesome! You are able to do great things even when things are hard. I am proud of you just for being you! PS: Here's a secret to feeling better on a hard day, try to do something nice for someone else! I'm sending lots and lots of love to you!

Happy back to school! I hope you have a great school year. Never forget that you are smart, brave, kind, funny, strong, beautiful and are a good friend. I hope have a great day!

Hello friend! You are brave! You are strong! But most importantly, you are loved! Have a beautiful day! Hugs to you!

Happy 1st. Day! I hope you have a fantastic year. Study hard and you can achieve anything your heart desires ❤️

You have a smile that lights of the world and so many people are proud of you! You can do anything you set your mind to!! Have a wonderful rest of the day!!

Hi! I am a teacher and here is a secret-I am always nervous the first week of school. But you have totally got this. You are amazing, smart, and loved. You are important and the world needs you! Be yourself and be kind. Love Mrs. Jody

I was one of the kids that got discounted/free lunch and my teachers helped me regularly as well. Would love to be a part of that for someone else!

You are kind, smart, strong, and beautiful. Hope you have a wonderful day! Sending you best wishes.

People believe in you! Eat well, study hard, play free.

You are so wonderful! Don't ever give up!

Have a wonderful day!! Keep your head up!! You're BEAUTIFUL!!

I hope you have a most awesome day and even better school year! Study hard, get good grades and take care always :)

Today is the day, my friend! It is YOUR day to SHINE! You are smart, thoughtful and bravery! No matter what, NEVER forget that!

Hope you have the best day! You deserve it! :)

Dinosaurs were amazing creatures that lived millions of years ago. Just like we learn about them, you can explore your dreams and discover new things. Always stay curious and follow your heart. You can achieve anything!

I hope you have a great day today! I am so very proud of you! Keep smiling.

Don't let anyone ever take your shine away. You're Destined for greatness

Things will always change. Good things will come for you because you deserve them.


Remember, each day goes by fast and it gets easier every day but all those days still count so try to find the joy in each day.

You're doing great. Keep up the good work!

Keep pushing on!

Hey kiddo! Try not to let the scariness outshine the excitement! You're gonna have a fabulous year! It's not always rainbows..sometimes there is rain but that's what an umbrella is for! You got this kiddo!

Remember, you are smart, you are kind and you are loved!! I hope you have a wonderful school year! You've got this!!!! XoXo

Have a super day!!

You are amazing. You are unique. You are loved. You are a gift. You matter.

No dream is to big to achieve

Be kind. Stand up for yourself and others. You will do great this year:) You got this little buddy!

You are loved. I love to see you smile. I hope the rest of your day is fantastic!!

The things that make you different are and will be your greatest strengths and gifts to the world. Stay unique and awesome!

I hope you have a great day! Have fun!

Hey there! I hope you are having a good day at school so far. I also hope this lunch keeps you full so you can focus on all the wonderful learning you have left to do. Always remember, you matter and can do great things! Go out there and be yourself - the world needs you!

You Rock!

Have an awesome day!

What do you call cheese that is not ours? Nacho cheese! You've got this - enjoy your school year and learn lots.

No matter what ... you are doing wonderful!!! You are amazing ! You are perfect!!! You are great !

Why did the banana visit the doctor? He wasn't peeling well!! Have a great day!!

You are important! You matter! Don't be afraid to speak up!

Have an awesome school year. You're going to do great!!

Have a great day ! You are smart! You are kind! You are loved!

Have a spectacular day with your Lunch Bunch!🎇

First day of school creates new memories. Learn and grow daily. You deserve to know everything. You got this!

Your are stronger thank you know. Keep going. You are doing great! Keep it up and I hope you have a great day. You really can do anything if you work hard enough.

Everything about you is special and wonderful. Never forget that. Don't let anyone tell you different. You are a superstar!!! Enjoy your day!!!

Have a GREAT day at school today! Enjoy your lunch! Smile 😃

You are a wonderful, beautiful kid, and you've got this! You are very loved!

Have a wonderful day, little friend! You are loved!

You are loved and you matter. Never stop looking forward!

Hello! You are loved, super smart, awesome AND amazing! I'm proud of you and want you to know I think you're pretty special. 😊 Here's a joke for you! Hope it makes you laugh! Why was 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 ate 9! Love, CJ

Hi! Hope you are having a great day so far and the rest of the day is fun! Be positive, have fun, be yourself & smile!! 🙂🙂

Happy Lunch time!! I'm thinking of you and wishing you a great day!! Some days are easy, some hard, but you have what it takes to handle it!! So proud of you!!!

Hey You! You are AMAZING!! You've got this! We have your back!!!

Hi! Did you know you are amazing? You will do great things in your life. Be sure to share some kindness today!

Hi! I hope your day is going well so far, and if not, I hope lunch is the time that makes it better. Whatever you are doing today, know that someone is thinking of you and smiling just because you are you. You make this world a better place!

You are really cool! Look at you! I believe in you.

You are AWESOME! You've got this! I hope today is just the beginning of an AMAZING YEAR!!!!

Welcome Back To School! Hope you are having a great day, and you enjoy your delicious lunch! Everyone is so proud of you, have a great first day! We are all cheering you on to have a successful year! Make tons of new friends and just have fun!

Just wanted to let you know that you are amazing just the way you are! Always believe in yourself and fill the world with sunshine! You are brave, strong, smart, and wonderful!

You Can do hard things!

You're a rockstar! Crush this day! Love you.

Good luck this year! It's going to be the best one yet!

You are loved

You are special. You are smart. You are incredible.

Hope you have a extra good day at school.

Remember you are strong. You are smart. You are loved. The world is your to be what you want to be. It will take work, still it is yours to mold into what you want to be.

I hope you have a great day at school!

A new school year can be scary, but it's also an opportunity to do your best every day. We know you can do it!

Enjoy this yummy lunch to fuel your day. Enjoy your lunch, super kid!

Hi! I hope you have a great day today! You are an amazing kid and you are here for a reason. You will be on my mind. :-)

You're doing great today! Keep it up! We believe in you!

You are enough!!

Enjoy your lunch! You're smart. You're intelligent and you are loved.

Hey! Here's wishing you a wonderful day. Hoping you meet new people and start to make new friends. Remember, you ARE smart. Even if you don't know how to answer the question, you're still smart. Others feel the same way. Ask questions until they explain it to you That's how you learn!!!

Make it an awesome day! You are loved. *Hugs*

You are wildly loved and cherished please know we love you everyday! 😍 you're the best and may you have a fantastic day!

When you are young, you feel you have little control over your life. That may be true at times. What you do have control over are your grades in school. And ultimately, good grades will give you the most control of your life. Good luck.

I'm so super excited!

You are a superstar! Have a wonderful day

Hope you are having tje best day! You are awesome and I believe in you@

You are able to achieve anything you put your mind to. Believe in yoursel, you can do it. Have a great day kiddo!

You are a rock star!!! You are loved!

a new school year can be scary but it's also an opportunity to do your best every day. I know you could do it!

You are an amazing, one of a kind, human! I hope your day is as great as you are!

You are Smart , You are Kind and You are Important . Have a great day .

Have an awesome year!❤️

Hello, I just want you to know that I wish that you enjoy your lunch and have a wonderful day! Know that you are in my heart

I know school can be scary but you got this! You matter.

You are uniquely you. Be the best you! Be a friend. Share your thoughts and ideas. Enjoy the work and the fun. Seek help when you need it and give it when you can. Wishes for an awesome day and an incredible year!

Do your best and be kind to everyone.

Be kind to yourself, be kind to others, but don't be so kind to others that you are unkind to yourself, and so kind to yourself that you are unkind to others.

Have a great school year and make lots of new friends!

You've got this! You are one strong and beautiful person!! Keep up the good work!!

When you're having a hard day, just remember that you matter to a complete stranger 😊

The best thing about school is friends! Smile a lot and be nice and you'll have plenty. ❤️😀

Lunchtiiime! The best part of the day. I hope your lunch fills you up so you can power through the rest of the day. Make sure you thank your lunch lady or man for all their hard work. I'm hoping you like your classes and make some new friends this year! Cheers to you.

Every kid is good at something. Are you good at math? A fast runner? A kind friend? A strong helper? 👍🏼

This is just one chapter in the book that is your life. Whether you can see it or not, you have the potential to achieve whatever you set your mind to no matter what anyone else may tell you. Keep your head up and keep going, it'll all be worth it some day, I promise.

You are a rockstar! Someone in Virginia loves you!

Hope you have the best day! You will do good things, you are smart!

You are smart. You are a good friend. You are a creative. You can do anything! I hope you have the best day! : D

With a new school year comes new possibilities. Reach for the stars and know you already are one! 💫

Have a GREAT day!! You got this!! I believe in you!!

Smile at a someone new today and make a new friend. You've got this! Enjoy your lunch

Hey there, Have a great day! You got this!!!!

Be YOU today! You are wonderful and you make the world better.

Hi there kiddo!! Hope you have an amazing school year! You've got this!!!

Be your own best friend. Be kind to the kid you see in the mirror. Celebrate, defend, encourage and comfort yourself. You're allowed to make mistakes and learn from them. Have a great day!

Be kind to yourself. Talk to yourself in a way that makes you feel happy.

I hope you have an amazing day at school. Stay safe

You're awesome! Have a great day!

Believe in yourself! You are an amazing kid and will do amazing things! I hope you have a Super Fantastic school year!!!😀

You are amazing!! Have a wonderful school year!! 🤟🤘

Why fit in when you were born to stand out? - Dr. Seuss

I hope you have fun, learn a lot and make nice friends this year. What did the cupcake say to the frosting? "I'd be muffin without you!"

Did you hear about the famous pickle? He was a big dill! Hope you smiled! Have FANTASTIC year!

I hope you have a wonderful year at school. May you meet sunny and happy people along the way.

You are amazing!!

I hope you have an amazing day! Try your best and know I am sending you all the good thoughts and positive vibes! From a friend, Cathy

Remember how smart and beautiful you are sweetheart! Have a wonderful school year.

You're rockin' the day! Keep it up!

You're gonna be great- we're all rooting for you! I hope you have the best year yet!

Happy 1st day! You are going to be amazing this year!

I'm proud of everything you accomplished today, even the little things count. Have a great day!

Do you realize how hard your brain has worked today? Feed it well and smile!

Stay strong and Never give up hope .! 🥰

Dear Younger Me... What do you call an angry carrot? A steamed veggie. I truly hope this little joke made you chuckle... may you have a happy day!!! I want you to know that you are loved. stay blessed!

Enjoy your lunch! Always remember that only you have control of your happiness. I'm so proud of you!💜

You are loved! Have a great day and knock it out of the park!

2024 is your year make a new friend smile at someone it just might make their day or yours

I hope you have a wonderful week, and remember that you're special and you matter! People care about you.

You are awesome! Never forget that!

Believe in yourself! You are unique and special! The start of school can be a little scary sometimes but you've got this! Positivity will help you succeed in school and life! Have a great year!

Have a wonderful day! I hope your school year is really great this year, you deserve it.

I hope you have a fun, amazing year! You got this! I know you have what it takes to be great!

You got this!

Hello! I hope you're having a great day today! You are special, and you matter to me and to others!

Hey, little champion! 🌟 You've got this! Conquer the day with your amazing smile and unstoppable spirit!

Hope you have a great day!

I am a preschool teacher and I know how kids love getting notes.

Hi Honey Hope you're having a great day! I know you are doing your best! Remember to Smile your beautiful smile!

You are so strong and smart! You got this!

This world is better because you are in it! I hope you have a fun filled day.

You can do anything! You're amazing, loved, and deserve the best. Thank you for being you.

You are absolutely amazing! I hope you're having the best day, and I'm so proud of you!

I hope this is your best year yet! You've got this! You're a great kid!

Today is a special day because you're in it. Be your best you.

I hope you know that there is no one on earth that is better or more deserving than you! You are amazing & I hope you have the best day!!

Have a wonderful day at school today. You are so amazing and will do great things. Someone in Alaska is rooting for you!

Don't ever forget that you are special! Have a great school year!

You are such a wonderful kid! Have a great school year!

You're awesome! It's going to be a great year. Keep being you.

There's only one you! Be proud. ❤️

If you give up, you'll never know how close you were to achieving your goal. Never stop being you because your goal needs you 💗

You are very special, and you are going to do big, amazing things in your life! I hope you have a wonderful day.

I hope you are having a good day. Please know that you are loved and you are important!!

You are AMAZING! You can do anything, just believe in yourself. I believe in you!

Have a nice day!

You are AMAZING and I hope you have an AMAZING DAY!!!

Hey! You've got this! It's always a little bit of a challenge getting back to "school mode" but you can do it. Keep smiling and do your best.

Hey there! I hope you are having a fantastic day and that you have a tremendous school year! Enjoy learning!

You can make a difference. Have a great day

Hope you have an amazing school year! Remember to read as many books as you can and be polite to your classmates and teachers. You're going to be great! Always keep your chin up and aim high

This is going to be your best year yet. You are a fantastic person who is going to do great things Dont let anybody convince you you're not.

You are an amazing soul, and you bring such light to this world. Don't ever forget how special you are, and always know that you are loved.

I hope this school year is amazing as you are! Remember to be kind, not just to others, but to yourself as well!

Hey buddy! Just a reminder that you are SO important, loved, and cared for! Have the BEST DAY EVER! ❤️

You are amazing just the way you are. Keep shining bright and never stop believing in your dreams!

Hope your day is as sweet as you are and that this brightens your day. Enjoy your lunch and put a smile on that face ☺️

You are brave, smart and strong!!!! Have a wonderful day, smile at a new friend. You're going to do great things!!!

Be kind. Be respectful. Know your boundaries. Have fun. Like, have a ton of good fun.

Have the BEST day! You are so special and so smart! Can't wait to see the great things you create this school year ❤️

You are a beautiful, bright, shining star, don't let anything put your flame out kiddo! Keep being the rockstar you were born to be.

You are kind. You matter. You are enough. You are loved!

Today can be great! Even if it hasn't been so far you never know what the rest of the day or week will bring. I'm rooting for you!

Today is full of possibilities if you keep an open heart ❤️

You are amazing to me ! Do great things today.

Joke of the day: What time would it be if Godzilla came to school? Answer: Time to run!

Hi! You've got this! You can do anything you set your mind to. Have an awesome day!!!

Your the best !!!!

What do you call a pig that practices karate? A pork chop! You are AWESOME! Have a great day!

You are amazing and strong and smart. Make this the best day ever! (Hugs)

Hey there! What an awesome day to start an even more awesome year! You are going to have your best year EVER! You can do ANYTHING! Remember to always choose the right thing, be kind to everyone, and stand up for what you think. You are one of a kind, so be proud. Work hard and have a ton of fun. You are going to be the best you, you can be!!

This will be the start of an amazing year for you! Enjoy, you rock!!!!

You are strong and amazing, make your day great!

God loves you and so do I!🥰🥰

You are never alone. I'm here for you, and more importantly, so is Jesus. Have a blessed year!

You are one in a million! I hope your day today feels as special as you are. Know that people are rooting for you even from far away, and that we believe in you. Go for it!

I hope you have a wonderful day! You're doing amazing 😊

You can do great things. I hope you have a great day! You are an amazing person.

You showed up today! I am so proud of you! You have something amazing inside you that nobody else has. Share it with everyone.

Wishing you a memorable school year! Spread kindness through your school. (((HUGS)))

This school year is going to be awesome! You've got this!

You are AMAZING!!!!

Here's a joke: How can a frog jump higher than the school building? The school building can't jump! I hope that made you smile. I like silly jokes. Have a great rest of your day today and a terrific rest of your school year :)

Have a great day! You're amazing and loved! ❤️❤️❤️

You have no idea what amazing things are coming your way! Enjoy where you are now and be kind to everyone. Have a great year!

Sometimes you may not hear it, but your grownups are proud of you. Continue to work hard, and if you need help with the lesson, don't be afraid to ask! If you need help with big feelings, take a breath. Don't be afraid to reach out to your school counselor. That's what they are here for. Enjoy the day :)

Hope you have a great day. You got this.

You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. You got this!

You are amazing, don't let anyone tell you different! -Lina, 8, Omaha, NE

You are awesome and you should be so proud of yourself! You're going to have a great year!

Good morning/afternoon wishing you a beautiful day not only today also everyday . Make great choices that will carry over in your life, put your thinking caps on 😃, and be a positive beacon of light to your peers. Remember Ms. Fox is your #1 cheerleader, you got this. Have an awesome day and school year muck ❤️ 😘

Hi honey, I hope you have a great school year and remember to always be kind and most of all to have fun. I care about YOU!

Please provide USPS address to send note/cards

Believe in the promise of new beginnings! Every day is a new beginning! Believe in yourself and promise of you!

It won't always be this way. It gets better.

Learning and making friends is so much fun! Let your light shine and be you!!! You are amazing!!!

I'm so proud of you! You are going to do great this year. You are capable, keep believing in yourself and keep smiling!

Hold your head up and smile! You are so special and so nice

You got this! Enjoy your lunch! Hopefully you're sitting with some nice friends. Remember, study study schools your buddy.

I have an amazing service dog named Jon who takes care of me - We both hope you have a wonderful school year! We're sending you love, big waggy tails, and want you to know we're proud of you! Sally

Why won't zombies eat clowns? They taste funny! Hope your lunch tastes great and you have a good day.

The world is better just because you are in it! Thank you for being YOU!

Keep smiling, you are awesome!!

You are important and so loved! Keep your head held high and never stop moving forward. Don't forget to be kind. Have an awesome lunch! :)

Hi there, Please know that you are loved, appreciated, and cared about. Keep your chin up, Love, Juni x

You are such an AMAZING kid. Hope your day is just as amazing as you are. Enjoy lunch!

Today is your day to SHINE! Spread kindness * Smile at your classmates * Thank your teacher for all they share with you * Give yourself a thumbs up for being a great friend and community member! You are you! You are special! You are loved! Have the best day!

What a day to spread some kindness! Smile at your neighbor. Say hello to a teacher. Ask another student to read a book together. You are amazing, a great friend and a fantastic community member! I'm so happy you are you!

Have FUN! Do your BEST, be YOURSELF, you are BRAVER than you think!

Have a Bright Sunshiny Day!

You're worthy. You are brave. You are smart. You are beautiful. You are enough! You'll be ok! You're to he future!

You got this kiddo! Have faith in all that you can accomplish

Hey buddy! You're an amazing person and this year is going to be great. Remember to be kind to yourself.

I hope you are having a fun day! Remember you are beautiful. You are amazing. You can do hard things. YOU are loved! Here's a riddle for you: What color is a burp? ... burple

How do you make a tissue dance? Put a little boogie in it!

Hi! You should know how important you are and how much you matter in this world. We (the adults, your family, your friends and classmates) are depending on you to grow up and be your very best you! You have so much to offer the planet and you can be absolutely anything you dream of being! Know that you are loved and that so, so many people care about you. Have a wonderful lunch and a beautiful day!! Love, Starla

Hi: I just wanted to let you know you are special, and loved by a whole lot of people. So go eat your lunch listen to the teachers, and succeed in life.,!

You are doing amazing, keep going! You are so loved.

Keep up the great work buddy! School can be hard, but you are doing so many cool things!

Have a super day! You are perfect just as you are.

What did one plate say to the other plate? Lunch is on me! Hope this made you smile!! Have a great day!

You are amazing. You are loved. You are smart. Have a really fantastic day!

Have a good day at school, keep up the good work, and remember to smile at yourself and have fun. You are awesome!

You are amazing! Hope the rest of your day is great!

Have a good day today!

I am happy you are here today! Smile!

Hope you're having the best day! You're doing a great job!

Have the best day ever! I hope you when fun and learn a lot. Your teacher is so lucky to have you in class!

What do you call a crazy laundry hamper? A basket case! Hope you have a great day and an amazing year!

Good luck on the new school year, we are so proud of you!

Why did the elephant stand on the ice cube? So it wouldn't fall in the lemonade! Have a great day, smile that beautiful smile!

You are important, and I believe in you! I hope you have a good day!

Every winner was once a beginner.Take that first step.

Have a great day and if someone doesn't have a smile, share one of yours! Your smile brightens the world!

Hi! I hope you have a great day today! Enjoy your lunch and do something fun. :)

Have an awesome week and shine bright like the super star you are! ❤️

Hi! I just wanted to wish you a wonderful school year !! Remember you are awesome and smart! I always told my kids to treat everyone with the kindness that they'd like to receive! Eat all your lunch and have a happy day!! 😊 Lisa

Hi, Just wanted you to know how loved you are and I hope you have a great day .

