
How Much Do You Know About Child Hunger?

Take the Hunger Quiz

Many people know that childhood hunger is a problem in America, but how much of a problem is it? Test your knowledge to learn what some of America's most vulnerable children are facing today.

1.) How many children in our country are currently at risk for hunger?

The correct answer is b. 13 million. That means 1 child in 5 is at risk for not having enough to eat. That’s enough children to fill Yankee Stadium more than 220 times, or as many kids as there are people in the state of Pennsylvania — the 5th largest state in the country!

Kids living with hunger tend to do more poorly at school. They have more chronic physical and mental health problems. The kids who might grow up to cure cancer or lead the nation may never live up to their potential, a loss we will all feel.

This is a challenge for all of us, but the good news is that it’s a solvable problem. There’s no shortage of food in our country; we just need help getting it to kids. No Kid Hungry works at the national, state and local level to overcome the roadblocks that lead to hunger, connecting kids with meals through food banks, community groups, schools and more.

2. True or False. Your own community has a childhood hunger problem.

Correct answer is a. True

Childhood hunger in America is in cities, suburbs and rural areas. Hunger is at a crisis level in every state in the country.

Every day that goes by without progress is a day of needless suffering for too many kids. Before the pandemic, No Kid Hungry had helped to reduce childhood hunger by one-third in just 10 years. Our mission is not only to reduce hunger to pre-pandemic levels, but to reach the day when we can declare No Kid Hungry a reality.

3. True or False. Hunger affects kids of all backgrounds equally.

Correct Answer: False

While there are hungry kids in nearly every community, the burden is not shared equally. Communities of color face special challenges, and that leads to a significantly higher proportion of hungry kids. Ending childhood hunger demands that we pay special attention to the hardest hit communities.

4. True or False. Hunger can cause behavioral problems like hyperactivity, anxiety and aggression in school-age children.

Correct Answer: True

Childhood hunger has been linked to many emotional, physical and behavioral challenges. A hungry child is more likely to suffer from asthma, high blood pressure and other chronic conditions. He or she is more likely to be disruptive in the classroom, which can affect academic performance. Growing up hungry can follow you for the rest of your life.

5. Every $10 you donate to No Kid Hungry can help provide up to ___ meals to kids living with hunger.

Correct answer: d. 100

No Kid Hungry works with lawmakers, school superintendents, teachers and community leaders to connect kids with as many as 10 meals for every dollar spent. That means a gift of just $10 can turn into 100 meals for vulnerable children.

Will you donate $10?

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