Enjoy your lunch! Have a great school year!

You are an amazing kid. Keep up the amazing work and keep your head up high.

Take one day at a time, do your best and learn to love the world! You have a lot to look forward to and a lot to give!

Best of luck this school year, you will be amazing! Don't ever be afraid to ask questions, chances are somebody else doesn't know the answer either & is just waiting for someone to be brave & ask. You're never alone, there's always a big person waiting to listen to you. You've got this! Hugs to you. ❤️

It's a BEAUTIFUL thing to be different. You're just right, just the way you are. :)

Hey! Good luck at school! You will do great! You are awesome! Have a good day!

You are a beautiful person. You are loved.

I hope you're having the most super duper amazing day! You are awesome!!!

You got this! Have a wonderful day!

Hope you're having a great day! Keep your head held high, each day, every day!

Hey sweetie! Everything is gonna be ok! Here's a hug from me to you! Xoxoxox

Hi, sweet child. Everything is going to be OK. You are doing great! Keep going!

Hello, you are a special pal. Be kind to others at school. It is a great gift to give. I have a back to school joke. Are you ready? What did the paper say to the pencil? Write on! Ha. You are awesome. Have a great year, Kim from Missouri

I hope that you are having your very best year yet. Sending you wishes for lots of adventure and learning!

Hello Beautiful Child, I hope you know that you are deserving of all of the goodness life has to offer.

I hope you have an amazing day! Think happy thoughts!

I am proud of you and know you will do great things!!

Welcome back to school! I hope you had a great summer break! It may not always seem like it, but every day you come to school you will learn something that will help you make the world a better place. Our community is lucky to have you in it. You have your own unique talents, ideas and things to offer. You may seem like a small piece of the puzzle, but your contribution is important! Get out there, be inspired, inspire someone else, be someone's friend and remember that every day is a new day to try something new. You're the best! Have a great school year! Victoria

Hi there. I hope you have the best year ever! Im confident that you will be a star..You got this

Wishing you an amazing school year!! Good luck and make sure to study really hard! ❤️

You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. Winnie The Pooh said that and I wanted to pass that along to you to help brighten your day! You Got This!!! Always remember You Are Always Enough!! Thinking of you!! xoxo

The start of a new school year is such a special time with a world of possibilities. Everything is possible! You are so brave, so strong, and so talented. Wishing you the happiest school year ever!

Hi! I hope you have a great school year! What do you call a fake noodle? An imPASTA! 😄

It's lunch time, a great time to make friends. Finding them is scary. Look for someone who may be in your classroom. Remember to smile.

Have a great day! Use your kindness to help others today!

You are brave,strong, and capable of anything. Believe in yourself!

Hi! You are smart and strong and a good person.

What do you call a chicken staring at a salad? Chicken see-sa salad! Hope this made you laugh! Enjoy your lunch!

Hey, it's Nana! I believe in you and I know you'll have a great year! ❤️

Hey, it's Nana! I'm rooting for you and wish you the best year ever!

Hope you have a fantastic day at school today! You should be so proud of yourself for going to school and I really hope you enjoy it and have an amazing day! You deserve it. 😉

I wish you a day filled with silly smiles and really loud laughter, and of seeing something beautiful, even if it's just something small that only you enjoy. The world is a better place because you're in it. :)

Hi! Remember, you are special. Do your best, smile, and your day will be wonderful!

The world is better with you in it! You are amazing!

Hi! I just want you to know you are so smart, and perfect just the way you are! I hope you have such great day and year! I'm proud of you!

Hi, sweetheart! I hope you have the most delicious lunch today! I hope your day is filled with love and joy because YOU DESERVE IT! BIG hugs! Lori

Hey there! I hope you have a great day. Keep being awesome, and remember- you're definitely going places!

Hi! I hope you have a great day and week learning and growing into the strong, smart, kind person you are! You matter to me and are loved!

Never forget that You Are Important!

Hey, bud!!! I hope you have an amazing day and always know how special you are.

Hey buddy! I hope that today is great and you make a few fun friends along the way. You're going to do amazing things.

Hey! I am a new Mommy and I remember back when I was in school. It can be so scary and sad going back to school but I hope you have an incredible school year! I hope you make at least one really really cool new friend and find one new cool subject you really enjoy. I can't wait until my 9 month old baby gets to start school. When things are tough and scary just remember it will always get better. There is always a grownup who will listen. Sending sooooo much positive energy your way!!!! I hope it's the best school year yet!!!!

Remember, you are AWESOME!!! Have a great day and an amazing school year!!!

You are the sunshine in somebody's life. Keep right on shining!

You make your world a better place. Keep doing your best and remember to be kind to yourself.

Always do your best, never be afraid to make mistakes and always be kind. Have a great day! 💕

I hope this year is so awesome that last year gets jealous! Have a terrific school year, I'll be rooting for ya!

Hi there! I want you to know that you are loved and blessed. God will give you strength in your life. Believe in him. I pray that you will grow with love of yourself. Be good. You can do anything! ❤️❤️

Hello to you special one. I hope you have a wonderful day and school year. Please keep in touch if you can. I'd love to hear how you are doing.

You are amazing and make every day brighter!!!

Have a great school year and help to make every person you see today to smile--especially when you look at a mirror and look at the awesome person in it!!

Hey! Hi!!! You are awesome exactly as you are. Always remember that! ❤️

You are worthy and can accomplish great things! Have an awesome day!!!!

What does a cloud wear under his raincoat? Thunderwear Hehe! You deserve to have a great day!

Wishing you a wonderful day! Smile your biggest smile knowing that you're special and loved.

Hey have an amazing day. And always remember your smart, brave and loved.

What did the ocean say to the beach? Nothing. It just waved. But seriously, I'm so happy you are who you are, and I know you'll accomplish great things just by being yourself!!

Hello! I hope you are learning lots of new and exciting things at school. You are special and loved! Never forget that.

You are strong, You are smart, You are Amazing!! And You Got this! Happy School Day!!!

You are an awesome kid who is going to do amazing things. Keep up the good work. You are so loved.

You are amazing, unique, and loved! Don't ever feel unwanted because I care.

You're a smart and kind kid. School can be hard, but you can do it! You're braver than you know.

You are doing a good job! 👍 Work hard and be kind. Have a terrific day! 💝

Enjoy your lunch break! I hope you're having a great day. Sending lots of good vibes for a wonderful school year!

Hello friend, Today is going to be a great day! Keep a smile on your face and know everything is going to be okay! You got this! Make it a great day! CN

May you have a great day. Learn something new everyday. Make a difference for the good.

You are a ROCK STAR!! Do your best, be kind, and have fun!!

I picked you! You're brave, kind and can do hard things! Never forget that you matter and belong ♥️

I hope you're having a great first day. You'll be making new friends and new memories. Be kind to everyone! Work hard but remember to have fun!

You've got this!! Have a great school year!

Is it possible to send handwritten notes by mail to you?

Whoever you are I will wish upon a star That your day will be great Full of love and not hate♥️ Now close your eyes for at least 20 seconds and feel this grandma's arms surround in a great big hug and then a a big ol kiss on the cheek as you run off to finish your day. Remember, there is always someone in the world that loves you!🤗♥️

I hope you have a great day today! My granny always told me to learn a new thing every day. I hope you learn lots! Remember you can be anything you want to be!

Why don't ghosts go trick or treat? They have no body to go with them! Have a great day!

Believe in yourself the way I believe in you. You are wonderful and no one can ever take that from you!!

You are valuable. You matter. You deserve greatness.

Hi, You are awesome and inspiring. Even though you may not know me, I am wishing all the best for you!

Have a great school year! You got this!!

I remember what it was like starting a new grade- it was so weird! Don't let that get you down, all your friends go through that too!! You are not alone, and have fun!!

U R GR8! Find what makes you happy and do that!

You are a special person and your best is enough. You got this!

Follow your dreams, have a good day and a fabulous lunch! --A friend

I am a former teacher and I would be nervous every year on that first day. It never stopped being a situation I wasn't a little bit anxious about, but I have to tell you, you've got this...get excited for a new school and new beginnings! Everyone is feeling something that first day Please reach out to someone and share your smile and maybe your potato chips😄

You got this! Today is going to be bright and fun because you're here!⭐️🤎🐳

Hello Friend, I hope you have a great day! You are very important and I believe you will do great things!!!

You are an amazing student with a bright future ahead. I believe in you and I am wishing a fabulous new school year.

Smile because you are a very special person. Remember that and have a wonderful day!

Hello! I hope you have a wonderful day today! Please remember that you are amazing- just for being YOU! Remember to be kind to others and yourself! The world needs more people like you in it! XO

Hey! Hope you're having a great day and start to the school year! Here's a joke to hopefully make you smile 😃 What kind of tree fits in your hand? A palm tree! Do good work and be kind. ❤

Hi. Did you know that you rock? You are amazing. I believe in you. I hope you feel the love that I'm sending you. Don't forget how very special you are.

Hope you are having a great day. You are amazing❤️

What do you call a group of singing dinosaurs? A tyranno-chorus!

Your uniqueness is what makes you, you! Never change for others as you are gorgeous and special just the way you are!

You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think so keep your chin up

Keep smiling and have an amazing day!

You are awesome!

Have a wonderful day. Always remember that you are amazing, loved, smart, and can do whatever you set your mind to. You are incredible, you are unstoppable. Never give up.

Hey there, I am sure that what you are eating for lunch today was not your first choice (or any choice), but food in the belly is more important to help you learn than personal choice. Eating what is in front of you is a life lesson to work harder at your school work, get good grades, and do the best you can so as a young adult you can have the job and earning ability to eat what you want to eat. Life isn't perfect, but you can do it, and this meal will help you get there. Hang in there!

I hope today gives you some really fun stories to tell!

I believe in you.

Hi! I hope this first day back to school will find you enjoying the day. I know that first days can be a scary thing. But don't worry!! While you are at school I will be here saying prayers for your health and safety, sending positive vibes to you!! Remember YOU CAN DO ANYTHING! You will succeed by working hard and believing in yourself. Best wishes! Carla B

Today is your day! You can do it, whatever you put your mind to. 💯

What time would it be if Godzilla came to school? Time to run! Have a fun school year❤️

I would love for my group to do this. Is there a mailing address to send to?

You've got this! You are awesome! Have a really good day.

You are a SUPERSTAR! Have a great school year!!!

Look at you! Off to school & ready to learn! Wishing you a great school year! You are smart, you are strong! You got this!!!

Have an amazing day! You are loved, you are enough, and you got this!!

Would love info about the cafeteria notes

Try the things you want to do, don't let other kids worry you about what you say and do. Take chances, be positive and remember you are LOVED! Even if sometimes it doesn't feel that way. If anyone says anything mean to you, remember, someone is probably saying those mean things to them, and it's the only way they know to act out. Say to them, "I'm sorry someone was mean to you, but I will never be mean to you, I think you are awesome! We all have something we are good at, but everyone is not the same." Say to other kids the nice things that you'd like to hear. Be confident and be you! Wishing you love and happiness and a great life! ❤️

Welcome back to school! I just know it's going to be a great year! Work hard, be kind, and have fun!

You are unique! You are beautiful and you are loved!

Hey there! Good luck this school year. Be a friend to someone who needs one, study hard, and be a good person/teammate. If school ever gets too hard just remember lots of people have done it before you and made it through! You got this!!

Hey you! Don't you know you're amazing!

I hope you know what an awesome kid you are! Believe in YOU!

You are amazing! Have an awesome day!

Have a great day!!! You are AWESOME just the way you are!!!

Hello friend! I hope your day is great and you enjoy your lunch today! Keep up the great work and continue to be a kind person!

Remember, there is only one of YOU! You are so special and can do anything you put your mind to! I believe in you!

Believe in yourself & have a great school year!

Everyday is a fresh start with no mistakes in it. Go and shine!

You are kind, smart and creative - I am proud of you!

Hi there! I just want you to know you are creative, smart, funny, and unique in your very own way! Believe in yourself, and try your best & don't be afraid to be YOU because you are amazing! I hope you have a GREAT day and school year :)

You are smart, strong, and a beautiful soul. You are the best of the best! I believe in your goodness and kindness. I hope you have a wonderful day at school and know you are loved❤️

I would love to participate in this. As a retired teacher I could come up with some good notes!

Hey there! Hope you have a great day. If not, tomorrow's bound to be better. Just know we're all rooting for you. Be yourself, be kind, be happy, but stay away from the other bees. Hahaha

Hi! Just wanted to say you're going to do great! It's an exciting and sometimes anxious time, but you're not alone, there are lots of us cheering for you! Kim

Have a great day. Remember you are never alone. Reach for the stars. And always be nice to others.

You've got this! This is the most exciting time to be a kid and be learning new fabulous things! It's also really tough right now because of social media. I can personally guarantee you that the things you think are super important right now, like who's talking about you, etc. Are not going to bother you at all when you become a grown-up and all you can possibly be! Hang in there! Know that someone cares about you and wants you to succeed!

Hello, Remember you are unique, you are amazing and wonderful. Most of all know that you are a blessing to this beautiful world of ours.

How do you make a Kleenex dance? Put a little boogie in it. 🤣😂

2-4-6-8 I think you are really GREAT! Enjoy your lunch and have an awesome rest of your day!

A new school year can be scary, and also full of surprises and opportunities! Enjoy all the good things. You got this!!

Have a fantastic day and be sure to share your amazing SMILE!!

I see you. One more time.

I hope you have a fun day! Sending a big hug and thinking about you because you are important!

I hope you have an amazing day and find many reasons to smile 😊

There is only one you in the world. Think about how incredible that is - and how special it makes you. Don't try to be like everyone else, no matter how big the pressure is. Never let anyone dull YOUR shine. :)

You're a great kid and make us proud.

Hello! I hope are having an incredible day at school today and everyday to follow! May the sun shine bright on you!

Here is a hug in case you need it.

You matter, and I hope you have the best day.

You are amazing, capable, and will do great! Do your best and keep smiling. Have a terrific school year!

Have a great day. You're going to do great things. Do something nice for someone today. You got this!

It's the start of a new school year. It can be both scary and exciting, but no matter what, you can do this! You got this! You're strong and amazing and I believe in you. Let's go!

Concentrate, do your best, and have a nice day!

Summer is over and time to go back to school! Have fun, listen to your teacher, be an inspiration to others and work hard. Remember to never ever give up! Make it your best year ever! ♥️♥️

You have only failed when you quit trying.

I hope you have such a great day, kiddo!! You are so very loved!!

This will be a very special year for you! You are a Rock Star and will fly with the eagles this year. You got this!!

You are kind, you are smart, and you are important! Have the best day!

You're doing so great! Follow your goals and see your dreams all the way through! Don't give up!

I hope you have an amazing day! You. Are. Enough!

Everything will be alright, don't get discouraged. I'm sending you courage today. You can do it! 🤗👍🌼💛

Be brave Be strong you can do anything you're special you're loved

Starting school can be tough. You got this! You were given a spirit of power, love and sound mind. Be well!

Have a great day! Remember, be you! You are amazing!

I hope you have a wonderful school year! You are smart, important and beautiful!

Smile. What makes you different is what makes you wonderful.

How do bees get to school? On the school buzz Have a great school year! You can do it!

You are very special! Smile and shine today!!

Hope you have an awesome day! You deserve it!

You are so special and unique. You matter! You are going to have an incredible year!

You can do or be anything you set your mind to. Go for it!

I hope today is a SUPER day for you. You are AMAZING, don't ever forget that!

Why couldn't the skeleton cross the road? Because he didn't have the GUTS! Always be yourself and you'll be happy. Embrace the goofy!

You matter. You're going to have the best year! Think of all the cool things you're going to learn! If you have a problem with anyone BE STRONG & confident. Know you're worth & stand your ground. You've got this!!!!

A smile is one of the best gifts to get and they are free to give away. Life is good and you are amazing! Thank you for being you ☺️

Brighten your day with a Bright Smile on your face.😃 Everyone will wonder what & why you're smiling....& maybe will Smile Back..😁😁

Be yourself and remember how your special gifts make our world a better place! Spread positivity and smile! You are doing great!

I hope you are having the best day today and that everyday feels like a pizza party!

If you get bored in class, try to think of a question to ask. Challenge yourself. You are smart and your teacher wants to hear from you.

Smile....because you never lnow who might be watching and need the courage to do the same!! 🙂

Always remember that you are amazing and strive to do your best. Your best is enough. 🩵

Hey there! I know things probably feel scary and exciting all at the same time. You might not feel sure about this year. But you're smart! You're amazing! You're a good person and you are ready for this! Learning is how people get things done! Now, hold your head up high and slay this year!

I hope you know you are strong, brave and so very smart! Keep your head up and never be afraid to ask questions! You are absolutely amazing and beautiful inside and out 💜!!

Hi buddy! Hope you are having a good day. This school year will be a great one, I believe in you!

You are absolutely wonderful! I hope you have a great day, an awesome week, and an even better year :)

Can a frog jump higher than a house? Of course, a house can't jump!

What a great day today is! I hope the rest of your day is filled with sparkles and sunshine, you got this!

Hi! I started school over 60 years ago! My favorite thing was learning new things I didn't know. Some kids were not so nice sometimes, but I now understand they were mostly scared and didn't know the proper way to handle this emotion. When I feel scared, I remember it's just a story in my head, and not real! Real is how strong I am, and how I know mean words are just sounds and nothing that is true. I hope you have a good day today. If you feel scared or sad, it's ok. But you are braver than you believe, smarter than you seem, and strongerthan you think!

I hope you are having an amazing day because you yourself are amazing!!!

This will be your best year yet! God bless!

Have a great day today! Remember, you make the world better just by being in it!

Why can't you do a math test in the jungle? Because there are too many cheetahs.

You're doing great! Hang in there!

Be awesome today and be a friend to someone who really needs one. Have a great day!!

Hello my friend!! I hope you are having an amazing day. I want you to know that you are special, you are loved and you are capable of so much more than you believe. I love you😀❤️

Be Kind. Be Brave. Be You. Try your best! If you see a friend that needs a friend, be a friend! Have the best day ever! You are loved!

You were born to do great things!! I believe in you and I believe that you'll do great things!!

A year from now, it won't even matter. Don't stress over the little things.

I hope your day is as special as you are!

You matter. So so much.

I hope you are having the BEST day! Don't forget that whatever happens, you can do it.

You got this! Keep your chin up and put your best foot forward each day. I'm proud of you! Shine bright :)

Have a great day at school!! :-)

You got this! You deserve to have a great day today and I really hope you have some fun too! Keep smiling!

A new school year can be scary, but it's also an opportunity to do your best every day. We know you can do it! Love ya kiddo

Today is a great day! Remember you are important and you are loved!

Have a wonderful day today! You are special. No one else can do the things you can. Be kind to others. You will do great!!

Have a great day of school!! You are so brave and so smart. Do great things!!

Have an amazing day! Each day is a blessing. Make the most of it.

Have a wonderful day at school. You are growing everyday, and becoming a kind, intelligent student!

You are pure sunshine and don't forget it! Have a super day ❤️

You are a Rockstar and more amazing than you know! You will do great things this year!

You're doing great! The day is half way done!

Every year the first week was scary to me until I found my place and I know you will find yours! I'm proud of you for making it here and you are a superstar!

You are amazing and wonderful!! Have a great day!

Have a great day! You are loved :)

I hope you're having a fantastic start to the school year. Believe in yourself because I believe in you.

Have a fun day! Try your best in all things, be kind and remember to be yourself ❤️

You are important. You matter. And you're doing a great job. Keep going and keep trying, I'm so proud of you.

Why was the strawberry upset? Because it was in a jam! Hope you have a GREAT day! Sending Hugs. From Sam's mom

Follow your dreams, no matter what anyone else says. You have the power to move mountains. Keep being yourself, and know that you are loved.

Welcome back to school! I hope it's a great year and that you make some of the best friends. You got this! 😊💜 -Mama C.

Hi there! I hope you know what a smart and awesome kid you are! Come see me in college when you're ready.

You can do anything you put your mind to! God loves you and you are so very special. Give yourself a hug and be proud of yourself! You've got this :)

You and God have got this! You are beautiful and loved, and the world is much better with you in it. Have a great year at school❤️

You are perfect just as you are.

You are amazing and don't you forget that 💗

The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you. You got this!

You are a rockstar! Don't forget to have fun, get messy, and learn as much as you can every day!

My Dear One, Don't forget to smile and play today. You will grow up touching so many hearts. Someone here is praying for your journey to success.

You are going to meet friends and have fun. Be kind to everyone and they will huge kindness back to you. Be proud when you try hard to do your best.

Hey dude, you are so smart and clever. I wouldn't be surprised if you had a bunch of friends who think you're the funniest kid they know! You're going to have the best year. You put light into everyone's life you meet!

You're not just special. You're extra special and terrific! I hope you have a great day!

You are the coolest! Have a fantastic day! Love you, kiddo! Xoxo

You are loved and capable of doing great things. Choose to make it a great day.

What is a sailors least favorite vegetable? Leeks! Never be afraid to show your smile! Do your best and have a great year.

Why did the banana go to see Doc McStuffins? Because it wasn't peeling well! Happy new school year! Know that you can do anything when you work hard and dream big! *HUG*

I hope you have a great day. You're doing a great job kiddo.

You are perfect in the eyes of Jesus! Don't let anyone makes you feel less! He is our king and you are his prized possession!!! You are a masterpiece!!

Today is a good day because you make the world a better place. Share a smile with someone today and pay kindness forward! Be kind and work hard!

You will do wonderful and amazing things

I hope you have the very best school year ever! You are AMAZING! Keep working hard and believe in yourself, because I believe in you!

What do you call a bear with no teeth? A Gummy Bear! Have an awesome day!

Have a great day! You are smart and you got this!

YOU are Amazing! YOU are Beautiful! YOU are Loved! Don't ever forget that!

Looking forward to writing notes!

You are smarter than you believe. Stronger than you think. People are lucky to know you and be your friend. Have a great day!

Hi kiddo! Hoping you have a great day and learn a lot! You are so special and loved!

You are smart, brave and amazing! Work hard, learn lots, have fun!

Wishing you an Amazing school year!! Be kind to yourself and others, read books, do some yoga breathing and poses and always ask for help! Your future is bright!!! ♥️

You are smart! Make good choices! Good things are coming, good things are here.

You are the only you ever to be on this big spinning rock, don't ever change. Be kind, do no harm, but don't take anyone treating you badly. Have a great school year!!! Ps WASH YOUR HANDS

You matter! You are smart! You are beautiful! You are important!

Have a great day and a wonderful school year! You're going to do amazing! Sending lots of hugs your way!

You are loved! Every day is a new chance to be the best version of yourself as possible. Be kind and make good choices. Hope you have a fantastic day!

Hope your day is as beautiful as you 💛💗

You are amazing and beautiful, when things get tough just remember to do your best and always be kind. Have an incredible day and know that you are loved.

Happy first day of school! There are so many things to be excited about learning so many new things. At the same time, the first day comes with lots of emotions. I was a teacher for 28 years. Each first day was exciting and a little tough. But, you've got this. Remember to breathe deep and keep all that strength inside to help you through the day. I'm with you the whole way! Stay bright and remember to smile. ~Sabrina

You got this, kiddo! Have a great lunch and a great day!

Keep dreaming big things for can achieve them! Nothing is too big or too little for you to handle!

Don't sweat the small stuff - everyone is nervous! Stay kind and thoughtful. Have a great day, kiddo! :)

Have a great day in school. You are smart, loved & appreciated. Share your smile, be kind to yourself & others. I hope the sun always shines on you ♥️

I hope this school year is the best for you! You are amazing! You are an inspiration and will achieve your goals!

I hope your day is filled with lots of laughs and fun. You are doing great👍🏻

Have the best day! You are special!

Remember... You are strong. You are brave. You are courageous. You are loved. You can do hard things. Including make it through this school year! We believe in you.

Every new beginning is a little scary, but it will get better. Have a great year ❤️

It is the start to a new year and you can make it what you want. Today is the day you look around and know how special you are. Make it a great day and the start of a great year! You got this!!

Work hard, play hard, enjoy every day! Make it a great school year! You are worth the effort!

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go!

What's a cat's favorite color? Purrrrrple! Have a terrific day, you are a Shining Star!

Happy Day! Starting a new school year is scary. Know that you are special and you're going to do great!!!

Hi sweetheart:) Have a great day at school

I hope you have a GREAT start to your school year! You are loved, you are important, you are strong, and you are smart. Have a wonderful school year and don't forget to SMILE! Sending so many hugs and high-fives! -Cara

No Matter Who You Are, Or Where You Are On Life's Journey, You Are Kind, You Are Smart, And You Are Important. And that is so amazing!

I just know this is going to be a great year for you! Be brave. Be kind. And be you!!

Have a great year! So excited for all the cool new things you will learn. You are awesome!

You are amazing! You can do anything. Be kind to others, be kind to yourself and be courageous.

I believe in you!

Life is tough, you're tougher! Let's rock this day!!

I hope you have an amazing day at school! You are a smart and talented kid and you've got this!

Hey, you, back to schooler!! You're going to do great this year. You're so smart already & there's so much more good stuff to learn!!

You are kind. You are smart. You are important. You will achieve great things if you set your mind to it and try! 💜

Hey! Here's a joke: How do bees get to school? THEY TAKE THE SCHOOL BUZZ! Have a great day, and do your homework! 🥰

How can a frog jump higher than the Eiffel Tower? The Eiffel Tower can't jump!

No matter what happens today, keep a smile in your heart. Have a fabulous school year!! You got this! :)

Have the best day today ! You are a superstar!! Keep shinning ❤️

You are smart. You are strong. You are loved.

I would like to learn more

Welcome back to school we sure missed you. Please enjoy your day.

Hey Kiddo, what did Mama corn say to Baby corn? Where's Pop corn? Some days school is fun, some days it's not. And that's OK. That's life. Doesn't make the bad days any less painful. But it does make the good days better! Be yourself, and if you can't be yourself, be a unicorn. Unique, rare and magical. If no one is looking, eat dessert first. Cheers, Your Fairy Godmother.

Remember you are one of a kind, unique and very special! Be yourself and you will do great things.

Have a great school year! You've got this!

You are kind. You are smart. You are funny. You are worth it. You are IMPORTANT! Go do great things 😀

Hi! Welcome to a new school year! It is going to be great! You will be learning many new things. You will be making many new friends! I hope that you really have fun this school year. And don't forget to ask questions from your teacher if you don't understand something. They are here for you to learn and enjoy learning. Don't forget to eat breakfast every day so that you start your day strong! Have a happy school year! You will do great!

You are a special kid and you're doing great!

Learning is growing.

No matter what anyone else says or thinks, you are beautiful and you can be somebody great!

Be someone's best friend today. They might need you.

Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle. Have an awesome day!

It will be ok, keep smiling!

You are strong. You are brave. You are kind. You can do hard things!

Hey kiddo! I hope you're having a great day! Enjoy your lunch!

I hope you know you're smart and loved 🥰

Rooting for you!! Hope that your day goes well and that you have good food to eat :)

You're a ROCKSTAR in the making! Have a great day!

Stay cool and have a good year!

I hope you have a beautiful life. You deserve it!

Hi! I hope you have a good lunch and great day! You got this!

Be good to yourself and to others. You are AWESOME!

Have a wonderful day! You are special!!

I pray you have The Best day ever!!!!

Hey kiddo! Hope you're having a great day! A new school year can be overwhelming but you got this! You're such a special and cool person!

I hope today is fabulous! Do the best you can, be kind and be a learner!

Have a fabulous day! Remember that we all grow at difference rates! Grow that brain!!

The world needs more people like you. I hope you have the best day!

Hey there, I know you're going to great this year! Remember to laugh and be kind and a test is not a measure of how smart you are! Grab the sunshine!

Kiddo, you are magical and capable of doing anything you can dream of!! You've got this!

Each day starts and ends with you...make it count.

yay! it's lunchtime! you know what? your kindness makes others feel happy and makes their day better. thank you for being a good friend.

Hi! I hope you have an amazing year at school! You've got this!! Xoxo

Hey friend, Thinking about you for this new school year. Hope you make a new friend today! Be kind. Don't be afraid to make a mistake. Smile. You are loved. Ricky

You know what? You've got this! Be proud of who you are-you have so many beautiful days ahead of you and a lot of people rooting for you! Even though some days can be tough, there are SO many more that will be amazing. You've got this and we believe in you!!!

I just wanted you to know that you are loved and you got this!! Have a great school year!

You made it to lunch! I hope you had a good morning. Always remember you deserve love and respect. You are enough exactly as you are. You are amazing and I am so proud of you. Be proud of yourself! Have a great afternoon. -B

You are great and deserve a great day. Why was the math book sad? It had a lot of problems.😀

Have a great day today! You got this ❤️

Do the best job you can do,be the best possible person you can be. You are important and loved.

Hope you have a great school year! Learn as much as you can, and push forward, no matter how challenging things can get. It will all pay off in the future!

You are super special and you're going to have a great year! Good luck on your journey!!

You are important & you matter ❤️

Hey. You are special. You make a difference. Don't ever forget that.

Remember, whatever today brings, nothing ever stays in one place too long. So if you are scared, lonely or anxious, that too will change. You matter! ♥️

Hi! I hope you have a wonderful day! I'm proud of you and all your hard work.

You are the best you there is! Have a great day 😀

Happy Back to School! It's a great new year - you got this!!!

Hey kiddo! You're doing amazing and you've totally got this. You have so many exciting things ahead of you. Keep on being you :)

You are fabulous , don't forget that . There is no other one like you !!!

Hi friend! Just wanted to tell you that you are amazing! I hope you have a fun day and learn lots! Remember you are strong, smart, and can do hard things.

Never forget that you are amazing! Have a great school year full of fun, friend, and success!

You've got this! It gets easier, and if you need someone, go to any school adult. Remember, to SMILE, it not only changes your day but someone elses!♡😁

Have a great school year my friend!!

You have so many people cheering you on that you don't even know! Have the best school year ever, be kind whenever you can, and you'll make the world proud!

Hey kiddo! Have a great year!!!

I'm just a New York City dreamer of big dreams wishing you a WONDERFUL day!!! Keep your dream in your mind every single day. What you think -- you will become! I believe this note will reach just the right girl who believes in magic! 💫🩷 JUST BELIEVE!! XOXO

Hope you're having a good day. Keep smiling and don't give up.

You are worthy of every good thing life has to offer.

You are special!

Remember to strive for progress, not perfection.

You will do remarkable things. I just know it.

Hi Sweetheart, I hope you have a great day in school today. You are such a blessing. Love your friend, Lisa

I know it may seem scary to start a new year, but you've got this! Even if it doesn't turn out the way you imagined, it's just a moment in time that will pass and great things are waiting for you. I promise. You can get through anything, and if you need a hand, just ask. And keep asking. There is always someone to help, you just have to find the right person. I'm proud of you. You matter to me. And I hope you have a great year!

You shine so bright, kiddo! I'm so glad you're here!

Be kind! And remember you are AMAZING

I hope your day is full of smiles and lots of laughs! Have fun and do your very best. :-)

What's up kiddo! Hope you know you're awesome and amazing and all things great in the world!! You can do anything, I believe in you. XOXO Amrayne from Salt Lake City, Utah

This year will be great! Remember to do your best and that you are AMAZING! I believe in you!

Have a most amazing and awesome day! Smile at the world & the world smiles back! 😊

You are enough!!! You are strong, you are good and you matter.

Have an amazing day! Try your very best, you be you, and remember: God loves you and so do I!

You are a super hero! Sometimes people don't know it yet and that's ok. Just keep doing the right thing and being the right you. Absolute SUPER HERO!

Be the reason someone smiles today!

Be yourself. Do your best. Everyone makes mistakes, so don't beat yourself up if something goes wrong. No one is perfect. Try saying something nice about yourself and also someone else every day.

What did the Teddy Bear say after he ate? "I'm stuffed!" Have a great day!

You get to decide, every day, if it will be a good one. Stay positive and have the best day ever!

Hi there, I would just like to tell you, I think you're awesome! I hope your day is filled with smiles and laughter. You're worth it! Have a great day and the rest of your week! Lisa

I hope this note brings some sunshine to your day! A new school year can be a busy time. Take some deep breaths. I'm proud of you!

Have a great day! I believe in you, believe in yourself and you can accomplish anything.

The world is a better place with you in it! Enjoy your lunch😃

You are enough, just as you are! God loves you!

You're awesome and you're going to do great this year! I'm so proud of you for showing up and doing your best! You got this!

Remember you are amazing.

I hope you have a fantastic school year! Always believe in yourself as others believe in you!! You are going to do great things!

Hi friend! I just wanted to let you know that you've got this! Whatever you are feeling today, remember that YOU MATTER and make this world a better place. It wouldn't be the same without you. Remember...kind heart, brave mind, fierce spirit. Love, CH

No matter what today brings, you can be the best you and make someone smile! I hope you have a fantastic day!!

I wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you and the amazing things you are going to learn and do this year. You are amazing. Aim to make at least one person smile a day. That smile will be given back to you. ❤️

How do cows stay up to date? They read the moos-paper! Have a great year!

You are loved! Have a great day! You got this!

Hope you have a great day at school! Here is a joke if you feel like you need a laugh. Why can't you hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom? Because the 'P' is silent! Have fun today!

Hey kiddo! A reminder that you are fierce and fearless! This is going to be a GREAT year! Go get 'em!

Your are important. You matter. Believe in yourself, I know I do!!

You are an amazing person - I'm sure you will do wonderful things today - if things are going badly in your life right now they will get better ... the secret is that the more good you do the better you will feel

You are amazing! You've got magic inside of you! Never forget what a beautiful person you are. Have a great week at school. You've got this!

Just do your best, and enjoy your day! God loves you and so do I! ❤️🙏

Cheer Up Buttercup!

You got this. I believe in you even if you don't. Be the change the world needs. Love ya

Hi! I hope you have a lovely day at school. You're so smart and kind. You bring so much joy to the world!

Hello dear young student, welcome back to school and I hope you will love the opportunity to learn so much and meet new friends and teachers. Take one day at a time, take deep breaths when nervous, say a little prayer, and do your very best. That is all we can do because we are not robots or Angels. You can do more than you think you can. Never give up. Stay with good, kind people and help one another. You are never alone. When you need help ask a trusted adult for what you need or want. One day soon you will grow wonderfully and become your dream. Think now of what you would like your career to be. Try out new things. Since you are young you can explore different subjects to see what is your favorite and what you are very talented at. That will help you to know what you should be. God bless you. As a mother of two children, I remember my kids were your age. They are now 29 (a man) and 17 (a young woman/teen). I miss when they were your age. Have a wonderful school year. I will be praying for you and your family. It would be nice if you can say a little prayer for mine so we can all be healthy and safe. Love, Jane and my older kids- Zakee and Zara. 🥰

You can do this! Make this an awesome school year!

I hope you enjoy your lunch and have a great day. You are special!

I'm so proud. You had the strength to make it to school today and learn some new things. I see big things in your future!

You going to do amazing things this year, and learn so much! So proud of you!!

Helloo..hope your school year is a success...

Have an awesome school year! Always do your best and be yourself ! Smile smile smile ! I know you will meet lots of new friends

The world is a better place with you in it!!! Enjoy your lunch!!!

Believe in yourself as much as I believe in you!

I hope you are having the best day ever. Never forget how strong and capable you are. You are so loved. Enjoy your lunch. ❤️

Hey kiddo!! Hope you have an amazing school year. We are rooting for you. Sending lots of encouragement and hugs.

Put your arms around yourself, squeeze and say "I love you!" You got this!

You deserve the BEST day today and always! ♥️♥️ Always be yourself and don't let anyone try and change you! You're amazing!

Good morning I hope today is a great day at school and you have lots of fun and learn to do things like reading and writing I hope you have art and music too I'm so proud of you!! Do your best and make new friends Big hugs always Grandma Dory

What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef! Have fun today & know you're doing a great job! 💚

Hi friend. I know the new school year can be scary, but you've got this! You can do or be anything that you can imagine!

You are smart, strong, and amazing! Just keep swimming and you will achieve your goals! Smile that beautiful smile and show them who you are! You got this! Make this year a great year!

Just a note to let you know that someone is wishing you a amazing day!!!!

You are the only you; talented, smart, a shining star! Let your light shine. 🕯️

Keep smiling & someone else will smile too. A smile looks great on you so give it a try 😊

You are someone's superhero. Stay kind and you will soar!

You are smart and beautiful and don't let anyone tell you differently. Always smile.

I hope you have an outstanding school year! May God Bless You Always! -Amanda

Love this

You are one of a kind and you are amazing just the way you are! 💗

The big kids might scare you today but I promise you that one day YOU will be the big kid. Believe in yourself and know that you are awesome!

What do you call a bear with no teeth? A Gummy Bear! Have a great day! ♥️

I hope you have an AMAZING day/school year! Keep your head held high, if you make a mistake, learn from it because nobody is perfect. No matter what always believe in yourself!! You can do this!!!

You are loved, you are smart, and you are kind! Have a great day!xoxo

What color is a burp? Burple! Thinking of you, I hope your day is grand :)

You are sweet. How was your school day? You're doing great.

Hello you cool kid, you! Are you having a good day? If so, keep it going. But if not, you still have time to make it better. Forward you go!

Dear Friend, You are amazing. Follow your dreams and put in the hard work! You are capable of anything you set your mind to! All my love, Christina

Have a great school year. Remember you are IMPORTANT!

Today is YOUR day!

Hey! You! Yes you, the totally awesome person reading this. I'll share a secret. This day is gonna be alright. You will win. Why? Because you are the best and I'm proud of you. One foot in front of the other, young one. Onwards! are special, you are kind, you are brave, you are loved. Have a wonderful time at school ❤️

I hope you have a great school year!!! You can do this!! 🥰

You are a wonderful person. You were born that way. We all need you to be the best you can be. Have a great day 😀

Hey! I know this is all really a lot, but you are doing so great just by being there! Take it one step at a time, and enjoy the small things. You got this!

Hey sweet friend! Make today amazing! Because you are. Stay kind and have a great year!

Hi, Have a good day and have fun, enjoy your lunch.

Have a great day! You are amazing!

I hope you have a wonderful school year! Hold your head high. You are going to rock this year!!

Please send info on this program

Hey kiddo! You are strong and smart and oh so special! I hope you have a great day!

You are amazing! No matter how your day has been so far, you can end it on a positive note. Make good choices, apologize if needed, take a deep breath and move on. You are important and loved!

Happy day to you😀 you are amazing!

Don't worry about fitting in. Think about sticking out! No one better to be you, than you. Joke: my cat ate a lemon on the counter, now he is a sourpuss.

Hi Sweetheart! Hope you have the best day and school year! You got this!! Work Hard!

Just know, with a little hard work, you can accomplish anything within your wildest dreams. You're worthy of greatness!!!

Hi! I hope you know how special you are! Just remember you can do anything that you want in life, you just have to work hard and never give up.

Hi! I hope you have a wonderful day! Remember you are amazing!

Hi, I hope you know you are fearfully and wonderfully made and so special! Have a great day and find the good in every thing!

Hello amazing human! Your light and power and voice are so important. Keep shining and being you! You are loved.

You are an incredible person. Believe in yourself because I sure do!

You are special. I hope you have a great day and learn fun things.

You are loved! Have a fun day!

Have a wonderful day!!

Smile 😃 , You're going to have a great year!

"You're off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So get on your way!" I hope you have the most amazing school year yet!

Have a good day at school! If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours!

Hello, As you are reading this, someone is thinking of you. I am wishing you well on this journey we call life. We are all born with endless potential, we set our own boundaries. Everything you need to survive and shine lies within you, even if people don't always acknowledge it. You are unique. There is only one you. Don't ever forget that fact. The world would never be complete without you in it. Do something today that makes you happy. Sing a song, listen to the sounds of nature, whatever it is. Make sure to smile from it.

Note for children? Turn someone's frown, upside down and share a smile with them. Hugs

Hey Kiddo, I hope you get adjusted to the new school year. It's always hard coming back after summer vacation. If there is anyone at school or at home who is hurting you or making life difficult, be sure to tell someone. Don't keep it a secret. I believe in you.

You are strong. You are good. You are worthy. You are loved beyond measure. I hope you have the best day ever!

Good luck in school this year! Study hard, make new friends, make mistakes and learn from them! School can be awesome just keep a great imagination!

You are loved.

I hope you have the best day ever!!

Have a great day at school! Make some fun memories and learn something new today.

You are awesome and I hope you smile and have a great day!

You are loved more than you know.

You are amazing! You are smart and strong and everyday you do a great job and I care a lot about you!!

You are a great kid! Do your best today and always be kind to yourself and others.

Hi cutie, This is your year to shine! Always remember to be kind and don't be afraid to ask teachers for help! Have a great day and try your best!

Hello new friend! I hope your school year is off to a great start. My advice: be kind to others & be kind to yourself. The rest will all fall into place. You got this!

Hey there, friend! Have an awesome day at school today, and remember that YOU are so cool, and so smart, and so kind. Your friends admire you, and so do I. Keep treating other people so well, and keep being the creative, funny, wonderful person you are.

Happy New (School) Year! Don't you worry about a thing - you got this, friend.

You are a shining star! I believe in you!

Don't just look at the stars, be one. You are an amazing person.

I have grand children who would love to inspire others

Yay.....Lunch time!!!!! Keep up the good work, be kind to others and continue on being the awesome kid that you are!

I hope you have a great school year! Learn all you can. And remember to have fun!

You are capable of concurring the world! Stay focused and enjoy the ride! 🔥🔥🔥🔥

I am thinking about you today!! I hope you are having a great day at school and that your year is full of learning and fun!!!

Your smile is contagious. Share your smile with a new person today!

Happy New School Year! I know you will do great things! Believe in yourself because I believe in you!

Hello little one, These first few days might be scary but I know you can do it, you are brave, strong and powerful, I believe in you and I am rooting for you! Mrs Molly

I hope you have an amazing day and a terrific school year! Study hard! The world is waiting for you to great things!

Hey! Today looks great and you look great! Remember this is just one day out of many so keep your head up and focus on what makes you so cool. You're doing great.

You are a bright, strong, spark! Be kind today and know that you are loved!

You are special and perfect just the way you are! I know you will have lots of friends because you'll be a good friend. Have a great day!

Remember, you are awesome, you are worth it.

Hey friend. You're smart and funny and kind. I hope you're having a great day.

You are strong, you are capable, you are beautiful, you are loved❤️

I am so proud of you and all of your hard work!

have fun today and remember that's the goal every day, to have FUN!!

Have an amazing day at school! You are so important and so smart and you are going places!

Hey bud, you are going to crush this new school year! I hope you know how special, smart, and wonderful you are. You've got this!

You are amazing! You are the only YOU, so never stop being yourself!

You are a great kid! Keep trying your hardest and have a wonderful day!

I hope you have a GREAT day, and that you get to smile, and play with your friends, and learn something new and really fun!!! Me and my puppy are hoping today is the BEST day ever!!

I hope you have a wonderful day! Remember to do your best!

Hello! Hope you're having a really good day! 😃

Hope you're having a great day! Do your best, be you, and know that you are good enough!!!

Here's to a great school year! You've got this!!

Remeber mistakes made means your trying. Never give up because you can do it!

Have a great school year! Always be kind, study hard, be yourself and always have fun.❤️

Good Morning. Just a little note to say hello, you are so special and loved. I hope you have a wonderful day today.

You have to be odd to be #1 - Dr. Seuss Have a GREAT day!

Knock knock. Who's there? Etch. Etch who? Bless you! Have a great day and be the best YOU because you're perfect!

Make sure to eat up while you are at school! Your lunch heroes work hard to make sure you have good, healthy options for breakfast and lunch! This makes you smart and strong! Love, a teacher from Mississippi

You are amazing !! Have the best day ever ! Keep Smiling ! Do something special for someone!

You're amazing, loved, and I'm proud of you. Never give up. You can be whatever you want to be. You can do this.

You are amazing! We believe in you. Have a wonderful day.

This is your year - do your best and have fun! Remember to smile and laugh! Learning is fun!

Do something kind for one of your classmates and friends or even someone you don't know. spread your great smile all over the school and you will notice how much happier you have made your day and others too!! have a great school year!

You got this! We are cheering you on to have the best year yet!

You got this. Good luck. May God Bless you sweet child.

Hi! Remember that you're the only you in the room so shine on!

Hope you're having the best day and that this school year is the best one yet! You got this!

Always remember that you are not alone. We are here for you.

Dear child of God, You matter to many! You make this world a BETTER PLACE just by being in it! You can choose to be kind to change people's hearts. It may not be something you see , this change, but I promise you, if you keep being kind, even when others aren't, YOU WILL CHANGE THEM FOR THE BETTER! Wait it out and ask God for strength. Sometimes life is hard, and as a child growing up through that, you might feel like you won't get through it. But YOU WILL! Stay close to God, learn about His plan for you, and KNOW that you are loved! You are worthy of love and respect when you treat others with love and respect. Be good sweet child. Be the change from pain to peace that EVERYONE is seeking. I know that inside your heart, you seek love and kindness. And you have so much of that to share. Don't let the world take that from you! God gave it to you and it's yours to share. Sending love and hope and kindness and goodness to all of you! Love, another child of God!

Good afternoon! Have the best day ever!

My best wishes to you for a super good school year! You've got this!

Why did the math book look so sad? Because it had too many problems! Hope you don't have any problems today!!

Don't forget ypu are awesome ... have a fantastic day!!!

I hope you have the best day! You're doing great and amazing things are going to happen to you, just have patience.

Why was 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 ATE 9! I hope your lunch is as delicious as the number 9 was ;)

Hey there, I hope you are having a wonderful day, but if it hasn't been great yet just know I'm thinking of you and sending you all the positivity I have. Enjoy your lunch and keep doing your best today, you are loved.

School is lots of fun. You'll get to be with all your friends every day. Have a great year!

You are amazing! Do your best work every day and smile! I know you are always kind to your friends, and that is why they like you. Stay kind and be the best you!

I hope you have an amazing day. Don't forget to add some pixie dust to your sparkle. ✨

Have a great time at school this year! Remember that books can take you anywhere. Be sure to smile, be kind to others and have FUN!

Hi there hope you have a wonderful day. Remember that you are enough, you are more than enough you are special. You are cherished you are loved 😍

You got this !! You can do anything!!!!

You matter! Have a great school year, study hard and have some fun! I'm proud of you 👍🏼.

Beautiful child, you are important to this world. Remember to take a deep breath often and be kind. You are loved.

Today is going to be a great day to learn something new!

You are BRAVE! You are SPECIAL! You are AMAZING! You are MAGIC! You are SMART! You are wonderful person! Never forget that....Much love to you! Have a great day!

You are so special! Share your smile and have a great day! I hope you read this everyday ❤️

I hope you had a great day of school and learned a lot. Enjoy your lunch!

Good news: You are awesome, and you are going to do great things this school year!

You are a shining star! Share your light with those around you! You are going to do great this school year!

I know the end of summer is never fun because it brings school back. Make sure you stop and take time to enjoy the things you get to do in school this year. Learn all you can, strengthen friendships - make new ones, let go of the ones that no longer help you be the best you can be and always remember that you are worthy of love and kindness no matter where you are or what you do. I hope that this school year is the best so far. Enjoy it! Go grow and be successful in all you do!

Have a great day and smile! Know you are cared about and you can get thru the day with your head up!

I pray that you feel peace, feel strong and courageous. Jesus loves you and you are going to have an amazing school year! Be a light for others so they will know Jesus too. Have a fantastic year!

I hope you have a very good day at school and enjoy your lunch! You're doing great this year! I'm proud of you.

Do your best today in everything-the fun parts and the hard parts-be proud of yourself!

Hi! I hope you have a yummy lunch and a fantastic day at school! ❤️😊

Hey! You are so awesome! I see you smiling!

What makes you different is what makes you beautiful

Have a great day!

I believe in you. You got this.

Always remember you are brave, you are kind, you are smart, and you are important!

I hope you are having a terrific day! Enjoy your lunch! Remember you are awesome!

You got this today. Go crush it.

Hope you're having a great day. Be kind and remember to smile cause no one can take that away from you 😊

Hi! You're doing so amazing! Sometimes I get scared when I'm doing something new. That's ok and I know I'm strong and brave when I take a deep breath and keep going. I know you are strong and brave too! You are a good friend and a great person. I hope you have a great school year and I am rooting for you!

Hey kiddo, I hope you have an amazing day. I just you are going to excel in everything you do

Hey kiddo! I hope you had a fantastic summer and are ready to have a fantastic school year too. Remember there is only one YOU, so be the best you that you can be. You are special, and loved, never forget that.

Thank you

Today is the day! Do your best to make better for yourself and others.

Hey You! It's going to be a great year! Have fun making fun memories with your friends! You got this! Joni

Enjoy your lunch! Make someone smile today- especially you!!

Hi. I work with children so I know the start of the year can be hard. But you will have a good year. There are people- like me- thinking about YOU... and sending you good vibes. And it starts with a good day.

What an exciting time! You get to learn new things and meet new friends! I hope this year is memorable for you 😊

I know the first day of school can be scary, but it's also exciting! You are an amazing kid and you're going to excel in school this year! By the way, what's black and white and red all over? A newspaper! It's "read" all over! LOL!

You are going to have an amazing day! Your smile is contagious! Pass it on!

Have the most magical day and the most amazing school year! Never stop believing in yourself! You got this!

What do you call two horses that live next door to one another? Neeeiiiiggghhhhhbors. I hope you're having a great day! You are so loved.

Want to hear a joke about pizza ? No, it's too cheesy

Hey there! My name is Page and I live in Ocean City, MD. What is your name and how old are you? I am 47 years old and I am married to Tobias. He's a retired chef and I am a retired teacher. We have a 17 year old daughter starting her senior year in high school. She plays field hockey and soccer. We have 2 dogs. Bowie is a small Chihuahua-pomeranian mix and Charlotte is a pit bull-Boxer mix. Can you tell me more about yourself please? You can tell me about your school, friends, family, pets, hobbies or anything else you'd like to share? I look forward to hearing back from you. With love, Page

Hello! I hope you're having a wonderful day at school. Remember that you are amazing and have the power to do great things! Sending love ❤️

You are loved! Make good choices today!

You are enough. Don't compare yourself to anyone but the "you" of yesterday and the "you" you want to be tomorrow

Do you know the difference between a bouncy ball and an egg? When an egg falls on the floor, it cracks and all the yolk spills out. But a bouncy ball? It always bounces back up! When you're feeling sad or upset, it's okay to feel that way for a little while, but just remember you can choose to be the bouncy ball that bounces back. Giving you big hugs!!

I think you're amazing. Keep smiling and being you!

You got this! Have a great day and a wonderful school year!

When potatoes have babies, what are they called? Tater Tots Have a great school year.

I hope you have a great day, an awesome week, and a really happy school year! Work hard and have fun. You got this!!!

Hello and Happy School Day! You are an amazing student who can achieve whatever you put your mind to. Be all you can be...but above everything else, be kind.

You should be so very proud of yourself!! You can do anything you work for AND you can always ask for help! Go do great things!! ❤️❤️

I hope this is the first day of a great school year! You got this! How do you make a tissue dance? Put a little boogie in it! 😂

I hope you have a great day. You are smart, you are kind, and and you are loved.

Where do cows go on Friday nights? - the moovies

I hope you have a wonderful day at school! You are such a wonderful kid and magnificent person! Smile big everyday because you are awesome! ♡

This lunch is one of MANY lunches that will nourish your body as you grow, but I hope you think about this note/lunch now and again - years from now, when you're the fantastic, effective adult you are working hard to become.

I hope you're having the best school day ever and that you are enjoying your break from schoolwork and having something yummy. Remember you are super special!

Do the best you can! It's going to be great year! Xo

Hi Sweetie. Did you know your loved? Jesus loves you. He wants you to know you've got a friend in him. You are so special. Hugs

Have a wonderful day! You're very special and will do great things!

I hope you're having a great day! Remember to it's okay to make mistakes and try hard things!!

I hope you have the best day! Know that you are loved and special and perfect the way you are!

Have a great day! You are so special.

Everyone is nervous. They will like you. You got this!

I hope you are having a great day! If the day hasn't started off well, may the rest of it be wonderful. Have fun!


You've got this! Hang in there!

YOU are AWESOME! Keep learning and you'll do GREAT things in life!

You're special! Remember there's no one in the world like you! You'll do great this school year!!

Have a wonderful day! You are loved!

Hey there - I hope you have a great day!! Make good choices and always be kind. Give someone a compliment and see how it feels. Hope you enjoyed your lunch and always remember that YOU matter!! Your friend - Amy

You are awesome!! Always remember everything will always be okay. Sometimes you may see rain clouds, but please remember there will always be sunshine again after the rain!!

Howdy ! What did the hamburger name his daughter? Patty ! Hope lunch time brings you patties

You are awesome!! Be proud of yourself because you are doing great!! Have a wonderful day as wonderful as you!!

You are awesome! You can do it! This year is going to be great! Rock on!

Wishing you a fantastic school year ahead! You've got this and will be soooo amazing!!! Have a great year!!!

You got this! Have an amazing year, and learn a lot. The world needs you!!

Have a great school year! Remember that you are smart, you are kind, you are loved!

You are awesome! Be AWESOME! 😎

I hope you have a wonderful day! Just know somewhere, someone is thinking about you! ❤️

Protect your peace and don't let someone else ruin your mood. You deserve all the good things! ❣️

You've got this!!! Do your best and be kind - especially to yourself!

You are stronger than a superhero!! Have the best day!

You are so special and perfect just exactly the way you are.

I hope you have a great day at school! Have and work hard!

Always remember you are awesome! =)

You are such a cool 😎 kid.

Wishing you a wonderful school year with filled pith new experiences and new friends. You are a great kid!! you are smart and have a wonderful smile! ❤️

You deserve an amazing day, because you're an amazing kid! 🩷

Hello beautiful child! I want you to know that you are worthy and capable of greatness! I hope you believe me and I hope you have a great day. Make good choices!

You're doing great! Keep up the good work. 🤍

Have a wonderful school year! You got this! I'm proud of you!

Know that you are loved and will always be loved

You're doing great! Keep winning at life! You deserve it!

I hope this is a great year for you! I want to share my favorite quote by E.E. Cummings, "It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are." Remember to always be kind but never be afraid to stand up for yourself and for others. You matter and you make a difference in the world around you. I'm cheering for you always!

Always be YOU! There is only one YOU! And, you are AMAZINGGG!!!

Just a little reminder that you're doing BIG and INCREDIBLE things! Keep being YOU! Happy lunch time!

Hello Beautiful! You will do great things today. Be joyful and kind and you will change the world.

You are SO special and you're here for an important reason.....I hope you find your purpose-thank you for being you!❤️

I hope you have an amazing day! Always remember to be kind, find something to laugh about, and show the world your smile! :)

You are brave, valuable, smart, talented, important, and capable of hard things! Have an awesome day :)

I hope you're having a good day. Remember to learn a lot and be kind to others. I'm rooting for you!

I hope you are having a great day and enjoy your lunch! Remember you are worth it!

Be kind, find people that make you laugh, try your best and always be yourself!

You are important, you are smart and you can make a difference for yourself and others 💕

It's lunchtime, do you know what that means? You're halfway through the day! Keep smiling and doing your best.


Do your best!!! When you put your mind to it you can do anything.

You are an amazing kid! Have a fun school year, do your best and remember to ask your teachers for help when you need it. You have a bright future! I'm so proud of you!

You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think!! Have an awesome day.

Hope you find lots of reasons to smile today! Pay attention to your teacher and remember to be kind to others. You're going to have a great year!

You're such an amazing kiddo!! Enjoy the lunch and smile big today.

Enjoy your lunch today, sending hugs to you!!

Have a wonderful Day !! You rock!

Have a wonderful school year! Always remember that you are able to do anything you set your heart on achieving!

You are brave, you are strong and you can do anything; stay kind!

Happy School Year🍎I hope you have a super day today❤️

Thank you so very much for everything you do!

You matter! I hope your day is amazing! Smile big at somebody and watch them smile back!

Head up, Superstar! You've got the world at your fingertips...

Why did the cows cross the street? To get to the mooo-vies. I hope you are having a great day!

Hi there! Hope you are having a great day and learned something fun and new! You have so many awesome moments to look forward to this year, try to enjoy them all! Before you know it, it will be summer vacation again!

You are AMAZING!!! You can do and be anything you want because the only limitations are your own imagination. You have the ability to make all of your dreams come true. Follow your heart, love your truth and know that greatness lives in you ❤️

I am so proud of you! Have a great day - just be your awesome self!

You are doing great!! We are so proud of you. We are rooting for you every day!! Have a fun day!!

Have an awesome day! Be the best you can be!

Have a great school year. You got this! I'm rooting for you. Sending love.

Don't be afraid to make a mistake. No one will remember it a day, a week, a month from now. Try new sports and groups!

Hello I hope you are making today a great day. Take time to smile and laugh with others. Believe in yourself because you can do anything you set your mind, effort and energy to do.

I hope you have a wonderful day! Do you ever wonder if octopus 🐙 fart 💨?

Believe in yourself. It's going to be OK.

What's a snake's strongest subject in school? Hiss-tory. Have a great day! ☺️

Hi Friend! Hope your day is going well and that it keeps getting better. Just want to send a note to brighten your day. What is a rabbit's favorite type of music? Hip Hop :)

You are kind, you are brave, you are smart, you are loved. Do your best, and know that your best is enough.

You are amazing. Remember you can do anything. Work hard and you will have an awesome school year.

You are amazing! You are wonderful! You are loved! There's a place for you here. You belong.

Don't be afraid to be the new kid in school. Today's stranger is tomorrow's best friend.

YOU are brave and smart and kind!

You are so special and so loved!!! The world needs more kids just like YOU! Say something kind to one new person, you may make a new friend :)

You Are INCREDIBLE!!! Keep working hard cuz YOU GOT THIS!!!

I believe in you! You are awesome and will do great things!

You are unique, wonderful, and loved. There is only one of you in this world, and that makes you special! Enjoy your day! Melanie

Hi! I wanted to take a minute to tell you, you are amazing. The first few days of school can be scary, but you're here, and you're doing a great job! I want you to know, that I'm thinking of everyone who is beginning school, and I hope you have a great year.

Wowie Zowie! A new year of school!! I just know you're going to be super duper stuuuupendous!! I'm cheering for you & and believe in you!!

Have a great day! Always be yourself and always be kind.

Hey, kiddo! I hope you have an amazing day! You are so loved. 💜💜💜

It may seem you have many years ahead of you in school, but these years will be the ones you talk about the most. Enjoy them. Be a friend to someone who is having a hard time making friends. Be kind and helpful to all. You can do this!

I hope you know just how loved you are! This year is going to be full of growth, encouragement, and opportunity. Have a great year! You are smart, brave, capable of anything. Study hard, ask questions, and be a kind student and classmate.

Today is a good day to have a good day! Just try your best and be yourself. You got this!

You are beautiful! Today and everyday!

You being sunshine into this world! Don't ever forget it!

You are smart, you are powerful, you are loving and you are loved! Be you as no one else can. Sending love from Chicago!❤️❤️❤️

Wishing you the best of luck this school year! You can do anything you put your mind to! Even if you don't feel like it sometimes, you are loved. There are good people out there!

You are smart. You are brave. I believe in you. You are going to rock this year!!

Hey kiddo! Hope you're doing good! Take a second, right now, and think about something that makes you happy. I hope you're smiling my friend. Enjoy the rest of your day. Be kind. Best wishes. Roni Kaye

What kind of food do you make at the beach? A SAND-wich! Hope you have an amazing year and remember that it's ok to be nervous but you'll be great!

Hey kiddo...hope this year is filled with fun and friendship...Remember that if you study,do your work and do your best you have already won!!!...if you are struggling don't be afraid to ASK FOR HELP!!!...if you see someone being bullied please don't do that and get them help.if it's you being bullied tell a teacher or any grown up!!! shouldn't be scary or depressing...make the best out of every day AND BE A FRIEND TO SOMEONE WHO MIGHT NOT HAVE MANY!!!...the world and classrooms need more kids just like you!!!...have a great year my friend!!! you!!!

Hi there. I know this is first day back to school. Exciting huh? NOT j/k Just smile and give it your best. It will get easier with each day

You are so awesome that I had to write this note to let you know that you've got some great ideas inside of you that are uniquely your own. It's cool to create. Be yourself and enjoy the little things! Don't forget to smile!

Enjoy your lunch and school year. Be kind and enjoy the moment!

You are a brilliant shining star!

What do you call a silly Rooster? Kook-a-doodle-doo!! Have a GREAT day!!

Hope you have a great day! Do your best each and everyday and great things will happen!

Hello!! I just wanted you to know, in case no one mentioned today, YOU'RE AMAZING! What inspires you to want to learn more about? Do you like clouds or rocks? Maybe you love to read and write stories? The possibilities are ENDLESS! I just know you're going to have your best year yet!! I'm sending you courage to be EVERYTHING you want to be. Reach high. Endless. X Debbie

Hope you have a great day at school. You are loved !

It is my hope that you are having a great day! School can be difficult but if you always try your best, you'll find success. Have a great lunch and have some fun this afternoon.

You are amazing !!!

Hi kiddo, hoping you are having a great day. You are important and cared about

Hey, I know that the new school year can be challenging and scary. People are always worried about "fitting in" to the right crowd. Don't worry about that. Be yourself and shine bright every single day. Learn as much as you can, treat everyone with kindness, even when you don't think they deserve it or return it, and be yourself. You are important and you matter! You will be the change and difference in this world if you set your heart to it! ❤️

You are strong, brave, beautiful, special, and oh so loved! Never forget it!

Hi! I am wishing you a wonderful day at school. Remember to speak up for yourself and ask for what you need, take deep breaths, and stretch. You're doing so great, I'm super proud of you! Love, Kim ❤️🦋🌈

I hope you having an amazing school year! Always remember - YOU are special and you CAN do it! :)

Today is your day! Whatever happened in the morning, the afternoon is a fresh chance! A full stomach will make your first class after lunch your best all week!

Hi there! I hope you are enjoying your lunch! Have a wonderful day at school! Work hard and remember to be kind. You got this! Fun fact: Most people cannot lick their elbows. (Try it!) Katie from Iowa

Did you know that about 80% of orange cats are males and that calico cats are almost always female. Only about one in a thousand calicos are boys. Have a purr-fect day!

Hey kiddo! Just wanted to let you know that you got this! If you get scared or overwhelmed, just stop for a second and take a few deep breaths. Think of a funny joke! What do you call an illegally parked frog? A toad! Haha! Have an awesome day. You are smart and you are loved!

Hey! I hope you have an amazing day and an awesome school year. You are important, you are beautiful, you are smart!

Have a great day and do your best! You are awesome!

Hey Sunshine! Show me your smile! You are my bright spot in the day. You are awesome like a opossum You smile like a crocodile And you stand proud like a lion. I want to hear your roar, sunshine! You've got this sunshine. I love you.

You are doing great! Keep working hard and crushing it.

You are never alone! Near and far, there is always someone cheering you on. You have this!

I hope you have a great day and learn something amazing today!

Hey! I hope you have a wonderful day! You are loved!!

Hi sweetie! I want you to know if this note found you, it means you're so incredibly amazing and special! And I'm so proud of you!!

I'm proud of you! Keep it up!

You are amazing.

You are so special, kind and fun! I hope that your day is as amazing as you are!

You are a very special, unique, beautiful individual. Thank you for being you! Remember always choose to be kind. Sending hugs!

I hope your day and the rest of your week are wonderful! You are important and special! You are the world's future 😀

You are an amazing person! Have a wonderful day.

You're rocking this day like a pro🤙🏽

Have an amazing day. You are smart. You are bright light a star!!!!

Today is a new day and you get to be your awesome self! Have the BEST day! You got this!

Think all good thoughts and have a wonderful day

Be the reason someone, anyone, smiles today. You can be the difference between someone feeling accepted or left out.

I hope you are having a great day!

You are special and you are an amazing person. You're going to do great things! Keep up the good work! ((Hugs))

Hello!! I hope you are having a wonderful day today! I hope you are learning interesting things and making new friends. Have a great day. ❤️

New school year is here! Remember to do your best! Be yourself because we are all unique and face different challenges daily! I believe in you!!!!

Welcome back to school! I know you will have a great day and school year! I'm proud of you!

You are going to change the world one day! Just believe in yourself and keep being awesome! You got this!


You matter. Spread kindness.

You are beautiful, you are smart, you are important. You will have an amazing year. Be kind to yourself and to others.

You are worth it!

The world is a better place with you in it.

Hey, kiddo! I hope and pray you're having a great day, today! Whatever you have going on, continue to do your absolute best. You're more than capable and you can do anything you set your mind to. Even if it's difficult, you can do it. I'm proud of you, and from one person to another- I love you!♥︎ Love, Hannah Riley/ Ardmore, TN

What do you call a train that sneezes? --- Achoo choo train!

What sound do porcupines make when they hug? OUCHHHH!! Have a wonderful day superstar!!

Just remember, you are a beautiful person and you deserve to be loved. Stay positive and keep smiling.

You can do and be anything. Just remember just reach for the stars and you will get there.

Here's to a great start to a new school year! Have fun learning g new things!

Keep your head up! Im proud of you!! You're loved beyond measure!

Remember to dream big and never give up. You are capable of incredible things! Love, Britt Josh Jordan + Bella

Hello! You're mind is beautiful. I hope you never quit on youself. Even though it may seem like those are around you have. Always do your best for you. Be kind, be humble, but don't take crap from anyone. Leave others off better than you have encountered them and know that bullies are hurting inside because they're home Lives are not good. You are loved. You are thought about with the most kind thoughts. Enjoy the sunsets and try something new even if it's out of the ordinary. Say no to drugs. Change the world for the better. You are loved.

Have a wonderful day! Even if you get frustrated with a subject. Remember you always have tomorrow to try again. Also, have fun with your classmates!

Have an amazing day! You are a rock star!!

What is a pilot's favorite snack? a PLANE bagel!!! Have a wonderful day at school and learn something new today! You are awesome and capable of great things.

I believe in you! There is no other YOU in this world. You are one of a kind, never forget that :)

You are so beautiful and loved...yes YOU!💗✝️

You are amazing! Make sure to always put forth your best effort and you will achieve great things!

What did the pen tell the pencil on the first day of school? Lookin' sharp!

You are going to have a great school year and learn lots of fun stuff! Jesus loves you ❤️

You are kind, you are smart, you are important!

I hope that you are having an exciting start to your new school year. You are going to do great things and learn a lot. Your community is proud of you. 😊

Today is a great day to smile at someone for no reason. It's a great day to be you, who is special and smart and kind. And it's a great day for me to thank you just for being you.

I'm soooooo proud of you! Learning new things can be hard! Ask teacher for help! You look fantastic and are beautiful and perfect! Breathe, smile and have fantastic day

You are amazing! Always reach for the stars!!

Hello! You may not believe it, but you are exactly where you need to be at this very moment! If you are feeling lonely, pick up your head and smile at someone! You'll be amazed at what comes back to you!

Not every day is great, not every day is bad...look for the good stuff! If you can't find any, do something good- you'll feel a lot better. You are loved!

You will step forth in unknown lands, and sail uncharted seas, You're ready for this Journey, you're stronger than you believe.

I hope this note helps take the "First Day Jitters" away! Have an amazing school year and always try your absolute best, even when you might want to give up! Remember, you can do hard things!! I believe in you!

Have a great day! 😊 smile! I'm cheering for you in everything you do and I'm proud of you!

Hope you are having great day! Smile remember smart, kind,be polite.

You are the best. You are loved. ❤️

The world is full of kind people. If you can't find one, be one.

It's the start of a new school year! I hope you learn lots of great things, make new friends, and have the best year ever! Remember, don't let anyone steal your sunshine! Shine brightly and you will attract the right friends for you. Treat others with kindness always, and do your very best! Sending love and hugs!

Hey Friend! You got this day! I'm wishing you the best day ever! I bet today is going to feel like an extra recess kind of day!!!

I hope you have a great day! Smile and laugh as much as possible it can make everything better. 🤩🐕🍪

You got this! This school year is your best year yet! Smile! Stay strong and remember I'm rooting for you!!!

I hope you have a great day. I'm so proud of you! Keep up the good work and I know you'll achieve anything you set your mind to!

Have a fantastic first day! I know it feels like you are all alone. Just remember, you are a special gift to the world meant to go on and be someone that changes the world. I am sure there is someone else just as nervous as you are, find that person and sit with them. Remember no matter what your home life is, no one can take your education from you. As a former shy kid that grew up poor, I can tell you I out worked everyone in the room. Because education is key. Keep learning. You can and will do it. Make at least one friend each day. You need connections. Here is a hug from me to you. You got this!

Never give up -- and just be yourself!

Hey kiddo. Today will be your best day ever! Remember that you are strong and loved.

Make someone smile today. You are special and loved!

The world is a better place with you in it. Share your smile with everyone and notice how you make others smile.

I am so proud of you for doing your best every day. You're a rockstar! You've got this! ❤️ Much Love ❤️

Have a great school year!!!You can do it !!!

Hi precious! Hope you get to shine your light today!

You got this! Remember that everyone is going through their own stuff. You are not alone! Be kind always.

Remember, a yummy bite fills your tummy for a moment and the smile you share fills your heart for today. Snacks & Smiles❤️

Have the best school year! Always remember, keep your chin up and you are loved! Enjoy and have fun! Xo

You are special. You are loved. Every day is a gift and so are you!

What do you call a dog magician? A labracadabrador! Have a great lunch!

Keep Shining. You are loved.

Keep being you, and don't change for someone else. Hope you have a wonderful school year!🤗

I hope you have a wonderful day at school and make great friends. You are a fantastic kiddo!!

You are wonderfully and beautifully made, and you are enough just the way you are ❤️

Hello my friend, I hope that your first day of school has been an enjoyable one so far! I wanted to let you know that you are special and that I hope that you have a wonderful and safe school year and that you learn lots of interesting and fun new things. Enjoy the rest of your first day of school and always be kind. Sincerely Your friend Charlotte

Have a wonderful day at school!

Hope you have an awesome school year, full of good times...good friends...and lots of fun! You've got this! I believe in you!

I hope that you have a wonderful day at school. Remember that you can do hard things and you are Great!

You are Smart..Awesome.. and Smile your Beautiful..

Hey!! I hope you're having a great day! The first few days and weeks of a new school year can be exciting and fun but also challenging - I know you're doing the best you can! You got this!!

You fill the world with sunshine! Fill your belly, so you are able to fill your brain with new learning. Have the best day ever!

What a lovely day- even if it's raining- enjoy your lunch- I'm thinking about you!😊

Hey kid, always know what a great job you're doing, believe in yourself, and do good deeds. Everyone is very proud of you. Have a great year!!

Have the best day! You are amazing! So much love going to you!

Don't forget to be awesome!! Smile-it's contagious! Have the best day ever!

Life is a journey, and every step you take is a step towards your dreams. Don't be afraid to dream big and chase after those dreams with everything you've got. You have the power to shape your own destiny.

Congratulations on starting your school year 2024-2025! You have the pleasure of learning all sorts of wonderful things in your school year takes notes,listen closely there is so much to see and absorb. Remember you have some one who wishes you nothing, but joy and love this a special moment in your life Good luck! Your friend,MS Debbie

Wake up each day and know that you are kind and smart and that you are loved. Let your light shine every single day. xo

You are amazing!!! You can do anything that you put your mind to no matter what, it will work out, because you deserve it. Have a great day and remember to keep your head up and walk proudly through that crowd of everybody in the hallways.

I hope that you have a good day!

I hope you are having a great day! Enjoy your delicious lunch!

Today will be a great day. The world thinks you are amazing! Have a yummy lunch :)

Hey kiddo ! Always remember that YOU are amazing! Make art, play music, write letters, play a sport - HAVE FUN and discover what makes your heart happy!

Remember you are so awesome!

You got this !! Your the best! Your top shelf rizzzin, much love & good vibes&Love you kiddo. Have a great day!!! 🖤Chelsey aka #signgirl

Welcome back. Wishing you the year you want to have. Remember - you are uniquely unique. Embrace it. Also embrace the good days. On the tough days - find some fresh air and take at least a handful of deep breaths. Seriously - it helps. Wishing you every good thing this year. And each year after . . .

I hope you're having the best day ever!!!

You are doing amazing today!!

Your are special, you are loved, you matter to this world and aren't here by mistake.

Just keep trying to do the next right thing. No matter what, you got this!

Let's start off a great new school year, try a new sport or hobby, and make new friends!

You are one awesome kid and you are doing a great job! Keep up the good work! :)

You are special today and always! Have a great day!😊💐

A new school year is like a blank canvas, waiting for you to create your own masterpiece. Fill it with vibrant colors of friendship, sprinkle it with the glitter of laughter, and paint it with the bold strokes of everything new you will learn. This is your year to shine, so don't be afraid to let your true self sparkle.

Wishing you the best school year ever! Enjoy every've got this!

You are smart, You are kind, You are strong, You are unique, You are brave! Have a great day someday you will change the world!

Hi!! I hope you're having a great day and I hope you enjoy your lunch! Always remember, you can do anything you set your mind to.

Have an Amazing Day!!!☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️

I used to work in several schools , with wonderful children , just like you . You will do wonderful ly , you will learn so much , meet new friends . have a terrific year

Hope you're having a great day! You can do big things :)

Proud of you! You are loved

You have a beautiful heart and I hope you know how much you are loved.

You're going to do amazing things; today, tomorrow and every day. Always be kind, especially to yourself. Don't give up your dreams and the things that you ❤️

Howdy! I'm so excited for you starting the new school year! You are amazing. I know you'll have a wonderful year with your teachers and classmates. Don't forget you are unique and have so much to offer others. Have a fantastic year kiddo. So very proud of you.

Have a great school year! You got this! Have fun and do your best!

I don't know you but I hope you have a wonderful day. I hope you get good grades and have a great tasty lunch and get to relax after school. I hope you know you are awesome!

Have a great year,you got this. Keep your head up and keep smiling.

Hope you have a fantastic school year my friend! You can do anything you set your mind to! Just never give up!

What is the King of all the school supplies? The Ruler! 😆 Have a great school year ❤️

Hey you! You are magical. You have such special gifts to offer this world. Be strong. Be Kind. Be AWESOME.

Hey, kiddo! Hope you have an awesome day today and that your lunch is delish!

You are smart, and kind! You will do great things this year! Always remember God loves you!

Have a great day. Don't let anyone take your happiness away from you. You will do great things. Keep your head up and keep moving forward!

YOU are going to do GREAT things! You've got this!! Have a super day! :)

Today is going to be a great day! You've got this!!!!

You are special. You are unique. Be kind and enjoy your year

Yay! It's lunch time! You are strong, smart, and fun to be around! Don't forget how amazing you are!

Get ready for your best school year ever!! Shine bright and enjoy each day!!

Always be kind, you never know who is having a hard time. You are amazing exactly the way you are! I know you got this!

I hope that you have an AMAZING day!! 😁🏵️

I hope you know that you are wonderful, you are loved, and you are going to do AMAZING things! Keep up the good work 💜

Yay for a new school year! Be proud of yourself and how far you have come! It may be a little scary, but I promise you are going to be AMAZING this year! Keep your head up, and shine bright like the star you are!

It is okay to be yourself! Just be you today. Someone will love it. I know I do!

Have a great school year, You are Awesome 😎

This first couple of days, weeks and months might seem a bit scary, but you've got it, all of IT! Each day is another opportunity to right the wrongs of yesterday!

Hey, kiddo! Have a great day! You're loved, you're strong, you're smart, you're kind, and YOU'VE GOT THIS!! :)

Back to school already? I know it can be scary but I'm cheering for you! Just do your best, it's okay to make a mistake or not understand it the first time. You'll get it! I believe in you! You are the most amazing you in the world! Good luck this year!

This year is like no other, you will discover new talents and things that help you see how important YOU are and why you matter so much! Best wishes for an amazing year!

Dear Kiddo, I want to let you know that you are a superstar! You are going to have an amazing school year. Just do your best and know that I believe in you:) Take care

Choose to have a great day! Mindset is everything. :)

I hope this note makes you smile. Someone is thinking about you and hoping you have an amazing day. You got this!

Wishing you a beautiful day today! One as beautiful as you! I'm smiling and I hope you are smiling too! 😄

Have a wonderful day! Learn a lot, have fun, smile, and make new friends. I'm proud of you and your hard work!

You are doing so well this year so far. Keep up the good work. Remember to eat all your lunch so you can keep strong and get stronger each day. From, Meme

Have the best day! You got this and just be yourself!

Hello Beautiful! I know school can be tough, but it's not forever. So enjoy your time there and make the best of every day! .. and Be Kind! 🩷

Have an amazing school year! You are so strong and so loved!

In case no one has told you lately, I'm so proud of you. School is tough. Keep your head up, you're doing great! Love, your Arizona Mom

What do you call a nosy pepper? Jalapeño business! Have an amazing school year! You've got this 😊

Yay, lunchtime! Take a minute to breathe and remind yourself that you can do anything! I'm proud of you

I hope you have an amazing day today. Remember that the sun is always shining even if somedays have clouds. Clouds always go away eventually and the sun is always shining.

I hope your day is amazing as you are

Do awesome today, do awesome tomorrow, do awesome everyday, you will be someone important in the future, make a positive impact on the world and it will come back to you ten fold, be the person you want to be. ❤️

Hello! I hope you're having a good day so far :) did you have a good breakfast? Did you sleep well? I hope both are true. I am 32, and would've liked a note from a stranger during lunch in school probably. I have no idea what grade this note is going to, so here's some advice for all of them. Stay honest. Even though the truth is hard sometimes, it's always worth being honest and truthful, especially when it's hard. Believe in yourself. Often times you might find no one is interested or supportive of something you're trying, but you don't need anyone but yourself to believe you can do it. Anxiety lies. If you have anxiety, never forget that the negative thoughts that come from anxiety are not true. Things that come from anxiety are worst case scenarios that likely will never happen. Instead of getting caught by what if bad things happen, think instead what if good things happen! Hug your friends and family. Tell them all you love them. You never know when the last time you'll see them is. I have many friends who I don't talk to any more, and I had no idea that the last time I saw them would be THE last time I'd see or talk to them. Choose your friends wisely, and keep them few and close. Sorry if this is all too 'old' for your age, but I hope it sticks with you and you can look back on this and maybe it'll help you sometime. Have a good rest of your day :)

Why did the cell phone get glasses? Because she lost all her contacts!! Have a great day:)

Hi. You're a wonderful person and I hope you have a great day. Do your best and remember to smile. ❤️ Dana

Have a great day! And always remember how amazing you are. You are smart, you are important, and you matter. Never forget that!

To the Greatest Day Look 👀 to the Sunshine everyday Be safe and enjoy this beautiful day

You are absolutely awesome. Keep up the outstanding work.

I hope you had a good morning!! You are a smart and hard working student and your school is lucky to have you. Have a great lunch and enjoy the rest of your day. Remember to smile at someone new to see if you can get them to smile back!!

You are capable of great things! Have a wonderful day!

You are doing a great job! Sometimes things might seem scary but you can be brave and do hard things. Have a wonderful day and a wonderful year. I believe in you and your ability to grow and learn!

Have a great day!!🥰

You've got this!! Have a terrific school year!!! Do your best. Be your best.

Remember some days are tougher than others but you got this. You are smart and you are strong. Hope you have an awesome day.

Your awesome!! Have a great school year !!!!

Hello Friend! I hope you're having a great day at school. Always remember you are strong, smart and more than enough. Don't forget to dream big! Jenn

You are braver than you know and stronger than you think! This is going to be a great school year! What are you most excited about learning this year?

Remember you are worthy, you are smart, you are kind, and you can do anything. Have a great day!!

Have a fun day!

Have a wonderful day . Remember you are awesome!!!!

You got this! Take it day by day. You are loved, supported, and appreciated!

Have a Great Day, believe in yourself because we believe in you.

First days are so exciting!! I know you will learn a lot! You got this! Many hugs

Hi! I wanted to tell you that you are important and special. I hope you have a great day knowing you are loved even by someone who doesn't know you. Remember, you MATTER!

I know you will have a great year because, you are smart and funny. Good luck!!!

I hope you have a great wonderful school year! Always remember that you matter and to never give up! Try your best every day and remember there is always something new to learn!

Have a terrific day! Make new friends and learn as much as you can. You're the best ❣

Have an AWESOME day for AWESOME YOU!!! 🤩😄🎉

Hope you're having a good day and are enjoying your lunch break. School can seem so overwhelming, but you take it one day at a time, doing the best you can! A joke for you: What did one ocean say to the other ocean? Nothing. It just waved! (I love corny jokes!)

You are important You are seen You are heard You are loved

I hope your day is as special as you are! You are brave and strong and can do all things :) have the best day ever

How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh? TENtacles! Have a wonderful school year!

You are going to do great today! Making new friends and learning new things and while it may get tough at times, know you are loved and there is no limit to what you can accomplish in life!

Have a great rest of your day! You are awesome, and you deserve great things. Do your best, and know that people are rooting for you!

What do you call a dinosaur that is sleeping?? A dino-roar!! Hope you have an amazing day!!

¡Tu puedes con todo! Manten el enfoque. Lograrás grandes cosas. :)

Sending a big smile, hug and high five your way ❤️ you've got this! Have a great day and an even better school year!

Hi there cutie! You are such a special person. The world needs you - you're the only one of you! Keep shining your light! It's magnificent!

I hope you are having a great day! Have fun!

You got this, buddy! Have an amazing school year. We're right here with you!

Why did the egg get thrown out of class? Because he kept telling yolks!

Why are pirates so scary? Because they just aaarrrggghhh! Hope you have a wonderful day today and remember, you as are special and someone is thinking about you 😊

Just know that you are in this world for a significant reason. However, you get to decide what that reason is.

Hello! I just wanted to let you know that you are a super-terrific person! Don't let anyone tell you differently, because they are wrong! Go have a great day and do super-terrific things and be a kind person. You got this!! Ms. Lori

Don't let anyone tell you that you ảe not good enough, strong enough or smart enough because you are. If you should confront a bully, I will tell you what I did when I got bullied, I said I will pray for you and I LOVE YOU and smile.

Some people won't be happy until you fail. Don't give them that chance at joy.

How do I write lunch box notes?

Have an amazing day! I am so proud of you!

Hey there! I hope you have an amazing school year and that you learn things both at school and from the world around you. Enjoy your youth and remember that you can make a difference in the world, even in small ways. Hold on to your dreams and don't forget to be grateful for the little joys in life. I hope you have a wonderful future ahead of you!

Hey friend! I hope you're having the best day! Don't forget you can do ANYTHING that comes your way!

Here's wishing you a day filled with sunshine and smiles! You are amazing!


You are brave, strong and amazing. I hope your day is as wonderful as you are. You deserve good things! And most importantly, you are loved.

Hi there! I hope you are having a great day at school! You are loved! You are smart! How do you make a tissue dance? You put a little boogie in it! 💃

I hope you have a wonderful day! Keep your head held high and listen to your teachers.

I am proud of you! This is the beginning of your best year ever. Always remember, you can do this! 💙👍💙🍀💙🙌💙

Knock knock. Who's there? Dwayne. Dwayne who? Dwayne the bathtub! I'm dwoning!

Have a great day! Try and do your best in all things today and all year! I know you can! You've got this! Have a wonderful school year!

Have a great day! Smile and be happy.

You can do anything! Have a great day!

Hey sweetheart, I sure hope you're having a good day. You are a superstar today! Your loving friend, Jen H

I know first days can be scary. I hope you have a great year in school! I'm cheering you on every single day!

You are so loved and doing a great job! Have a wonderful year at school. Remember to always be kind. ♥️

Have a good day! You got this :)

The beginning of school can be very scary. Be brave, you can do it. Take it easy one step at a time. Go and've got this !

You're going to have a great year❤️. You are smart, beautiful, special, and worthy of being loved. I love you and I don't even know you!

Hope you have a great day and a great school year. remember to always do your best. You got this!!

Have a great year! Give a smile to someone! Ask them to play at recess!

Whether you think that you can or think you can' are right.-Henry Ford Make today yourself!

You can do this. It's weird at first, but remember: everything that's easy for you now was hard the first time you did it. You got this. :)

Smile! I hope you have a fun day!

Wow. Today is a brand new day! Remember that you can do hard things. You are as bright as the sun! Let everyone see you shine!

Making new friends is one of the best things about school. I hope you will find someone who is sitting by themselves and join them.

You can do whatever you set your mind to! You got this! We've got your back! Have an awesome year!

Remember to have a wonderful day and know you are very important!

Do you know how awesome you are? Remember each day is a new adventure to learn something new. Smile big and show the world how cool you are!

Hi friend! I wanted to let you know that you are amazing, and your gifts are needed in this world. Have a great lunch. 🙂

Have a great first day!! You got this! Remember to be kind and open to learning.

This world is a better place because you're here.

You are special. I hope you have an awesome day!

You are going to do great things! I hope you have an amazing school year! I know it's going to be the best yet!

Hope you're having a wonderful day! Remember, you are loved!

What do you call a cow in an earthquake? A milkshake!!😆😆 Have a great year!!!

Wishing you the best school year ever! I'm so excited about all the new things you will learn and do this year, you've got this!

Always remember that you are wonderful and special. Today is going to be an awesome day. Shine bright today!!!

Have an amazing day and great school year! Remember that anything is possible. Be kind to all your classmates and teachers.

You are always a 100!

It's back to school! Hope you have a great year, make some new friends and do some fun things!

You are doing great things! Even if you don't know it yet. Also, you are so very loved. I hope you do know that.

Hey, kiddo! Enjoy the school year, have the best time at recess, and totally ROCK your classes. You got this!!

I hope you have the most amazing day! Be yourself and be kind. You got this!

I know it seems scary, especially in a new grade! You are going to make so many new friends that you will remember for a long time! I hope you love to read books and never lose the wonder of the places it takes you. You are the future!

Have a wonderful day, sweetie! I hope you have the best school year you've ever had!

Hi from Florida! I hope you're having a great day and that you're happy. Always remember that there's only one you. Unless you believe in multiple dimensions. 😉

You are doing great things, even if you don't know that yet! Also, you are so, so loved. I promise you are, just in case you don't know that either.

You're going to do great things! It may seem hard right now but you're worth it! Keep your head up and smile:)

Via email please.

Have a super happy day! You are awesome!

Have a great day kiddo! You're a star!

I hope you have the best day!!! You got this! Be kind, learn lots & HAVE FUN!!

Pick me up! I'm a special note just for you. I see you've been a little nervous here at school. I just want to tell you that you've got this! Smile and remember you are important! Mrs. Joy

Hooray for a new school year!! I hope you have the best time making new friends and learning new things! You are are shining star!!

You are so special! Have a 🌟 Star-rific day!!!

Have a wonderful school year and study hard. You are a very special person 🥰

You are doing amazing! Keep smiling and trying your best everyday.

Hey there! I hope you have a wonderful day! Remember to always be yourself! Because you are AMAZING!

Sometimes it feels like nobody gets it, but I want you to know that you always have a friend in me. Write me anytime at I promise to respond. Love, Grandma Terri

Hey kiddo. I know sometimes life can get ya down. Maybe you don't feel understood. But you are a unique person who brings new things into the world! That's all you--so be yourself and don't stress about what other people think. Just be true to yourself and everything else will fall into place. Hugs from your friend, Elizabeth.

Hope today is great! Have a wonderful school year!

You got this!!!! There is only one you in the world; be the best you, you can be, and don't worry about what anyone else thinks about you.

Remember, If you tell yourself that you will have a terrific day, you will!! Mrs. Virden (6th grade teacher)

Have a great year. Keep being kind.

I hope you have a fantastic day and I know you are a smart kid and will have a fabulous year !!!

You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. Go get 'em! ❤️

Starting a new school year can be scary, but it can also be fun! Remember, you got this, you matter, you are important and I'll be right here cheering you on! You're gonna do wonderful things this year!

Hello! I hope you're having a wonderful day! Just remember you are loved, and you're making a difference in this world just by being YOU. Stay kind and keep learning! You are doing GREAT!

You deserve all the love in the world.

I hope you know you are amazing, smart, beautiful/handsome person who will change the world. School may seem like forever but I promise you, it is a short period in your life. Learn as much as you can, know you are loved and go kick some pushes in life. You got this! Xoxo

Hi there! I hope you're having a good day! Remember that you are strong, smart, and capable of amazing things. Keep smiling and always believe in yourself. You have so much to offer the world, and I believe in you! Take care and enjoy your lunch!

Hi Friend! Always remember how SPECIAL you are, (especially to me). Have a great week at school!

If the day is tough, remember you are tougher. Go get em, buddy!

You're going to do great today! I believe in you!

Hi! I know the first day can be fun and scary at the same time. Don't worry you got this! Have an awesome day!

Hello friend! You are funny and wonderful and loved! Have a beautiful day friend! You're great!!

Why did the banana have to wear sunscreen? So he wouldn't peel. Have a great day at school! You've got this!

Hi friend! I hope that you are having a great day. Always remember that you MATTER! You are important to this world, and you are loved. :)

YOU are amazing and I believe in you! Have the best day ever! XO

"Why couldn't the duck stop laughing? He was quacking up." I hope you have an amazing school year!

What do cats eat for breakfast? Mice krispies!

It's a good day to have a good day!! Don't forget to smile! You got this!

You're doing a great job - keep it up!

You're loved. You're brave. We're right here with you! Have a good day at school ♥️

Hey Buddy! New year, new adventures! Make the most of each day, you are our future!

You are awesome and I hope your day is out of this world! 🌎 🚀

Isn't lunch time one of the best parts of the day?! Enjoy, and have a good day!

Being nice to people is really cool! Make a point to be kind to others.

You are an amazing kid! I know sometimes school can be hard, but take a deep breath because you are doing great. Sending you lots of hugs and loves as you go through the year. 💙😃

Have an awesome school year. Work hard, it really will pay off. You've got this!!!

Hi! I just wanted you to know that there is a stranger out there in the world who is cheering for you! 📣

I believe in you! I hope you know you are not alone. :)

Why did the tomato blush? Because it saw the salad dressing

Hello! You are such a special person and so important to this world! We hope your day is as wonderful as you are!

The best is yet to come! Be yourself and be kind, and good things will happen! Have a great day!

Hi, I'm wishing you a wonderful school year. You will do incredible! Reach for the stars, you can accomplish anything you put your mind to. God bless you!

You make the world better just by being YOU!

Hey kiddo! I hope you have a great day! Remember, you CAN do hard things! ❤️ keep smiling!

I hope you have an absolutely fantastic day at school! God loves you very much!

Yay, it's lunchtime! It's a great time to enjoy some good food and maybe laugh with a friend - or a new friend. Have a super super day!

What did one snowman say to the other snowman? That's funny, I smell carrots too. Have an awesome day!

You are amazing! You're doing great! Have a wonderful day and remember always be kind.

Happy school year! You are going to do amazing things. Keep your head up and always know I am proud of you.

Hope you have a Great Day!!!!

You are one of a kind! You can do anything you put your mind to. Always remember you are special. You are a child of God and He & I both love you.

Never forget, you are amazing, you are strong, you are smart, your are kind. You can be anything!!!

You can do anything, and be anything if you try hard enough! Believe in yourself!

A new school year is always the chance for a fresh start. You have the power to make this the best one yet! And if things get rough, keep your sense of humor. Speaking of humor... Why did the banana go to the doctor? It wasn't peeling well :)

I hope you have the best first day of school and laugh a whole bunch throughout this year. I'm so proud of you! BFF Cassie

You are brave, you are strong, you can achieve your dreams!! Enjoy your lunch and the rest of the day! You got this!

You're doing great! You're more smart and capable than you realize! You've got this! I hope you get to do something today that makes you smile.

Hooray for YOU! You are gonna ROCK this school year!!!

Hello! Happy New School Year! You've got this! You are smart! You are kind! You are loved!

You are brave, strong and able to accomplish great things! I hope you never forget this :)

Have a wonderful day today! You deserve it!!

Have an amazing school year! You will do great things :)

Always remember how awesome and unique you are! Have a great day at school and try your best xo

You are so important, you matter, and you are special. Have an amazing day!:)

Hi There! I hope you have a great beginning to your school year! You rock!

Hi my friend have an amazing day at school today and know that you are Kind, Smart and important! Enjoy your lunch you are worthy and enough.

KNOCK-KNOCK Who's there? Peas. Peas who? Peas to meet you! You're going to do great :) Have a great school year!

Believe in your self! You've got great potential! You are amazing. You are important. You are special.

It's lunchtime Time for a rhyme: Peanut butter and jelly Ham and cheese on rye If you're food is smelly I hope you still give it a try Enjoy today and everyday Whether in the rain or sun Laugh sing dance and play Remember to have fun

Smile! It's contagious:-)

I hope you are having a wonderful day. I know you are brave and strong

Happy New School year! Yay! Nothing is more fun than learning and meeting new friends! Do your best! Big hugs!

Hi Friend! I'm so happy YOU are here because YOU are so important for the future of our world! Also, I hope you're enjoying your lunch. May you have the best year yet!

You are strong and brave and kind! You can do anything! But let's start with some lunch.

You make a difference everyday just by being you!

Make everyday count. You are beautiful, ahhhmazing and special. Do Not ever forget that. Have a great day!!!

You are amazing! Hope you have a wonderful school day. Share happiness and kindness today!

Have a wonderful day and enjoy your lunch. Do the best you can because you are a very special person!

In case no one has told you today, you are amazing and beautiful! Keep being you and trying your best!

Hi Friend! Have the very best school year! You are loved! You are intelligent! You are brave! You are successful! You will rock it. 👊

You are smart! You are kind! You are important! Always remember this!

I am so proud of you! You are awesome and you make the world a better place. xo

You are smart! You are kind! You are important! You are loved! Make it a fabulous school year. You are going to rock it!

Work hard, Play hard and eat up!

Good morning ☀️ I hope your day is full of fun and happiness. if you are having a hard day, always remember that you are important and life always gets better. Have a wonderful day! 🥳♥️👍🦋 Truly, Laura

Next is recess! Enjoy! And remember how special and loved you are ❤️

Please send info about the note in the lunchbox please

Believe in yourself! You've got this!

You are going to do amazing things! You are smart. You can do hard things. You can change the world!

Shine bright like the star you are! Have a great day!


I'm so proud of you. There is nothing you could ever do that would not make you worthy of today! Go make today the best day of your life-- and someone else's too!

Have a great day at school today! You're unique and important.

If you see someone without a smile, give them yours 😃 - Dolly Parton

You are amazing, Never forget that

Look at you GO! I hope you have a fantastic day - try to make one new friend and make someone laugh! 🤪🤪🤪

The world is a better place with YOU in it.. Thank you for being YOU!!

You are being thought of! I hope you have a great day and know that you are being prayed for. Phil. 4:13

Wishing you a wonderful day! Be good to yourself! You are a special part of the world!

I hope you have a great year!! Make lots of new friends and have fun!

You make the world a better place!

Have an amazing day and always believe in the magic within you!!

I hope you have an amazing day!! If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours!! 🤗🤗🤗

You got this! I hope you have a wonderful year ahead. Never forget how amazing you are.

Make it a great day! You got this, keep moving forward! Smile big! :-)

Hope you have the best day! You are important, smart, and kind.

I hope you have a wonderful school year. You are smart, and brave, you are kind, and strong. You can be anything you want to be. Just do your best! Remember you are loved.

You are the light in the world and have a bright future ahead! Let's start with today! Have a great day at school and remember you are loved!

Hi sweetheart - I hope you have a wonderful day and I am so proud of you!

You've got this! You are smart, strong and special. My dog, Remi, is sending you a furry hug. Have a great day!

You are going to do great things in your life, I hope you know how special you are - I hope you have a beautiful day!

Hi! I hope your day is wonderful and your learn something fun! Don't forget to share a smile. 😁

What do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back? A stick! Hope this made you smile! Have a great rest of your day!

You are so loved by God and many others. You are special. You are kind. You are beautiful.

You are kind, you are smart, you are important, and you are loved.

I hope you're having a wonderful day today! I'm proud of you!

Sometimes it can be scary starting a new school year , but you've got this !! Just do your best, ask for help when you need it and everything will be just fine !! YOU are amazing !!! Have a wonderful year !!

Have a wonderful day! You are so loved!

Have an amazing year at school! You've got this!! What do you call a bee who can't make up his mind? A maybe!! :)

You matter ❤️❤️

I hope you have a great school year! Your future is unlimited!

I know going back to school can make you nervous, but I just know you will make lots of new friends. You are a fun kid! Let the person sitting next to you know how fun you are. Let the person in front of you in line know how kind you are. You will have the VERY BEST DAY.

YOU GOT THIS! It gets better!

Hi! I hope you and your classmates are enjoying your tasty lunch. Have a great day!

You Got This! Sending Good Vibes only😊❤️Have an amazing year always remember school is your family.

Have the best day ever! Remember how special you are and that you are loved. Here's to a great year filled with lots of happiness... 😁

Did you know that an elephant's trunk weighs 400 pounds? WOW! Have a great day!

Always remember that you make the world a better place just by being you. Smile your best smile. You are amazing.

Dear awesome you, Everything will be ok and you are important, you are smart and you are kind, don't ever give up and always be true to yourself, you are exactly what the world needs.

You're the definition of amazing. Keep shining!!

You got this. 💗 Have a great day today & have fun! Love you! 😁💗

I hope you're having an awesome day!

It's only the beginning of the school year, but as long as you try to do your best, at the end of the year, you'll be so happy to be moving up to the next grade. You are a star and can get the job done.

I hope that you have a good day and this note makes you smile !! 😁 You are important and you matter 🤗

Hi buddy! I hope this school year is a great one for you! I hope you learn new things, make new friends, and make awesome memories. Back to school can be hard, but I hope it's a great start to a new year! You got this!!!!

Hi there little one I have three grandchildren in Michigan that I don't see very much. I would want to make them smile. I hope this note makes you smile. Everyone has difficult things. But everyone has a smile God bless you with prayers Keep smiling!

Have a great and fun year! You will rock this school year!

This world is better because you're in it!

You are incredible. Don't forget it. Today and all days, you are loved for exactly who you are. Big hugs!

Hi Little Friend! I hope you have the best day today! You're such a special person with a fantastic smile so make sure you laugh alot and have some fun with your friends! Sending lots of love your way💗

Hey you! You are smarter than you think! Every day you get a little bit better at trying new things, and soon you'll be an expert! The world needs your brain and your heart! Keep working hard! I believe in you!

New school years are scary! Remember how awesome you are and show your amazing smile. You will hve a great day. Enjoy your lunch!

Know you matter and you're going to do great things in life. Sometimes it's going to be hard but keep being you and you will succeed.

You are amazing and loved and are going to have such an awesome day! We are rooting for you here in Los Angeles! ❤️

Today is a new day, a new beginning. If you begin, and it's not the beginning, begin again.

You are smart and brave and strong and important! Remember that you have a new opportunity every day to be better than you were yesterday! I hope you're having a great day! You are loved!

I hope you're having a fun day! Don't forget to eat all your lunch so you can go play hard at recess and still have energy for class! You are, and always will be, loved.

You are strong, You are brave, you are important and you are loved!

Hello! I hope you're having a great day! I also hope that this can give you a little extra comfort as we continue to try to do as much as we can! You are loved, welcomed and deserve this meal. I hope it serves you well :)

Hi sweetie, I hope you're having a great day! Never forget how loved you are and how much happiness you bring to everyone around you. I'm so proud of you and I know you can do anything you set your mind to. Enjoy your lunch sweet pea!

Hi there, I hope you are having a good day, I know you have amazing strength and courage to achieve your goals and dreams! Wishing you the best year at school, and sending this note with a wish that something will happen today that really makes you smile. Have a great day today!

You are enough! The world is a better place with you in it!

You are awesome! You are wonderful!! You are my friend!!!🩵

Today is going to be an amazing day!!! You are going to succeed in everything you set your sights on!!! I am so very proud of you for all that you do

Wow! TODAY is YOUR day (I just know it!) Make it count! Work super hard and give your teacher your ALL today! ♥️

I hope you're having a wonderful first day back to school! What an exciting time, I know all your teachers and friends are so happy to see you! You are so smart and kind and funny, and we are all so lucky to know you! Have the best year ever!

You're my superhero!

Have a great day today! You are amazing, awesome and intelligent!

You are important, worthy and LOVED! I don't know who this note will go to but I love you without even knowing you and I hope you love yourself too! :)

You are beautiful and amazing! You can do anything you want in life. I am proud of you and I support you! Keep being awesome :)

You are brave! You are amazing! Believe in yourself because you can do great things! Have a great school year.

Stay strong, be courageous, keep God first always keep moving forward and remember you are AWESOME!!😊🙌

Hey sweetie!! I want you to remember that no matter what happens today, you are loved, you are special, and YOU GOT THIS. Hope you have an AWESOME rest of your day!

HI! I hope you know school is gonna be great! You are going to meet new people, learn new things and play! Always remember BE YOURSELF! BE KIND BE GENEROUS BE THOUGHTFUL Share with others and learn from your new friends. a BULLY is someone who doesn't know themselves. Stand up for yourself ( fighting is not good)Tell an adult and learn from their bad behavior. Don't let anyone take away your JOY that lives in YOU! You are smart You are brave You are AWESOME! Start every day with a smile on your face and in your heart. Just for a giggle - What do you call cheese that is not yours? Nacho Cheese!

Hello, I know sometimes kids are not always kind. Hang in there. Keep being you.. because you are amazing .🎉❤️

Hi there! I hope you have a wonderful lunch and an even better school year! You are smarter than you think! You can do it!

Remember, no one would go to an ice cream parlor if the only flavor they sold was vanilla. Be you. Be different. Be unique. We are not meant to fit in.

You are beautiful, you are kind, you are strong, you are brave!

Hey kiddo! I hope you see how wonderful you are. You will make a huge difference in this world. You are important. Eat healthy food, work out your body AND your brain. Have a fabulous day! Love you from afar, Mrs. Yetter

You are loved and important in this world!

Hey there! So proud of you for being at school and doing your best! You are made to do great things and I just know that you will! Wishing you all the best things for this school year! ❤️

Have a great day! Learn big things - you can do anything you put your mind too! I believe in you!

Hey, I just wanted to remind you that you are indeed magical. Making art, no matter the form, is a way of creating magic! Go be magical and spread some love! Your stoke is contagious, so let your smile dance freely in the world!

The day is yours! You've got this!

If things are bad they will get better. Believe in yourself and anything is possible.

Have a fabulous day at school. You are so loved

Happy School Year! I know some days can be tough but you got this! Don't let anyone dim your light, you are a shining star ✨️

You are amazing. Never forget that. Get up each day and try your best. And if things don't work out the way you wanted...don't worry. You get to try again tomorrow. So smile. Have fun. You got this. And remember, no matter what, you are strong. You are brave. And you are loved. Have a GREAT school year.

I hope you have a wonderful day, and meet new friends! You can do this! I am praying for you!

Hello and hope you're having a good day! You are very special and learning so much that will bring you a very bright future! I believe in you and know you'll do great! Have fun, smile and help others too! Street Angel PC

Your smile will change the lives of people you haven't even met yet!

Have a GREAT Day! Know you are LOVED, IMPORTANT & VALUABLE! Keep God 1st! Take Care. :)

I think you are pretty awesome. Keep it up.

HELLO!!! I want to tell you how AWESOME you are!!! Don't change a single thing because you are amazing just the way you are!! Every day with you on this earth is a gift to everyone around you and to just know you are out there makes me smile and my heart sing. Thank you for being you. ❤️

Be silly, be honest, be kind but most importantly be yourself

Today is a great day to get a note letting you know that you are for real fantastic! I hope your day matches your fantastic energy!

What is the smartest bug? A spelling bee.

Hey! Look around you. Do you see another amazing kid not having as good of a day as you? Remember, if you see anyone sad or hurting, you have thos incredible gift to check on them and talk. Maybe even play together today. You both will have a great day! Especially together!

What did one plate say to the other plate? Lunch is on me! Hope this made you smile today.

Hey kiddo, your doing great! Remember if something doesn't go as planned this year it's ok. If something is bothering you or your being bullied find that adult and talk about it. Your an amazing kid. Keep up the awesome. Job tour doing.

Hello! I am so happy to let you know how much the world needs YOU...just the way you are! Be kind and study well. You can do anything!😘

You can do hard things because you are amazing! Make it a great year!

What kind of athletic shoes does a chicken wear? ReeBOK BOK BOK! Keep smiling!

Hi! You are such a Bright and Shining Student!! Keep up the Good work!! Always Believe in your Dreams. Never Give Up. Big Hug, Dianne

Are you having a good day today? I hope so! But, if not, I'm sending you a big hug. You deserve great days.

The day is better for everyone with you around. Have an amazing day and remember you are special!💕

I wish you the best year! Keep your chin up, learn as much as you can and have a happy heart. You can do hard things. You can do great things. I believe in you!

Did you know that every day is your first day of doing or learning a new something? That never stops. Luckily, every day is all of our first days!

Hey there good looking! Have a wonderful day and do your very best. School isn't always easy, but what you learn will last you the rest of your life. And don't forget to take time to play! Very best, Cathy

I am proud of you. You are strong, loved and important.

Hey! I hope you have a great day and remember your best is enough. You have something special to make the world better, don't change who you are : )

You are loved! You are important! You matter! You are beautiful! Don't ever let anyone tell you different!

Hi!! I hope you have such a great day today, and you go get 'em. The world is a sunny place with you in it! Knock knock Who's there? Ach Ach who? (Say it out loud!) Bless you! (It's like a sneeze:) Have a great day! You're awesome. Sincerely, Elizabeth

Never change who you are because the world needs more people like you! You are so special!

You are my favorite person! Take a nice deep breathe and enjoy your lunch. You are smart, you are kind and you can do anything you put your mind to.

Hey Kiddo I'm proud of you keep up the good work this year. Dream big little one

You are so very special, because you are the only you!! And that's pretty amazing. Be kind and stay true to yourself!

Hope you have a great school year blessings

Hi! You are doing a great job! I am so happy you are in this world! 👏👏👏

You are awesome! Today is going to be amazing! Smile! Have a magical day, you are loved!!!

Today is your day! Have the very best one. You will shine! Love, Alli

What do mermaids use to clean their tails? TIDE 😂😂😂

You are worthy. You are smart. You are loved. And you ARE enough. 🩶

Hi sweetheart! I hope you're having a great day at school today. You are so loved and the magic you bring to the world is irreplaceable. Keep being the awesome kid you are! xx

Roses are red. Violets are blue. I hope you know people love you.

Hey You! I want you to know that you are a brave and amazing person. School can be a tough place to be sometimes be here you are. I also want you to know that I am a teacher and I want you and all students to know that just because you might not be doing well in a class doesn't mean you aren't smart. There are hundreds of ways to be smart and school only measures like 7 of them. Go be a rockstar today and every day and know that there is a teacher in California who thinks you are wonderful!

The first day of the school year can be scary but remember, it's everyone else's first day, too!!

Hey there! I'm a kind adult (and former kid) who has a message to share with someone younger, and chose your lunchbox because I had a psychic sort of feeling that you are a lot like me when I was your age! I wanted to tell you that as you go through the school year, there may be some times when you face some unkindness from others. I felt compelled to let you in on a secret I WISH I had known as a kid. You ready? Here it is... Whatever that "thing" is that makes you different from others is actually your strength. It's your coolest thing. Yep. Lean in to that. Don't believe me? Check back in 20 years and I pinky-promise you will have changed your mind. When we are grown, we all know it. When we're young, our differences tend to be the thing about us that others laugh at. The reason why people do this at your age is that our brains are just naturally wired to pick out the differences in others. Some younger minds aren't mature enough to know what to do with that information. Add in their own insecurities and social pressures and it's just a recipe for unnecessary meanness. My best advice is to shake it off. Have bulletproof inner confidence. Because deep down inside, I want you to KNOW that for a fact, in the future, everybody around you is going to see these differences as your most charming and unique features. Future You will be far more proud of these qualities than your ability to "blend in" any day. Keep on keeping on, kid. You are one-of-a-kind for a reason. It is your purpose. BE PROUDLY WEIRD. Love ya, Fellow universe inhabitant


Don't give up! You are enough! Have an amazing year!! You are strong

Hope you are having a great day at school because you deserve it.

I hope you have an amazing day today. (You deserve it because you're an amazing kid!) You are loved!

I hope you know just how loved you are! School can be tough at times, but your not alone. Angels watch over you and will always be there when you call them. Be brave and strong, you can do anything! Love from above ❤️

Well HELLO!! I hope you enjoy your lunch and this little joke: Why are eggs bad at telling jokes? A. They always crack each other up. Have a wonderful day and know that someone out there is thinking of you :) tammy

Praying you have a great school year learning wonderful new things! Here's a silly joke for you; hope you enjoy it: Which hand is better to write with? Neither, it's best to write with a pen!

You are fearfully and wonderfully made. There's only one YOU and the world is a better place because you're in it. Have a great day! Here's a joke for you. I hope it makes you smile: Knock-knock. Who's there? Lettuce Lettuce who? Lettuce in, it's cold outside!

You are special and always will be. God doesn't make mistakes!

You are amazing and wonderful just the way you are. Know that someone is always thinking of you!

You can do it! You are strong, brave and beautiful. Be kind.

Even teachers are nervous on the first day of school. Just do your best and smile. I am praying for you. Your Buddy, A teacher

God Loves You! Feed your heart with Love!

Say I love you to all your friends. You never know what someone else is going through and those 3 little words can brighten up their day! I love you little one xoxo

You may not be perfect at all the things and it's really ok- just think of a new approach, ask for help!! You are doing great things! Keep being your own hero!

I hope you have a GREAT first day back at school! I know you'll do awesome! 😎 Always remember that you are important and smart! Enjoy your lunch!

You my friend are amazing! Here is a little silly joke that I hope makes you smile. Why did the cucumber blush? Because he saw the salad dressing🤣 Silly I know but I bet you smiled. I bet your smile can light up a room. Hope you have a wonderful day today.

Have the BEST day! Make today as great as you are :)

Hey got are smarter than you think and braver than you know...keep going your future self thinks you're awesome.

Have a great day. Your are worthy and very special. Just be your self Hugs and love ❤️ 😊

The world is a brighter place because of you! Keep smiling!

God loves you

Thank you for being here today. I know it was hard to get here today, but you did it anyway. Good for you.

Hey you!! You know what? I think you are pretty incredible. Every day you get up, go to school, and do your best, even though it is hard some days. And it's okay if you make mistakes, because that means you are learning. So go and be you today, because that is the best person ever! I am so happy you are a part of this world!

Have the best day! You are going to do great things. Take a deep breath, smile and have fun! You got this! :)

Yay! You've finally found my note! I was so excited for the opportunity to send this to you - it's kinda weird really, I mean... I don't know you. What I do know though, is that you have an amazing, weird, fun, beautiful life ahead of you and I can't wait to see the impact you'll have in the world! Keep your head up! Spread positivity and light! ALWAYS Tell the truth! BE YOU! You are a beacon of hope for the future of humanity! :-) do awesome things - I believe in YOU.

You are a ROCKSTAR!

You are the best. Have a fabulous day!

You are AWESOME! You were meant to do GREAT THINGS!! HAVE A GREAT DAY!

Hi, there! I hope you have a great day at school! Remember to be kind to others. Have fun! Kim

I hope you have a wonderful school year! Know I'm proud of you and keep up the good work! Jesus loves you!

I hope you enjoy your lunch and remember you are special!

Smile my dear, you are beautiful 🥰

I want you to know you're doing a great job. I'm so proud of you. You got this!

You matter! No one on earth is like you and I think that makes you pretty darn special. ❤️🙏🏽

Be the best you can be, and have a wonderful day. You are the future and it is bright because of you. God bless.

You are loved, You are worthy, You are special. Don't let anyone tell you different!

You are the best version of You there ever was!

YOU are important and you matter. Look at yourself in the mirror and say out loud "You got this!"

Sending a smile to you! Enjoy your day, make new friends, be kind, and have FUN! You got this!!

You're the coolest kid around! Hope you have a fantastic day at school!

You are just the cutest. Be whatever you want to be, and be fearless about it. You are loved!!

You are awesome! Follow your dreams and they will come true!

Have a great day at school. I'm proud of you and you should be proud of yourself. Wishing you a day of smiles and laughter. Big hug and lots of love.

Knowledge is strength! 💪❤️

Every adventure begins with a first step. Take a step today to see where it leads. The more you learn the more places you'll go...

Hope you have a wonderful year! You've got this! 😁

Hey there kiddo!! You have a wonderful day today!! You got this!! Enjoy your lunch!!

Today is going to be a beautiful day because you are in this world. You are brave, strong, smart and worthy!!!!! Love and hugs for a wonderful day 😊❤️☀️🌈

Keep up the great work! Have a great day!

One day at a time! I believe in you!! Say Hi to someone today and make a friend😊😊

A little person is always as sweet as a fruit 🍓. Always make a Good food choices and always keep a smile ☺️.

Smile, it gets better.

You are a star! Keep shining bright and doing your very B-E-S-T! You've got this!

Joke: What did the alien say to the cat? Answer: Take me to your litter. I hope something great happens to you today!

What do you call an angry carrot? A steamed veggie!

Have a great day at school! Remember you are amazing and can do great things!!!!

If you have a bad day, know that tomorrow will be better!! Shine your light! The world needs your smile :)

What do you call it when your friends encourage you to eat more fruit? Pear pressure

"Always remember.. You are braver than you believe. Stronger than you seem. Smarter than you think. And loved more than you'll ever know." - Winnie the Pooh

Have a Great Day! You are Smart, Have a kind Heart, a beautiful smile 😍 and are brave.

You are loved! Today, tomorrow and every day after that!

I hope you are having an amazing day. Smile... someone is thinking of you today.

Hello! Hope you've had a good start to the school year! School is so fun and you're going to do amazing. Enjoy every minute of it!

Yay! A new school year. It's going to be great! You're going to be great! Work hard but also remember to have fun.

You are smart, you are kind, you are important, and you can do anything! Have an amazing year, and always do your best!

I hope you have a fun day and learn something new. You are so special.

No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world. "One person can make a difference and every person should try." John F. Kennedy

Hi! Today is a great day to be Awesome!! I'm so glad you found my note - you deserve a yummy lunch and a happy afternoon! You make the world a better place to be!!

You are loved. God loves you. Have a great school year.

You are going to do GREAT things - remember it doesn't take much to make a difference! Keep an open mind, treat others respectfully, and try to do something that makes you happy every day. Life can be hard at times, but those are the times when we can learn so much about ourselves and all that we are capable of (which is a lot!). You've got this!

Hi friend! You're off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, so...get on your way! Always remember how special you are, and will always be. Enjoy your lunch :)

Be the reason someone smiles today, and be the kind of friend you want to have. Have an amazing and fun year!!

Remember you are smart and strong. Know I love you even though I don't see you. You can do this!

You're gonna do great things this year! You got this❤️

Hello from Chicago! I really hope you're enjoying your day at school. Just know that you are a smart wonderful young student and you have great things ahead of you. I wish you all the best, and hope you have a lovely school year. Cheers!

Hey buddy, we can choose every day to make it a great one! You're important and awesome, no one can do things exactly like you! You only fail if you quit, keep going! ❤️❤️❤️

Have a happy day!! Remember how wonderful you are!! Above all- Be Yourself!! Real friends will be there for you!! ❤️😄🙌🏼

Hello Just a quick note to let you know you are amazing! Just keep being you, love life and no cutting classes LOL Have a beautiful day

You are AMAZING! Have a great day and ALWAYS remember, you've got this!!

I hope you have an amazing school year and you accomplish all your goals!!

Hi! I hope you're having a fun day at school! Enjoy your lunch, and if you find a way to make someone else's day better, always do it. No matter how tough things get, always remember people love and care for you!

Have a great school year! You've got this! ❤️

Have a great year! Learn a lot, try your best, be kind & remember to have fun!!

Hey, Kiddo! You are so special! I hope you have the best day ever. I'll be thinking about you. 🤗

You're going to have an amazing day today! Do your very best in school and know that so many people love you and are so proud of you!❤️

I hope you have a great day today and ALWAYS know that you are worthy of love, kindness and respect. You are loved by people you don't even know.

What time would it be if Godzilla came to school? Time to run! Have a great day!


Don't ever forget that YOU CAN DO THIS! It might be tough but you are even tougher!

What do you call a dinosaur that is sleeping?? A DINO-SNORE 😃 Have a great day today!

The world is a better place with YOU in it! 🥰

Work hard. Be kind to others. Most importantly, have fun!

if you are having a bad day just remember its only a DAY, its not your life. I got beat up on my way to school almost everyday in 6th grade, I used to begin to get upset about going to school on a sunday night! and I survived, kids made fun of me when I went to a new school and I survived. hang in there, if you don't have someone to talk to go talk to the guidance counselor, you got this! kids can be really mean don't be like that, be a friend to the kid that gets left out or made fun of, stick up for the ones being made fun of, its not really cool to be one of the cool kids, what is cool is to be a good person. you got this. the cool kids will mostly grow up to realize they weren't all that, and once they get out of school no one cares how popular they were but they will care if you are a good person.

I hope you have a wonderful day! Remember, you are loved!

Today you will grow up a little, and learn alot! Keep being a kind and helpful person. Every time you help someone, the world becomes a happier place.

Your very First Time in School Ever! This is so exciting! I know it can be a little scary at first but guess what? Everybody else is scared too. Maybe you can be Brave and say to everyone you meet: "Hi. My name is ____. What's your name?" I bet they'll be so happy you made them feel less alone and afraid in a new place. Hugs and kisses. It's going to be The Best Day Ever!!

I hope your day is extra special because YOU are extra special Hold your special tight and share it with the world

Hello! I hope this brings a bit of cheer to your day! *\(^O^)/*

You can do anything you want to do. Just believe in yourself!

I am Beautiful. I am kind. I am friendly. I am smart. I am funny. I am great. Always remember that because I know you are. Have a great day!

You make me so proud. Make the very most of every day you're given and never miss the chance to love someone to pieces!! You are just what the world needs!

You are so much more special, brave, smart and amazing than you know!

Hope you have a wonderful day today. Know that you are going to do great things and be excellent in whatever you choose to do! If you can be anything today... let it kindness 💕

There is only one you. And you are the most amazing you there will ever be. Send you a hug.

Remember to keep your head up and know how special you are.

Smile! You have a bright and beautiful future ahead of you.

Thank you for being so amazing! Have the best day today!!

Hi friend! I hope you are having a wonderful start to the new school year. You are really cool and I hope you have lots of fun!

Stand tall, like a tree. Be gentle, like the breeze. Like everything in nature, you matter, because you exist!

You are a special kid and will do great things, keep working hard!!

You are amazing! Have a great day!

How exciting to start a new year in school. Listen well, be kind and HAVE FUN. Hope you have the greatest first day.

You are BRAVER than you think you are! Do your best and everything will be ok!

Don't forget to wear your smile 😊

Have a wonderful school year! Do you know where young trees go to learn? ElemenTREE School, of course :)

You are smart, you are loved, you are valued, you are important.

Want to know a secret? They're all scared and anxious, too. You've got this!

Dear lovely child, I imagine you to be a very helpful little soul. You probably love your teachers and are happy to be learning everything you can! I wish for you a world of knowledge and kindness 💗. Do the best you can and always, always, be kind.

Have a super fantastic day! You got this! You are a rockstar!

Good morning! Did you know a duck's quack doesn't echo? Now you have a fun fact to share with a friend! Have a great day and make good choices! Love- a Mom

You got this!! Have an amazing school year!

Being a decent human being is more important than any grade you'll ever get. Sending good energy so you can be that kind of person.

You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. YOU matter!

Hi, Love Bug! You are strong and you are smart! Be kind to all animals, help someone out who needs some kindness, and have fun this year!

The world is so much brighter because you are in it!

Be kind, be honest, be Amazing!!!

Dear friend, you are a wonderful, beautiful human. You are loved. You matter. You are special and important. I am so grateful for you. You make a difference in this world in a wonderful and positive way. I will be praying for you every day. Enjoy a fun year of learning. Always know you are loved and cared for. ❤️

I hope you have a beautiful fun day!!!

Make this year great! Be the best student you can and the best person you can be. Help out other kids when you can. You are special and amazing!

Hi! You know what? This year is gonna be your BEST year ever! I know you can do whatever you try. It might not look perfect at first - nobody's perfect!! But you'll probably get better a little bit at a time. And always remember, it's okay to ask for help. I love you!

Don't change so people will like you. Be yourself and the right people will love the real you. - Tiny Buddha.

Hey there, I hope you have a GREAT Day because you are a GREAT person and you have lots of people who believe in you and know how wonderfully special you are. Be kind to someone else today who may be having a tough day! Kindness doesn't cost a thing and is the greatest gift you can give. I believe in you! You are the Best!

Hi, Hope you're having a wonderful day,I hope this will be a great school year! Now go do great things,you got this!😊

How do you get a squirrel to like you? Act like a nut! Ha Ha! Hope you have a great day today!! Remember to always be kind, stay positive, and help a friend today. Enjoy your lunch! :-)

You are brave. You are strong. You will do great things. Always.

Everything about you is one of a kind, and that makes YOU one of a kind, and that means you are very special. Never forget that! :)

You matter! You are important and you are loved! You are unique in all of your you-ness and you will do great things with your life! Love yourself for who you are and always remember, you are somebody.

You are amazing ! Never forget there is only one you and you are perfect !

What is a snake's favorite school subject? Hisssstory. Hope you have a great school year! You've got this ❤️

While eating your lunch today remember - You Are Important, You Do Matter, You Are Loved so when you are thru eating, go make a difference! Marilynn

I hope you have a great school year!! Remember the only one you have to please is yourself and it is ok to be different. Hugs!!

I'd like to be involved

Hey, you! I hope you have a great day! ❤️

Hello there! Just letting you know how special of a person you are. I hope you have the best day ever because you deserve it! Xoxo

Wishing you a great day. Remember you can as long as you try. You got this.

I hope your day is ever so fun! You deserve everything in life. Always remember you're a ROCKSTAR no matter what curveballs are thrown at you. They're temporary and you're going to do well with your future.

Hope you're having a GREAT DAY! You're doing AWESOME🙂

You are amazing keep being you!

Welcome back to school, you will do great!! Here is a joke for you (for fun) Why did the bacon laugh? Because the egg cracked a yoke!!

Hey kiddo! School can be hard And kids can be mean But cookies are tasty And bullies don't get any!!! 🤭 Take a deep breath and remember you are brave, you are strong, and you are super duper loved!!! 🙏🏼❤️😘

Just wanted to tell you that you are special, smart and beautiful! Have a great day!

What do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear! Have an awesome day and share your smile with someone!

You are loved. You are important. This world needs you more than you'll ever know.

You are a superstar. Walk tall hold your head up make your year the best.

I'm so proud of you!

I hope you have a wonderful day, I hope this made you smile! Now it's your turn to make someone smile by being kind! Hugs to you.

Only great things ahead for you. I hope you make today a great day and have the best year!

You're doing so great! You are kind, you are smart, you are important. Never forget how special you are and the light you bring into everyone's lives.

You've got this! You are amazing and you are loved! Have a great day!

BE Inspired BE Brave BE You ♥️♥️😉

Have a great day and make your smile shine the brightest!!

Who do you think is smarter? A Dog or A Goose Why?

Think of 5 places you can go to that make you want to eat ice cream.

If we had a chocolate fountain in the middle of the cafeteria what would be the best snacks to dip the chocolate in?

Who keeps the ocean clean? The mermaid

Have a GREAT new school year and shoot for the stars!

FORTUNE COOKIE: You're Strong and Beautiful. Hold the line. With great beauty comes great power

You're doing great! I know school can be scary but you got this. Keep trying and don't ever give up!

You are a rockstar exactly how you are right now! Have an awesome day and know that you are loved.

You are doing great job! You are important, worthy, and loved.

If you could be any animal for a day, which animal would you be? What kinds of things do you think the animal you would want to do for the day?

Hi beautiful little person! Here is your lunch! I hope your day has gone super awesome! I hope your teacher is teaching you a lot of cool things and you are enjoying what you are learning. Remember you are smart and incredible! You can really accomplish whatever you set your mind to. Remember that. Your mind creates magic so don't stop dreaming!!!!!!!

Hi my names sophia i'm 10 years old and i get pretty nervous when i'm at school too so i'm writing this note to tell you that it's okay to be nervous and that you should try to be positive and look on the bright side of things! i hope this note helps you and makes you feel more comfortable in your new school year!!!

Hi! School just re-started! That is exciting! You're going to do AWESOME things this year because you're an AWESOME kid!!

I want you to know how AWESOME and AMAZING you are! Have an incredible day and know that you are loved!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

The best is yet to come! Have the best day! Sending so much love

Starting a new school year can be scary, but remember that you are PERFECT just the way you are! And remember to be nice to others - they may be scared too!

You can be anything you dream of. Don't give up on yourself. Trying your best is good enough. Have the best day!

You're amazing. 😻

A new school year can be scary and exciting. We are all rooting for you and are certain you'll make new friends!

Hey! You are going to have a great year! I am very proud of you. You got this!

Hi Friend! Sending a little reminder that YOU can do hard things. No matter what the challenge - you are smart enough, kind enough, fun enough, brave enough and LOVED enough to make it through! Have a great day, and keep your chin up!

You are brave, you are strong and you can do hard things! Have a wonderful Day 😊

Remember that you can do anything that you set your mind to! Wishing you the best school year ever! xoxo!!

You are magical! Always remember that and spread your magic everywhere you go. 🥰

You are loved more than you know! I'm proud of you, believe in yourself as much as I believe in you!

I hope you are having the most excellent day! Don't forget to find something to smile about today and always do your best! I'm proud of you!

Happy School Year! Have fun! Be joyful! Be nice! Great things are unfolding - enjoy them!

Happy new school year! I know you will try your hardest, you will make great friends, and have fun while learning. You are amazing!! I wish you a fantastic school year!

I hope you have a great day! Remember to keep a smile on your face and look for the good in your day.

Have a Great Year Buddy - God Bless You !!

You are strong you are smart you are beautiful have a wonderful day !

You are special. YOU are kind. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! YOU ARE ONE OF A KIND! You will do remarkable things so do it well. Be special. Be different and do your thing.

Keep smiling. Things can only get better

Smile! I think you're awesome! Have a great day! ☺️

You are more than ALL your parts! You are priceless and ageless and a best friend! You have a great day and share your person! You stay safe! You stay strong! You matter!

Speak out loud and condemn bullying. No one may pay attention today, but there's someone who will appreciate your voice and take it to heart.

You are a ray of sunshine! I hope you have the best school year ever!

Be brave, be strong, let courage lead the way. Stand strong and know who you are! - fearless spirit untamed.

I hope you have a great day! You are amazing, don't ever forget it!

I hope you have a happy day and remember how special and loved you are!

Hey you're doing a really great job! Remember that being open to learning new things is the most important thing you can do today!

You know who is amazing? YOU are! That's right, I said it! Now go share your light, be kind, and make your friends laugh.

Always remember that you matter. You are strong. You are brace and you are loved.

Hey kiddo! Has anyone told you how COOL you are today? Or that you're a beautiful and kind person? If not, I am! You are STRONG and BRAVE and you can be ANYTHING you dream to be if you believe in yourself like I believe in you! Have a GREAT day and smile! You're one of a kind!

Hope you have a fabulous day! You are special. You are loved. You matter.

As a teacher and a mom, I know you will conquer each day and watch your dreams come true a little each day... even when you don't see it all happening some days.

Hi! Do not give up on your dreams. Learn from every mistakes. Everything you want in life is possible. You can do this! Keep on impressing everyone!

Hi, hope you enjoy your yummy lunch and have a great year!!

Where do cows go on Friday nights? To the mooooovies. Haha! Have a great day :)

Have an amazing school year! Study hard and work for those good grades, You can do it! Always be kind to yourself and others! You rock!

I hope your day in school goes so well. I hope you get to sit by the person you want to at lunch and laugh. I hope you get to play at recess and be first in line. I hope you hear a funny story and learn some super cool trick in math. Have a great day.

You can do anything you set your mind too.

You're doing great! Keep going :)

Hey kiddo! You know what? You're are special, kind, and loved! Have an awesome day!!

Hi little one, have a wonderful day! You are going to change the world one day. Give big smiles and make lots of friends. I am proud of you little one. Jo

I am here for you beautiful child. You're not alone.

You are the future. Make it a GREAT one for all of us here on the planet Earth. Thanks, from Tracey Ann Hildebrand 😀

Hey kiddo! I hope you know how awesome you are and I know today is going to be an amazing day! You're winning at life and you got this! You are smart and funny and kind so keep on being you!

Don't forget to be yourself, be kind and do something nice for a complete stranger or somebody who needs to be lifted up. I love you and hope you have an amazing day!!

Why can't you tell an egg a joke? It'll crack up I hope this made you smile! Share it with someone else to brighten their day :)

You are doing great! I hope your day is as great as you are.


You are awesome! You are loved. You are smart

You are smarter than you think and you have the power to make a difference in the world!

What do you call a dinosaur that is sleeping? -a dino-snore Hope your day is as awesome as you!

You are great you are awesome you are loved ♥️

You are brave, you are strong, you are loved. The world is better because you're in it.

A is for Awesome. B is for be yourself. C is for, keep crushing it.

In case you haven't heard this yet. You're pretty awesome and the world is better because you're in it!!

I just wanted to let you know that you're doing GREAT! I'm so proud of you for doing your best every day, even when it feels like it's not enough. Keep being the amazing you!

Have a good day eat all your veggies to grow up strong!

So the really cool thing about humans is that we are all born with the same powers. You can do Anything that any other human did, and then you can do it better. You can.

Have the BEST day!! Enjoy your class, clap your hands and do a little dance! Today is going to be great. :)

I hope that you have an amazing day! Pass on a smile to someone and make a new friend! I believe in you!

Just be yourself in school this year. Have fun yet learn everything you can. You can do anything you set your mind to. 💙💜

Hoping you have a great day! You are worthy, smart and fantastic! Remember your greatness everyday!

Be brave. Do the right thing when no one is looking. You are special, unique and loved.

Hope you have a wonderful day! You are able to do great things and I'm so proud of all you have done.

You're going to kill it this year! Hope your school year is amazing and you make some awesome friends! Don't be afraid to ask questions or for help, we all need it sometimes :)

You're going to great today!! Tackle the day with greatness!

Hey kiddo!!! No matter what you're dealing with, always are God's child and that means you're protected and loved. Keep your eyes on Him and you'll never fail! Be kind, and pray for who isn't! You are loved. Have the best day! 🥰

I hope you have a wonderful day. Remember you can do anything you put your mind to. Always know you are special, blessed, and loved.

You are capable of doing difficult things. It may take a few tries sometimes, but don't give up! I'm proud of you.

Hi! 👋 I hope you're having a great day and learn something super cool, awesome, fun! Keep up the good work!!!

School is hard, but you CAN do hard things. So smile, keep your head up and keep going! You've got this!

Have a great day! The friends you make now will likely be your friends for life. Make every day YOUR day and remember you have the power to make it a good or bad day. One or 2 setbacks do not control your day

I hope you day is as special and bright as you are! When you smile the world smiles with you and May you be blessed today and always!

Hope you have an amazing day! You're awesome. You're loved. Go do good things!

I hope you have a sparkling sunshine day! You are the best!!

You are special, loved and adored! You are amazing! Have a wonderful day!

Be confident and comfortable with yourself, know that you are appreciated and loved.

A joke just for you: What did the zero say to the eight? "Nice belt!" I hope your day is filled with laughter.

You are strong, capable and easy to love. Make today awesome!

We were all a little scared when we started the school year. It will get better.

Hi there! You're doing great! I hope you have an awesome day at school!

You make someone smile everyday even if you don't know it! You are amazing!!!!

Hey there, I hope you looking forward to a fantastic year! We r praying for you daily and hope that your tummy is well nourished! Blessings!

You are enough ❤️

You are awesome! Make it a great day

I hope you have a whole wonderful day knowing you are loved and worthy of the best life has to offer. You are strong and kind and important.

Even when it's hard, find the strength to believe in yourself! You've got this!

Hello! I just wanted to wish you the best year ever! Remember to be kind and always lend a helping hand. You are going to have so much fun!

You matter! The world is a better place with YOU in it!

Stopping by to tell you that you are amazing. You are kind, caring, and deserving of love. You are meant to be here and do great things!

You got this! Study hard and get good grades so when you grow up you can be anything you want to be. Maybe even President one day! Never let anyone dim your shine!

You are doing a great job! Keep smiling and remember you are loved and important!

You are loved and you are valuable! The world is a better place because of who you are at this very moment and the amazing adult you will grow to be! Be proud of who you are, there is no one like you! Have a great school year!

Hey! I hope you woke up today realizing you make a difference in the world. You are smart, brave, and talented. Never forget, storms never last, just like the hard times you will go through!

You are awesome!! You are worth it!! Have a great day!!!

You are smart You are kind You are LOVED Have a great day today!

Have an awesome day!!

You can be whatever you want. Never let anyone tell you different.

Have an amazing day! You are smart! You are kind! You are brave!

Enjoy your day and always make great strides. Someone is always rooting for you! Have a great day and never forget you're the best

Hi! I hope that you have a great day! You can achieve anything that you put your mind too! Know that you are loved!

have fun today, be safe. someone loves you very much!

Do you know how amazing you are? You are AMAZING! Whatever dreams and goals you have, believe that you can do it! Have the BEST day! Also your smile is the BEST! Smile a lot! 😊


Question: What is a snake's favorite subject? Answer: Hiss Tory

You have the right to stand up for yourself. But pick your battles carefully.

Wishing you a fun school year. Remember to always give your 100% in EVERYTHING you do. You will be rewarded for studying hard. Take time to do something you love each day. Ask questions if you don't understand something. You can't learn tomorrows assignment if you don't understand today's. You are uniquely you. Don't let anyone tell you that you are different. We are all different. Have Fun!

Good morning sweet child. My name is Janet I live in Florida. I hope you have a wonderful time at school an learn lots

You rock! Have a fabulous day.

Guess what?!? You are AMAZING! And smart! And funny! Don't forget that - and have a wonderful day.

YOU ARE DOING GREAT! Be brave! Keep going! I hope you have an amazing day!! ❤️

Hope your having a wonderful day at school today. Remember you are loved very much. God is always with you.

You are smart. You are brave. You are beautiful! Shoot for the stars this school year. ❤

Be proud of who you are everyday - work hard, be honest, and show kindness to those around you, especially yourself!

How do you get a squirrel to like you...Act like a nut! Have a fantastic day and make a new friend by telling them this joke!

You are AWESOME! Work hard in school and be kind always. It's a winning combination that will carry you through life!

YOU ARE: enough and special! Enjoy you and your day!

I know first days back are hard. You've got this! I am proud of you. my advice it to assume that all the people your age, love you. Be strong and brave, and walk up to another student say Hi, tell them you name and smile. The smile is the most important part. You will make friends easily that way. Good Luck this year! I know you will do GREAT!

You are LOVED. Smile and make today great!

Hey kiddo! Have a great day today. You are smart, kind, and important. You can do anything you set your heart to. Be good to others and be good to yourself. Enjoy your lunch!

You are smart! You are strong! You are a gift! You are loved!!

Remember you are the best person to be you there is no one more qualified. You are awesome you are amazing and you are loved. Don't give up the best is yet to come. And it's ok to be you just the way you are

Have a great school year! You are amazing, and always reach for the stars! Never give up!

You're so very loved! Know that there are adults around you that are there for you- lean on your teachers when needed! You've got this!!

Welcome back to school!! I hope you have a great school year and meet lots of new friends.

You can! You are important! You are unique! You are protected! You are intelligent! You are attractive! You are a good person! You are a great contribution to this world! Thank you for never giving up! The future is in your hands! (Thank you)

Hello my friend, I hope you are having a great day at school today! You really are very important to so many people and there are so many people who like you and are happy to see you at school everyday! Enjoy your lunch and the rest of your school day and do something nice for someone, it will make both of you happy! Have a great day sweetie, you deserve it!

Way to be a rockstar!! We are all so proud of you!

Have a wonderful school year. Remember to do your best that's all you can do.

Hi, sweet one! Just a little note to remind you how special you are. Keep being your bright, beautiful & kind self - because the world is so much brighter with you in it being your shiny, sweet self! With love, Arianna

Hi! I hope today you have smiled. If not, I hope this note makes you smile!! You are worthy, you are brilliant, you are love and light...just because. Have an amazing day, on purpose 🤍🌻

Have a great day! You are so important. Don't be afraid to show the world how much you shine! Enjoy your lunch!

Hey there, Superstar! I just wanted to let you know how proud I am of all your hard work at school. Keep shining bright and remember, you can achieve anything you set your mind to! Always believe in yourself because you are amazing! And now, for a little giggle to brighten your day: Why did the math book look sad? Because it had too many problems! Keep smiling and keep being awesome! With lots of love and hugs, Katy

We are lucky that you are in the world.

You are kind ! You are smart ! You are loved ! You've got this !!

Hey cool kid! You are awesome! I hope today brings you joy! :)

"Hey there, Superstar! Remember, you're braver than you believe and smarter than you think. Have an awesome day at school!

Have a great day!!! You are so special and I love you!!!!!!!

Hi honey, I know starting school again can be sometimes scary, just do your best and smile... Everybody knows a smile is friendly

You are a superstar! Never give up! You're going to have a fabulous year! Love Always, Beth

You got this!! Have a "fun"tastic day!!!

You are amazing. This new school year might seem scary but you are a warrior. Be strong and believe in yourself.

You are doing a great job!

You're going through the toughest time of your life right now. It's not fair that we should have to face the toughest times when we are the most vulnerable and hypersensitive to everything, but we do. All of us. The strong, the weak, the good the bad. We all face this fire when our skin is the thinnest. Stay tough. Don't quit.

Dear Hero! You are strong and you are loved! You are on my heart every day! Never give up! Your Friend, Rebecca

Hope you have a great day! You are beautiful, smart, and strong! Be kind to others always!

Hi, Just to let you know, YOU GOT THIS. Get involved in in school or out of school activities. There is always someone to help. Let them know if money is an issue. Always ask for help. Keep your head up. It WILL GET BETTER.

I think this is a awesome thing to be doing!!!

I hope you really enjoy your school year! You've got this! Always be kind! Love you!

You're such an awesome kid! Enjoy lunch and keep smiling the world is brighter because of you !!

Hey!! I hope this note finds you well! I hope you have a wonderful school year!

Hi kiddo!!! It's back to school and sometimes that can be soooo scary! I used to get really, really nervous! But I can tell you, it can be such an amazing time, even if it's a little challenging. I hope you are never afraid to smile. I hope you always stand proud and confident in who you are. Let yourself shine and grow. You are so strong and so capable of doing absolutely anything you set your mind to! Remember that always. 🖤

Smile! Here's to a wonderful start in a new school year! ദ്ദി ( ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ )

You are Special

Hey you! Has anyone told you how amazing you are today? If not, let me remind you that there is nobody as incredible, unique, and talented as you.

Enjoy your meal. Have fun at school today!

It's so much cooler to be different and be yourself, than to be like everyone else. Keep being your authentic self and always be kind to everyone ❤️

Don't ever forget that there is only one YOU and that YOU matter too.

Hey Cutie Pie! I hope this school year is the best one yet! Remember to smile and always do your best. Have a great day, Rock Star!!! ⭐️ Love, Tracy Marie & Brody-G the MiniBoz 🐾❤️

You are super smart and amazing!! All this hard work will pay off!! Have a great day!

You are amazing!!! Keep up the good work this school year!

You are special, you are loved, the world is a better place with you in it

I hope your day is as magical as you are!

Tomorrow won't look like this!

Have a fun & happy rest of your day! ☀️😊☀️

You are so loved and important.

You are going to grow up and do amazing things! Keep going don't give up!

Whats orange and sounds like a parrot? A carrot! Ha Ha! You are doing great! Have a wonderful day!

Hi, My name is Ms. Bray, and I work with high school students in VT. I hope that you have the best year ever! Always believe that you are smart, courageous and have a great future ahead of you! The world is a better place because you're in it!😊

I hope you have a great day! You are awesome!

Remember to share a smile today, I am rooting for you! I am sure you will do wonderful things!!!

Hey, Did you know that you're kind of amazing? And if you've forgotten, then keep pushing forward. If you don't feel like giving it your best today, that's okay, just keep going. Keep people in your circle that bring you joy, that encourage you, and that give you strength. Be those things for someone else when you can. And if you don't feel like you've met people like that yet, you will, just keep on moving forward, one tiny step at a time. YOU are something special. YOU are full of potential. YOU are already shaping the world in incredible ways, even if you don't know it.

Make today an amazing one!

Believe in yourself! You are good and important and the world needs you. Reach for the stars ✨

Hope you have the best day!! Smile!!

You are doing Great ! Have a wonderful day and think happy thought.

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